Yesterday I posted on yahoo with my results to my pregnancy test and it was a BFP and today I go to the E.R. cos I had light cramping and pink/red blood and I was just worried so they test my urine and my blood and 3 hours later I get the results NEGATIVE, THE dOCTOR THERE AT THE e.r. SAYS TO ME SORRY BUT YOU ARE NOT PREGNANT YOUR TEST WAS FALSE YOUR BLOOD TEST WAS 0 SO YOU ARE NOT PREGNANT i TOLD HER i WAS DUE FOR MY PERIOD THE 8TH AND TOOK THE AT HOME PREGNANCY TEST CLEAR BLUE AND TESTED WITH MY FIRST URINE IN THE MORNING AND SHE said sorry nope you are not pregnant and said it might have been my period or I might have miscarried or never ovulated I know when I ovulate I chart, duh, man was I ever pissed and I found her really rude.. she GAVE ME BACK MY HOSPITAL CARD AND LEFT THE ROOM.
I am so sad and really don't know what to feel right about now, half my family knows and everyone on my facebook knows as well, I went on some msg boards and looked it up and I hear from a lot of ladies that they got positive pregnancy test but negative blood test and that they were indeed pregnant.
So my question is.....Does any one have any stories for me or could maybe shed some light on my situation? Im so bummed out right now.
Sorry for the caps...
Jenny oxox!