do u think that they should band abortions?
2006-03-20 13:39:26 UTC
do u think that they should band abortions?
27 answers:
2006-03-20 13:56:06 UTC
If you think it's okay to have an abortion as long as you're not too far might want to know the truth.

If you can handle the truth... go to:

w w w . a b o r t 7 3 . c o m

(No spaces, though)

The rapist argument sounds good on the surface, but the problem is that it is not a good excuse for murder...statistics show that most rape victims - who currently all have the choice to let their rapist's baby live or get killed, CHOOSE to keep the baby...making this argument practically a mute point.
2006-03-21 01:42:08 UTC
Abortion should ALWAYS be available for those that need it. Banning it would do nothing more than give unscrupulous people the opportunity to start backyard clinics whose unsanitary conditions would cause women with no other choice unrepairable damage to their reproductive systems and sometimes even death. Banning abortion would never, ever stop it and what gives anyone the right to force a woman to have a child that she does not want? All that would do is breed a huge population of unwanted, neglected, abused, abandoned and yes, even murdered children, how is that better than abortion? I know, given the choice, I would rather not be born at all than live a short life of torture.
2006-03-20 21:52:48 UTC
I think they should be banned. In serioius cases (rape, incest) there are alternate routes such as adoption! there are many many families wanting babies and can't have them. But since this will never happen, at least have a cut-off on the time limit. If you can feel a baby move inside you, how could you kill it?

for the most part, I wish girls were more knowledged on how abortion works. They actually suck the baby out, piece by piece. Pretty f*d up if you ask me.
2006-03-20 21:47:14 UTC
Abortions are the completely immoral and should not be allowed under ANY circumstance! This includes rape and incest. There is no person alive that can pinpoint the exact moment when life begins, the idea that life starts once the baby is born is completely ridiculous. We are a country of ignorant killers, taking the lives of those who are the most vulernable, ARE OWN CHILDREN!
2006-03-20 21:44:09 UTC
its BAN NOT BAND. See these are the type of people asking this question, funny enough their also the same people that are answering it FOR YOU!! GO vote! and no they should not ban or band abortions. I dont think any woman deserves to have a band at her abortion.
2006-03-20 21:49:36 UTC
I think that they should because if the woman didnt want the baby, theres such a choice as ADOPTION! Every child and person born has a purpose on Earth so why kill something thats living-THATS MURDER! Whether it 2 weeks old or 3 months.. its still life! They free guilty men and women every now and then from prison for doing a crime that they should be killed for.. those babies have no say, did no wrong!!! So why kill them?

And for the person that said its womens rights and a womans choice... let them do it... What about that baby's choice!?? No one thinks about anything else but themselves in situations like this, SELFISH! Rape or not, they can put it up for adoption!
2006-03-20 21:44:03 UTC
I think that late term abortions should be banned, but not during the first 3 months.
2006-03-21 14:39:56 UTC
Abortions after 3 months should be banned. But I believe in prochoice. There are too many unwanted children getting put into foster homes and being abused. Do you want that to happen to your unwanted pregnancy?
2006-03-20 21:53:35 UTC
no i do not, if u were raped by the most vile person u could think of or they had found ur child was severely deformed early on then wouldnt u want the choice? i mean yes it should only be allowed in certain situations...and before the embryo becomes a fetus but i dont think it should be banned all together
2006-03-21 01:03:22 UTC
Yes and No. Yes, for the ones that get it done because they just don't want it. And no for the ones that know that something can happen to them or the baby. How would you feel if you carried a child for 9 months knowing it will not make the delivery?or knowing you are not going to make it?
2006-03-20 21:47:04 UTC
2006-03-20 21:44:12 UTC
NO NO NO But 18-22 weeks Should be the limit (Cut off point) with very special circumstances, IE, Rape hereditary problems evidenced by tests/quality of life. this is the short answer.
2006-03-20 23:48:58 UTC
I think they should ban abortions...have you seen those photos of babies aborted at full term....why did the mothers have to wait that long???
2006-03-20 21:41:53 UTC
Did you mean "band" or "BAN"? And yes, I do think that they should not allow abortions.
2006-03-20 21:46:58 UTC
i believe that they should be banned after the first trimester because it is a child growing inside of you already. before that time, i feel if it is necessary becuase u were raped or can't afford it or for whatever reason, you should terminate your pregancy.
2006-03-20 21:43:29 UTC
Do you mean, "ban"? And the answer to your question, if you DID mean "ban", is,


Would YOU want to be forced to carry your rapists baby?
2006-03-20 22:12:38 UTC
yes they should ban abortions,why kill an innocent child
2006-03-21 16:59:27 UTC
2006-03-20 21:45:03 UTC
Yes i do , because why should you kill a little inosent baby because some gurl can't keep her legs closed!!!!!! I think it's stupid and cruel
2006-03-20 21:40:11 UTC
yeah, I love Kelly Clarkson! She rocks!
2006-03-20 21:46:47 UTC
Definitely YES! My only grandchild was murdered by abortion.....)(
2006-03-20 21:49:44 UTC
no i don't think they should ban is a womens right and a women's choice..let her make it.
2006-03-20 22:36:37 UTC
no they should not band abortions.
2006-03-20 21:46:54 UTC
2006-03-20 21:50:47 UTC
abortions are plain murder!
2006-03-21 03:50:04 UTC
2006-03-20 21:46:09 UTC
no they should not

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