No,not everyone suffers morning sickness. I've had six, and didn't suffer a single moment. It used to drive my coworkers at the hospital green jealous. I did eventually suffer from gastric reflux, though, as the babies grew larger. One kick and up came everything, without warning. Afterwards, I felt like a dragon and suffered horrendous hearturn. I had Mylanta bottles stashed everywhere, just in case.
Morning sickness is related to the changes in hormone levels, and how quickly they surge and you recover. Usually you don't start having a problem until you are about 8 weeks, and for some that is never more than a nauseous feeling. It just depends on your body. Some get violently ill, and require hospitalization, some are ill until around 20 weeks, and some through the entire pregnancy. You can't even use other women in your family as a guide. My mother had mild sickness, I had none, and my sister threw up the entire nine months. My grandmother had 14, and she said she was ill with some and not at all with the others. It is different for each woman, and can be different with each pregnancy.
If you don't suffer, count yourself lucky. I never had the morning sickness, but the reflux made up for it. Just take care of yourself otherwise, and take it as it comes. And sleep while you can, because the day is coming you sure won't be able to do it very easily. Good luck, and healthy baby!