Rita is a jazz singer
2009-01-18 21:40:26 UTC
Well, I gave birth to a beautiful baby boy last December 2007.
And now, I am 4 months pregnant with another baby, and I am due on June this year.
I am having problems with my depression, because I don't know if this is triggered by my pregnancy, or if I really have issues.
I really think it's my hormonal imbalance because it only happens every now and then, but when it happens, I just phase out and anyone I communicate with, I usually end up fighting.
I really don't have any problems with my boyfriend, and I think I have a good life. But when my depression kicks in, I just want to walk and let the ground open up and take me alive. It's not a nice thing to hear from a pregnant woman, but when this episode takes place, all I can think of are negative things, even if I CONSCIOUSLY know that I am trying to fight it by thinking of positive things.
My friend, who also has something like this depression is taking medications and she is suggesting that I should have some prescribed too. I personally do not want to go that far because first of all I am pregnant, and I am scared I might get addicted to them meds.
I really need some advice from moms who experience this, or who can show me sites where people can support me and keep me positive.
I also have mild suicidal tendencies, I used to hurt myself when I was younger.
Just to explain further, I also tend to escalate small problems, and my boyfriend gets really disappointed when that happens. I know fighting every now and then strengthens the relationship, but I don't want my boyfriend to feel so stressed because of me.
He already feels much stress at work and I don't want to add up to the burden. I know deep inside that he won't leave me because he loves us very much, and I do the same too. I'm just scared he might get very mad and leave me. I really don't know what to do without him.
Sometimes I just want to feel needed, but I know my boyfriend needs my help too.
Can someone please help me out? I'm really getting tired of writing all my problems in a notebook, my notebook doesn't reply you know. No diary does.
Sometimes I just stare at nothing for long periods of time and I know that scares my boyfriend a lot.
I can't consult a psychiatrist (I wouldn't be posting this if I were seeing one) because I don't have enough money because my parents are still supporting me (I am still studying, 3rd year in a 5-year Music degree in a good University).
I have had a good life, good foster parents, and I know the problem is me. I don't want my kids to have a problematic psychotic mom. I just want to be normal like everyone else.
By the way, I see things differently. The last time I took an enneagram test, my results were of an Artist, and I tend to keep all my problems to myself, I think of many random things all at the same time, and I also have this gut feeling that no one understands me.
Please please please, someone out there help me out.
I really need everyone's help here.
I think I'm going crazy or something.
Truthfully, I wouldn't be able to take any rude comments from anyone. I just need some good, friendly advice.
Has any pregnant woman gone to the asylum because of fluctuating hormonal levels? Sigh...
Thank you to everyone who'd care to answer.