Will this pregnancy EVER end?
2010-04-15 13:51:35 UTC
I went to the Dr. yesterday and she said I am still 50% effaced. I have had painful contractions in my back the past 2 nights. I wake up, walk around a little, and the contractions and back pain goes away. I spotted blood yesterday after my Dr. examined me (and I think she might have stripped membranes without telling me because I told her how bad I just wanted the baby OUT). I thought it might have been my mucus plug (and part of it might have been unless I had already lost it without knowing it). I'm just really anxious to have the baby because I am miserable. Has anyone ever experienced all of this and NOTHING happen?! I'm just so darn frustrated!!!

I did ask my Dr. to induce me. She said she would induce me at 40 weeks instead of waiting until 41 weeks. My ribs are killing me and my feet and legs are SO swollen. I am a small person, and my legs and feet make me look like I am 10 times my size because of the fluids I am retaining. I am unable to walk for very long because of the pain in my feet :( I am probably going to try drinking castor oil. I told my Dr. that and she said I could try..and that some women say it worked for them.

My due date is actually 2 days late, based on my date of conception. So I will actually be 39 weeks tomorrow.
Thirteen answers:
2010-04-15 14:06:39 UTC
I have been there. This must be your first? With my first I got sciatica, which sucked, and the spasms I got in my lower back were worse than my labor. You are right at that point where almost every pregnant woman asks, "Will this pregnancy ever be over?!!!" While simultaneously pulling her hair out. Here's what you need to know:

1.If you are a first time mom and you induce, your chances of ending up with a c section are 40%. Especially, if you, like me, are small. If I were you I would NOT do this. I did induce and I wish I hadn't. I ended up with a c section too, and while it wasn't so bad, if you can, avoid it.

2. Don't do castor oil. While it is most likely safe, it may not be the best idea. It could cause a very violent reaction. Just walk, and when I say walk, I mean walk a lot! It will help with your swelling and ease your pains, plus it will help that baby come out faster. Remember to bring water with you when you do go for a walk.

3. Have Sex. I know you are probably not in the mood at this point, but the natural prostaglandins in semen help soften the cervix and bring on contractions.

4. Do not try any random concoction of herbs or teas in this quest to induce labor. Most have not been studied and can produce extremely violent reactions.

I know you're desperate, but hang tight. It will all be over sooner than you think!

God bless!
2010-04-15 14:03:13 UTC
Firstly, I'm so sorry that you are feeling so uncomfortable! Rest assured it will end soon--you may think this situation is endless and you'll be miserable forever, but in at most a couple more weeks you'll have a brilliantly beautiful baby and your swelling and discomfort will dissipate. It'll seem like no time.

Do not take Castor oil! This will only cause you to have diarrhea cramps [not contractions] and dehydrate you! Dangerous so close to labor. I'm baffled as to why doctors still suggest drinking that stuff. Just try to spend as much time as you can laying with your feet propped, maybe soak them in an epsom salt bath. This may relieve some of the fluid retention.

Congratulations and good luck!
2010-04-15 14:02:27 UTC
First of all, yes this will end. It always seems like it never will, but it always does!

I went to almost 42 weeks with my first, as I wouldn't allow them to induce me before that. The day before I was going to get acupuncture to help stimulate labor my water broke at home, and I immediately had strong contractions. I ended up having the baby 12 days past my due date. But this won't happen to you since your doctor will induce you at 40 weeks per your request.

Be really careful with the castor oil, as some women respond rather...violently to it (it stimulates labor by causing your bowels to move forcefully- diarrhea). In my first pregnancy the day of the night I went into labor I ate spicy food and a labor salad. My husband and I also had sex. I don't know if it was a combination or what, but my labor started about 1 hour after the sex.

Anyway, good luck and congratulations! You'll be holding that baby in your arms soon!
2010-04-15 14:01:11 UTC
I am 38 weeks tomorrow. I know exactly what you are going through. My feet and ankles are so swollen and the skin on my legs are tight. I have pain in my tail bone and that has been going on for a month. Every time I get up to use the bathroom I pray my water will break. Hang in there. This is my second baby and I feel more miserable this time than the 1st. How easily you forget about the pregnancy once that new baby is here. Good luck!!
Lisa H
2010-04-15 14:05:36 UTC
I walked the floor for 2 days with my first is all part of being pregnant, the uncomfortableness the swollen-ness, I cant see the doctor sweeping without telling you, maybe her examination has disturbed something, and added to the already there pressure of the baby an uterus it has caused you to spot.....I would never take caster oil, this can lead to a fast birth, resulting in you going into shock!

My only advise is sleep and rest with your feet up as much as you can, it can become mundane near the end of your pregnancy, but trust me the rest and relaxation will be worth it when you do actually go into labour!

Why don't you book yourself in for a pedicure, or facial, some beauty parlors do pre birth packages just to make you feel a little better!

good luck x
2016-03-16 04:57:44 UTC
Everyone feels this way in the end. You got a little bit of a reprieve because your first 2 came early. I know plenty of people who went up to their due date and past and the baby was fine. My son was born at 39 weeks 4 days and he is fine. But yes, I know all about feeling like you have been pregnant forever. Honestly, I was depressed because my OB said I would go late, when I finally gave up on having him before the due date and resigned myself to getting induced a few days past, that's when I went into labor. So maybe obsessing over it was some kind of mental blovk for me.
2010-04-15 14:06:00 UTC
I think we all feel like that before the baby comes - if we didn't, we wouldn't want to go through the labor!! Having sex helps initiate labor too - if you're up to it...Also try getting your partner to give you a foot massage. A lot of the nerves in the feet are connected to areas of the body and can stimulate labor if you are close to delivery. Make sure you are getting enough rest and sleep. Keep your feet up as much as possible. Remember; you don't want your baby coming too soon. There's a reason they stay in there as long as they do. Everything in perfect timing. With my sister's 2nd baby, the doc wanted to induce, but something in her told her she shouldn't - even though she was as miserable as you. But, instead of listening to herself, she listened to the doc and got induced. Her son came out a couple of days too early b/c his eye ducts were not fully formed. He had eye and tear problems for the first year of his life b/c of just being induced 2-3 days too early. Good luck and try to focus on that beautiful baby you will see soon instead of anything else (I know it's easier said than done, but in just a little while, you will swear it was all worth it!!)
Erica - }x{R.I.P. Baby Butterfly}x{
2010-04-15 13:58:16 UTC
Maybe you should ask your doctor if she can do it a bit sooner? Mine wont until at least 39 weeks, but every doctor is different. I know you're miserable, we all are towards the very end, but I promise it will come soon enough! Not so sure that I'd recommend castor oil. For one, it's disgusting, lol, and for two, it can be very harsh on your stomach and the baby's. Other then that, given the pain you're in, I can't offer much advice. I wasn't a small girl to begin with, and I didn't have the feet pain, etc... you're experiencing. I still say the contractions are probably BH contractions, and not the real thing, since walking makes them go away, etc... Best of luck, and I promise it'll all be over soon enough!!
Proud Mama of 1! ☮
2010-04-15 13:54:12 UTC
I know it's frustrating but the average pregnancy continues to 41 weeks, 2 days.

Everyone is that uncomfortable at 39 weeks. You just have to grin and bear it for another week until you can be induced.
2010-04-15 13:58:57 UTC
With my first son, I thought Id be pregnant FOREVER...I was 1.5 weeks late before my doctor decided to induce me :(

I tried EVERYTHING under the sun, walked, sex, castor oil, eating spicy stuff....I mean literally I looked up EVERYTHING to get this kid out but nothing worked.

But with this pregnancy (second son) I feel like I wont have to do much to get this kid out. At 25-26 weeks I started dialating. (just a tad bit though) nothing major but Ive been cramping A lot more than with my first kid. And I mean a lot lol.

Good Luck and dont worry your almost finished, you will soon see your baby.
Heather, mommy of 2 under 2!
2010-04-15 13:54:34 UTC
I laughed when I read your question. I think we all feel this way at the very end.

I had my baby on my due date, and I lost my plug a few days before that.

You'll have your sweet baby in your arms soon enough! Good luck with everything!!
2010-04-15 13:58:44 UTC
Awww I wish I could be in your shoes right now♥

Just be happy you will soon have your baby in your arms! Be thankful.

I lost my baby boy this January at 23 weeks =( I was due next month.....

Lots of blessings.
mrs fiaraz
2010-04-15 14:01:12 UTC
i m 40+ weeks now and no dilation nothing at all ,i m sick of all pains and cramps .i m also induced but at 41 week ...everyone said wait until baby is ready to come

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