*basketball~is~ life*
2009-12-05 20:30:05 UTC
if your goin to judge me then carry on...i know i have made a mistake and i dont need you to remind me beause im pretty sure im goin to be reminded for the rest of my life.
So i am 13...and pregnant.
u dont know what its like to have no friends at a new schooll.....i thought the coolest guy in school was in love with me....all of a sudden i had tons of friends and everyone new my name....i was invited to all the parties...espicially one were he had to talk to me privately in his freinds bedroom (HE CLAIMED THE ONLY QUIET PLACE IN THE HOUSE) **( his friend had told me that he was going to give me my first kiss and tell me he loved me....so i didn't think twice aout going in there with him cause thatts what i wanted) so we went in and he did exactly that...but then he started touching my chest and but and i thought o well hes a guy ya no no biggee.....i was wrong....he wanted more...i agreed to get naked just to show our love for eeachother and nothing more......well i guess he had panned more than that....because we started kissing and then so on and so forth...
Please dont judge me this night has been haunting me for the last month and a half...then i got an unexpected surprise.....missed my "." so i got a test from the drug store and u guessed it...prego....i went to the clinic and they said it was true...
so i have human babyb inside me and im still a little kid...
so i need help of course...
anybody that has gone through the same thing i really need ur help.....
How do i tell my mom and dad??
sohuld i tell the "daddy"
and any other advice please?
and to end it on a soft note....
how bout sophia for a baby girl..
and Aaden for a baby boy..
i already love my baby even though i know the consequences for my self and he/she.....im not proud of what i have done....but im not going to hang my head or let others defeat me...im going to stand strong for me and my baby............thanks :)