My neice is estimated to be about 4 weeks pregnant and yesterday she was spotting (pink at first and then brownish) and still some spotting today. She had some mild cramping (milder than normal period cramps). She went for an ultrasound to make sure everything was ok. The doctor told her that there was no heartbeat and that if the baby didn't miscarry on it's own in two weeks, they would do a D&C. I don 't think they did a blood test today to measure the levels. Looking around on the net, everything says that the fetal heartbeat doesnt' begin until 5 1/2 to 6 1/2 weeks and that until then, and sometimes later, it is very unlikely to see a heartbeat or fetal pole, so I don't understand how they can send this poor girl home with no hope, thinking her baby is gone for sure!? I asked her if they were going to do bloodtest or repeat ultrasound before D&C to make sure and she was told no, that they wouldn't have to because it would be too small. Anyone with any experience/advice? Thank