just found out im pregnant. i need help..!!?
2008-05-17 05:20:32 UTC
april 18th was my last period. i should have started my period for this month yesterday and i didnt. so i took a test and it said "pregnant". im 17 years old and so is my boyfriend. im not here to get negative opinions about this. but some info on anything would be nice. when should i start going to the doctors? how should we tell our parents? im just scared.
27 answers:
2008-05-17 05:41:04 UTC
Hey, well if anybody does give you negative comments just ignore them, you get a lot of small minded, cruel people with nothing better to do than cast judgement on people coming on here sometimes, and if any of them stumble upon this post then just don't listen!

Firstly, yes go to the doctors first and foremost. He may give you a blood test just to confirm things, but he'll be able to give you a clear idea of what to expect during your pregnancy (assuming you are continuing it?) and answer any questions you have, and will refer you to a midwife. You probably won't see her for a while but at least you'll have someone to call if you're in trouble etc. I don't know what it's like where you are but in my hospital they had lots of different antenatal clinics within one hospital, one of which was the teenage pregnancy clinic (I was 19 and a patient of this) - and if they have the same when you are then they'll talk to you about all the different issues you'll face as a teenage mum etc. and if you want to talk to them about telling your parents they'll help you.

As for your parents - there is no easy way to do it unfortunately - and it'll depend on what they are like - but in most cases of parents of teenagers in this situation, they tend to get upset/angry at first, and then a bit of time will pass and they'll suddenly realise they have a new family member on the way, support you and eventually be happy and excited. My parents were just like that - went crazy at me at first, but before long they were right behind me, and now they love their grandson more than life itself. It might be a rough ride just for the first few hours or days, but it won't be as bad as you expect I can almost guarantee.

Try not to be scared. It is a strange experience I know but, if you decide to go on with it, pregnancy is just the best thing that will ever happen to you - since being pregnant and now a mother I have changed so much for the better and I'm the happiest I've ever been, even though it was the last thing I had expected and my babies dad didn't even stick around to support him so I'm on my own - there are two of you and I bet you will make just fantastic parents.

Please email me if you want to talk any more :-) X
2016-05-25 03:14:14 UTC
Adoption is a very viable option. If you are not ready to be a parent, this is a way for you to carry the baby to term, and then have your life back. 43k will definitely take care of a baby, but your lifestyle will have to change. Your focus will now have to be on the new child you are bringing into the world, and on being a parent rather than a 24 year old party girl. If you cannot make that leap into total parent mode and actually be HAPPY that this is your new life, then do not keep the baby. A child deserves to come into the world wanted and loved. Children need parents that can focus on them first and never put their needs ahead of the child. Many times a pregnant mother will make decisions based on avoidance of negative emotions. What I mean is that an unplanned pregnant mother will keep the baby rather than face the strong emotions of giving it up for adoption, or get an abortion. A strong woman will look at where she wants to go and if a baby will stop or hinder her plans, she can make that hard decision and know that even though it may be hard and that she will have some emotional moments, she can say yes to something rather than have her life turned upside down because she cannot live with her decisions. People will make comments, tell you that you should keep the baby... all kinds of things. But, it is ultimately your choice, and only YOU can decide what your future will be like by the decisions you make now. You can choose something other than becoming a mother... and it will be OK. Many others have made that decision, and they are OK now. Yes, it is difficult to make that type of decision, but if a baby will interrupt your life too much, you DO have those options if you are strong enough to choose one of them.
2008-05-17 08:03:01 UTC
Hi I you can start to see the doctor/midwife anytime after you have missed your period or done a test, I did about 3 home test and then went a took a urine sample into the doctors and ask the woman at the counter if she could do a test and then I rang back the next dayand it was positive and then I booked an appointment with the midwife. But I think if you know you are prengnat after a home test you dont need to take a sample in I just wanted to make sure again lol

Dont be scared about telling you parents as there is no way to avoid it and they will probably be over the moon,just tell them that you are pregnant etc, your mum will probably help you with sorting out your appointments and stuff. If they dont seem happy at first then dont listen as long as your boyfriend and you are happy then thats all that matters, a baby is a wonderful thing.

Everyone is scared, I was I am 21 and wasnt scard of telling my mum and dad as my dad was the one who wanted me to have children my mum said well if you want to have a baby then have one. Me and my husband have been together for 8 years but that didnt make a difference as my brother and his gf got pregnant when they had only been seeing each other for few months, they were over the moon about that as well.

I was more nervous about telling my husbands adopted dad etc as they are all wait till your older etc a bit on the old fashion side but there is nothing they can say or do as its our lives, but they are pretty much happy.

These things happen for a reason, and its your baby and its wonderful.

I know my brothers girlfriend didnt tell her family till she was 12 weeks and got the scan picture, we knew because she lived with us but her mum and dad didnt, she was crafty as she took the photos of my nephew of the 12 weeks scan to her mum and dad and I suppose this made it easier for them seeing there grandchild. But its not always easy to hide you are pregnant when you are feeling so sick and tired all the time lol

Just tell them and stand up for yourself if anything negative is said, its not the end of the world for you.

Congratulations !
2008-05-17 06:46:38 UTC
Hello, i know it sounds silly but dont be frightened!! These things have a habit of working themselves out. First off if you're planning on keeping the baby then you need to start taking folic acid (makes healthy spinal cord). I think before you go to the doctor you should tell your mum. Unfortunately there really is no easy way of doing this but i would suggest face to face get her to sit down and tell her straight. Even if she is upset at first she is your mum and she loves you and she will want to help you. If she doesnt have the same views as you just remember that any decision is between you and your boyfriend.

If you really cant handle face to face you could call, or leave a letter explaining and asking your parents to call you to talk about it.

If you are keeping the baby then you need to see the midwife to get booked in as you have to decide where to give birth early on and they need to book you in for scans and things. If you choose not to go through with it before 8 weeks you need to have booked yourself in. It sounds to me like you have chosen to keep the baby though which is great and a decision you would never regret!! :-)

I was 19 when i fell pregnant with my son and it was a very daunting time but once my parents got their heads around it they helped me so much and were so supportive. I unfortunately split from the father when i was pregnant so although he was there in the hospital when i had my son, it was my mum that was in there with me (induction labour and then a c-section). I dont know what i would have done without her!

If your parents react badly to begin with then dont worry they WILL calm down, and no matter what they say, once the baby is here everyone will be happy and you will wonder what all the fuss was about!

Good luck i hope it goes ok for you!
Hannah A
2008-05-17 05:31:39 UTC
Ok hun try and stay calm. First thing to do is go and see your doctor and get her to confirm it. She will also be able to offer you advice and support as to all your options. You are very young and you dont say how long or how good your relationship is with yoru boyfriend. I found out when i was 20 that i was pregnant with my fiance and i was scared then so its perfectly natural to be aprehensive. As for the parents there is no easy way to do it so i would just suggest sitting down rationally with perhaps your mum first on her own to get her support before you tell anyone else. Good luck.

Ps when i became pregnant my last period was also the 18th of April!!! and i had my little boy on 14th Jan but he was due on the 20th.
2008-05-18 05:43:48 UTC
Just know that you are not alone! I know that this probably seems like the scariest and worst thing but trust me its not! I got pregnant when I was only 16 and my daughter was born right after my 17th b-day. Me and my dad were not very close and he was known to have a bit of a bad temper so I told my mom first. She was upset, but after only a few days she was out buying baby stuff! She ended up telling my dad for me and he was pissed (naturally) but got over it quickly as well. I was still in high school and I had my daughter and was still able to graduate on time and I had a part time job. Being a parent is one of the toughest things you can do, but it is worth it and you will fall in love with that baby like you never thought you could! My daughter is now 12 years old,( I am 29) and I have 3 other children. Good Luck to you!
2008-05-17 05:49:02 UTC
You'll want to go to the doctors as early as possible to get the pregnancy confirmed and get booked in with the midwife, that way you can start your care as early as possible.

Telling your parents is a tricky one depending on how you think they'll react. I'd tell yours first and then his. Sit them down with no other family around and simply tell them the truth and that you 'll need their support and understanding throughout your pregnancy. There will never be a good time or right time to tell them as it's so easy to find excuses not to, just be brave.

There is so much people could tell you about what's to come in the upcoming months, what i'd really recommned is joining a parenting site like Bounty, Mumsnet or Babycentre, that way you can get all the advice and information you need as well as chat to other mums at the same stage at you, in similar circumstances etc...

It's fine to be scared, becoming a parent is a huge deal but i'm sure you'll be just fine. Good luck.x
2008-05-17 06:17:08 UTC
I'm 17 also and theres a small chance I could be pregnant. My bf's 20 almost 21. I can't imagine how hard it is for you knowing that your pregnant. I'm having trouble with deciding what would happen if i did have a baby. All i can say is that I really admire you, your acting very responsible, i know its scary, but you have to tell your parents. However at the end of the day it's your LIFE and they have to let you live it. Hope with all my heart everything works out well for you!
2008-05-17 05:36:12 UTC
I am 19 years old and 29 weeks pregnant...and i kno exactly what your going through...its very scary at first but i promise its all worth it and it gets better!...but you should deff call the doctor asap so you can set up an app i had to go to my first app at 8 weeks...early pregnancy care is very important...and seriously the telling the parents thing just come out and tell them...there is no easy way to tell them...and believe me you will feel soo much better once you do! I actually told my Grandmother first because i am really close to her and then she helped me tell everyone else so maybe if you have a close aunt or someone that can help...and if you want to go to college or whatever you plan on doing just explain to your parents that your going to still follow all your dreams..and do what you want to do in life...ok well Good Luck and Congrats!!!
2008-05-17 06:15:45 UTC
Your parents will be shocked at first, but they're your parents, they'll love you regardless. Get things straight in your head first of all, so that you can go to them with a clear mind. If they see you taking on and dealing with your responsibilities they may not see it as the end of the world. The sooner you tell them the better, they'll have more time to adjust to the idea of becoming grandparents. My sister was 17 when she got pregnant, and my mum was shocked, but very very supportive.

Good luck!
2008-05-17 05:30:46 UTC
first take some time alone- away from your boyfriend to decide if you can carry on with the pregnancy, its a difficult issue but seriously think about quality of life for the both of you, and your support network, would it work? would having a termination stay on your mind to a level where it controlled your life for good?, think about your gut feeling- you will have one, but it may not be so prominant at the moment as your probably filled with confusion and many other feelings- this is why you need some time alone so you can calm down and focus on how you feel deep down rahter then a knee jerk reaction you may regret.

When you are ready, speak to people around you, see how they feel, then again, take some time alone to think things through with the new information.

If your really not sure and its really confusing still, you can speak to a councellor.

If your in the UK, get intouch either with your doctor or your local councelling service via your school, doctor, or connexions branch, they can help and advise you further.

Good luck whatever you decide, it is a life changeing decision and you need to respect that it will take some time to think through and prepare your mind with.
2008-05-17 05:29:15 UTC
You can start going to the doctor as soon as you like, they will be able to give you advice on what to avoid and things like that. If your parents are together then I would probably say you would feel more comfortable to tell your mum first and perhaps she can tell your dad. You should tell them within a few weeks so that they can give you advice and support too. As much as you might be expecting them to get angry and kick your butt, they probably wont. I found out I was pregnant when I was almost 20 and was expecting bad reactions that never happened. Good luck and take care
2008-05-17 11:45:14 UTC
Hi, first off you need to let your parents know. They may seem upset at first but they will come round. Also you are so early in your pregnancy. Once you have told your parents ring your doctors straight away. They will make an appointment for you to see your midwife. The earlier the appointment the better. Dont stress about it, stressing isnt good. I wish you all the best and welcome you into the world of pregnancy.

Good Luck Hun
2008-05-17 05:38:07 UTC
it is very tough but you can do it. i was 20 when i had my son and i still think i was too young. you should tell your parents now and get all that delt with so you can have your mum there to help you with all of this. Its one of the best journeys you will ever go on but it is hard. you should go to the doctors now so you can get a blood test to say that your are pregnant cause the midwives at the hospital dont go by the pregnancy test. and ask your doctor where to go from there because it depends on where you are from. But good luck!
Ann B
2008-05-17 05:27:53 UTC
The first thing you should do is go out to a drug store or walmart or somewhere like that and buy prenatal vitamins. The generic store brand are just fine. Then do you have insurance? See if you can find out what Obstetrician is covered by your insurance and make an appt. My ob got me in for my first appt at 6 weeks.

As for telling your parents. I dont know how they are and how they react to things so Im not sure the best way to tell them. The sooner the better though so that they can help you through this process. You never know they may be really supportive! If you know they will be really angry or upset find an adult you trust (an aunt, teacher, etc) that you can tell first and have come with you to tell them.

Good luck. You can make it through this!
Caitie Lynn .♥//
2008-05-17 05:31:30 UTC
Im 17 and have a year and a half old daughter, So I guess you could say im there with you, Ive went through it. Im hoping since you said no negitive that abortion isnt an option because I would love that :) Lol But an obgyn usually doesnt take anyone till they are atleast 11 weeks but you should look around for an ob and call to set everything up. With your parents, If they are understanding people, Just show them the test, They cant say much, They are going to be dissapointed and say things you arnt going to want to hear but thats the thing you have to deal with..

I hope you keep your baby! I hope the best for you!
2008-05-17 05:26:41 UTC
i was 17 wen i got pregnant, i no how u feel, wen that first pregnancy test comes up positive its soooooooooo scary, i had 2 take 7 to make sure i was actually pregnant, first of all decide wot YOU want 2do, dont tell any1 untill u have decided, if u want an abortion (which i really hope u dont coz u will regret it) then tell ur boyfriend, he can go with u, if ur going to keep the baby, make an appointment at the doctors, take ur boyfriend with u, they dont even do a pregnancy test there now, they take ur word 4it, then once u have told the dr, tell ur parents, my mum allredy knew, i went 2 tell her and she sed i know wot ur guna say, i was really scared about everything but trust me its going to be fine :) x
2008-05-17 05:29:44 UTC
Well you aren't a child but not the ideal age to have kids, but hey things happen and people deal with them! First off you should really tell you parents and have your bf tell his, they will be upset of course but they will get over that and be there to help you that's what parents do! Its ideal to start going to the doctor as soon as you find out you're pregnant, that way you get the best care possible for you and your child. Good luck to you and it wont be "easy" but I bet you can do it, once you see that baby you will fall in love like never before!
2008-05-17 05:27:11 UTC
I think you should go to the doctors around 8 weeks, so go on, put in your last, not missed period and it will tell you how far along you are approximatly. Most doctors won't see you until 8 weeks anyway. After a visit with your doctor and your first ultrasound, tell your parents. It will be hard but sit them down and tell them that you didn't plan it, and that there's nothing they can do to turn back time. They will be upset at first but they get over it. Good luck! :) & Congrats.
2008-05-17 05:40:46 UTC
hello call monday morning to get in as you need vitamins to help and just don't be scared to tell you parents as i would tell them i need to talk to you and tell them that you made a choose that was not the best and well you are now pregnant and want them to support you thru this as you need to go to the doctor you should be able to sign up for medicaid for insurance and then sign up for WIC that will help with formula so just tell them the sooner the better as they will be shocked but will be ok my friends daughter just told her she was pregnant last month well they was fine with it and are helping and her boyfriend is paying the insurance co-pays and things and she is 15 and he is 17
nicole d
2008-05-17 05:38:49 UTC
OK first off i no you are scared!!! and you have a reason to be, but you have to realize that you brought it on your self and that you have to be the one that makes it right!!!

yes, i no its hard to raise a child at a young age but it is a wonder full feeling knowing that you brought another life into this world!! trust me you will be fine.

and don't worry about your parents, they will be there to support you, your child and boyfriend because they love you!!

.................................................. I'm 15 and i have a child on the way and i also raised my now 1 year old niece since she was born because my sister wasn't going to be responsible and take care of her.

i love her to death even though i pretty much have no life now, but that all goes away wen i look at her beautiful little smile!...............

you will make it i promise
New Mommy
2008-05-17 05:46:18 UTC
As far as telling your parents, there is not going to be an easy way, you will just have to sit them down and tell them that you are expecting a baby. They will be shocked and angry, but will more than likely support you in the end.

You need to call your doctor right away to set up an appointment, they will be able to monitor you and let you know how far along you are.

You should get on prenatal vitamins right away, you can buy them over the counter at a drugstore or Wal-Mart and a little extra folic acid is a good idea too (also available at the drugstore).

Try to get as much rest as you can, as early pregnancy is tiring.

Then you and your boyfriend need to begin making plans as to what you are going to do. Are you going to marry & keep the baby, are you going to stay unmarried and keep the baby, are you going to give the baby up for adoption. Are you going to try to go on to college or not.

You have lots on your plate to deal with right now, but you need to know that raising a baby is hard work and a thankless job. Ideally it is great to have a wonderful baby who relies on you for everything, but it is draining some days. My husband and I were married for 4 1/2 years before we had our son and it is a huge adjustment. I can only imagine that it will be more difficult for you.

You will need to prepare yourself for losing friends and not being able to go out. You will have to put your baby first and stay home with him/her.

You may want to consider signing up for parenting classes, check with your local non-profit agencies to see what they offer. If you are going to bottle feed, sign up with all of the formula companies (Enfamil, Nestle and others) for free samples and coupons. Sign up with diaper companies for coupons. You may even need to sign up with WIC (this will be later on, once you have had the baby).

I am not telling you all of this to scare you, I just think you need to know the road that you have chosen. You will be a mother for the rest of your life and this cannot be undone. With all of that being said, I wish you all of the best.
2008-05-17 05:37:51 UTC
There is a lot worse that could happen than you getting pregnant. Hopefully your parents will realise that! Take responsibility, show them that your being sensible and hopefully they'll be ok about it.
2008-05-17 05:25:43 UTC
My daugher did the same as you, I was thrilled. Talk to your mom she will help you, she loves you. You dont need the doctor yet, you need your mom.
nic nac
2008-05-17 05:27:01 UTC
This site may help you.
Invisible Pink RN
2008-05-17 05:25:58 UTC
In the realm of trying to stay positive here, you werent scared when you got yourself pregnant, so no need to be scared now, you were woman enough to lie down, time to grow-up and be woman enough to tell the parentals.
2008-05-17 05:27:35 UTC
to late for help

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.