37 weeks pregnant, bloody discharge, 2-3cm dilated...please help?
2009-05-28 22:17:51 UTC
I am 37 weeks and 2 days pregnant. I had a doctors visit today and he cheacked to see if i was dilating.. he said i was between 2 and 3 cm and next time he wants to strip my membranes...what goes that mean? what is the purpose? and wat are the risks?
I also had a bloody discharge after the visit for a few hours and is now gone.. but im worried, what could this be or mean? ive also had mild contraction sporatically since the visit..
Ten answers:
2009-05-28 22:23:44 UTC
Stripping your membranes is a form of being induced. It will help you dialate more and possibly start contractions. What happens when he does that is it separates the amniotic sac from the uterus, and could possibly cause you to go into labor shortly after. Have you had an complications with your pregnancy? When is your next visit? Do you want to be induced?
2009-06-01 19:59:35 UTC
I would tell him no way absolutely. Doctors have a way of acting like they are god and don't have to explain anything or give you answers to questions. I switched doctors when I was seven months pregnant with my youngest because i did not like the care i was getting; we did not seem to be on the same page.

You will have to be very clear in what you do and don't want. If you do not want him to do it, tell him no. If you are dilating and having bloody show you may be going to have labor soon but as you are so close to 38 wks you are practically considered term. There is no reason for your dr to strip your membranes. It is uncomfortable, even painful I have heard, and has the potential to introduce bacteria into the area, which you don;t want.

Good luck and stand your ground.
Cindy D
2009-05-28 22:24:15 UTC
The blood is normal after an exam at this point in the pregnancy. I'm not sure what stripping the membranes actually means, but it often brings on labor, and you're wanting that, right?

2-3 centimeters is good. You'll be at 10 to deliver, but you don't have to be at 10 to go into labor.

The contractions are good. Hopefully you won't be waiting much longer! Have you got everything packed, including camera, cell phone, chargers, and phone list?
2009-05-28 22:25:15 UTC
Stripping your membranes is what it sounds like. they just take a tool and strip the membranes from the uterus. They do this because it usually gets labor going because it starts to produce the hormones needed. And about the bleeding and discomfort it was probably just because he checked for dilation and was down there disturbing. It is just like when you have a pap smear and you have slight bleeding and cramping.
2009-05-28 22:27:54 UTC
depending on the amount of bloody discharge that could have been "show" you may very well be in labor. I haven't heard of stripping membranes. so i can't be much help there. i've had 2 babies and within about 24 hours of having bloody discharge i was in labor.

good luck :-D
Melissa S
2009-05-28 22:24:34 UTC
He may have just irritated your uterus or you might have had your bloody show and early labor might be on the way. Get some rest just in case.

Stripping your membranes is where they stick their finger to your cervix and run it around the rim to get things going a bit.
2009-05-28 22:23:10 UTC
its possible his examination was enough irritation to get you started in early labor. youve actually already been in early labor if you are 2 or 3 cm dilated. stripping membranes really hurts and doesn't always work so i would hesitate on that one. here is a forum with mommies all in their 3rd trimester maybe you can ask them their opinion or go to the newborn board and see if the new moms think you are in labor:
2016-09-11 09:53:55 UTC
Could be early hard work. Also the pinkish discharge would be small bits of what is left of the mucus plug, now not certain despite the fact that. Sometimes hard work begins inside every week of wasting te mucus plug, so you would be correct on agenda. I might definately name your health care provider despite the fact that, this being your first little one you do not precisely understand what to assume, and your health care provider will probably be joyful to support. Also a few medical professionals relying to your drawback do not desire you to supply earlier than 39 weeks, and (s)he would possibly desire to position you on mattress leisure. It by no means hurts to name and ask for support!
Kathy S
2009-05-28 22:24:09 UTC
That is the mucus plug it means labor is near and my strip membranes they are going to separate the sac of water from the walls that is normal they done it to me but i say you will be in labor in the next week. good luck
2016-09-11 14:47:28 UTC
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