While you're in labor conserve your energy. Sleep if you can, relax and drink plenty of water, and eat high-quality non-constipating foods like fruits, veggies, whole-grains, yougurt, etc. (No othe dairy or meat.)
If your water breaks, don't put anything in your vagina, and when you go to the bathroom, clean yourself up very carefully.
Take 250 mg vitamin C every 3 hours to keep your immune system up.
Drink lots of liquids, water, juice, etc. No caffeine!
Loosen up (and get rid of some tension) by doing some mild exercises and stretching.
During contractions, move your pelvis rhythmically either rocking to and fro, side to side, or in slow circles.
Going for a walk can also be beneficial. Walking sometimes shortens labor and increases efficiency of labor contractions.
Squat during contractions to help widen your pelvis.
If your water hasn't broken, try making love. Take a warm bath.
Get a pregnancy massage or have your partner give you a massage.
Do this facial massage to help relieve tension:
Using the fingertips of both hands, stroke your forehead from the midpoint toward the temple as if you were drawing four rows between your brow and your hairline.
Eyebrow ridge:
With both hands poised above the bridge of your nose, inhale deeply. Pinch your eyebrow ridge as you exhale. Inhale and move your fingers to a new position along the ridge. Exhale as you pinch, and so on.
Nose and cheekbones:
Using both hands, draw your middle and index fingers down either side of your nose, pausing where cheekbone meets nostril. Inhale and press your fingers toward the back of your head. Continue tracing underneath your cheekbones until you reach your temples.
Make small circles with your fingertips from the temple down along the jawbone until you reach the tip of your chin.
With your hands in a loose fist, use the flat part of your fingers to make soft circles in the fleshy part of your cheeks
Pinch the edge of your ears from the top ridge down to the lobe and back, gently pulling as you do so.
With fingers flat, push up from the corner of your jawbone to your temples. Continue up and over your ears and down along the underside of your jawbone, finishing under the tip of your chin. Then massage your whole head with your fingertips as if you were shampooing you hair.
Spend some time cuddling with your partner. It might be the last time for a while, haha.
Distract yourself from the discomforts. Bake some bread, play monopoly (or uno, or any other game), paint your nails, surf baby websites (like babycenter.com), read a magazine, put together a puzzle,
Rest, relax, and have your husband help you fix anything up in the house so everything is ready.
Catch up with your friends and family and find out what's going on in other people's lives.
Listen to your favorite music.
Get a facial, get a manicure/pedicure, take a warm bath, take a nap, go shopping, put up your feet and read a good book or watch a good movie, go out to lunch or dinner with your husband or a good friend, have a small get-together witih some friends, etc.
Enjoy the last days of your pregnancy and your baby's movements.
Have a foot-soak.
Have a foot-soak. Fill a large bowl with warm water and epsom salts, baking soda, vinegar, milk, or other ingredients. (Don't mix the baking soda and vinegar though, haha.) essential oils are also good if you have them. Soak your feet for 10 minutes and relax.
If your feet ache, place a water bottle in the freezer. Once it's frozen put the bottle on the floor and roll your foot back and forth over the bottle.
Do a body scrub (mix olive oil and sugar into a paste) and rinse off leaving some of the oil on. Then put on some rich lotion to combat dry pregnancy and post-partum skin.
Get your hair trimmed. Avoid drastic changes, just get a trim and deep-conditioning.
Just do whatever makes you feel good. It will help you get through labor easier. Good luck!