Worst part of giving birth?
2007-09-08 10:11:34 UTC
Hi, i am 15 years old and 38 weeks pregnant with my first baby.

I no longer live with my parents - they kicked me out when they found out that I was pregnant. I now live in a youth hostel, and I do not have many people I can talk to about things.

For those of you that have been through it, could you maybe take some time to answer my questions?

What is the worst part of giving birth?
On a scale of 1 to 10, how high would you rate the pain?
What does it feel like as the baby is coming out?

Thank you
63 answers:
2007-09-08 10:20:29 UTC
I know you might not want to hear this from a man, but, I want to say I am proud that you are giving this baby a chance at life, too many young ladies in your situation, especially without their parents support, would have taken the easy way out and aborted this child. I obviously can't advise you on pain in childbirth,even tho my wife and I had three and it didn't bother me at all. LOL Don't worry about it, just take the epidural and follow their directions and you will be OK, This has been going on ever since Adam and Eve and I'm sure you will make it just fine. I'll shut up and let the women with experience have the floor. Good luck.......########
2007-09-08 10:43:44 UTC
I'm sorry your parents were so lousy. 15, so young! Good luck to you. Hopefully you'll find some good supportive people to surround yourself with soon. (Sleep lots now!)

One of my friends had her 3rd child in under an hour with no drugs and said it "wasn't bad at all". My other friend said "thank god for epidurals! I couldn't feel a thing". Another friend swam half a mile every day right up until 2 days before she delivered her baby, and she said she pushed 4 times and out popped her baby with a wet woosh, a feeling of "pressure", and a stretchy feeling that "didn't hurt"- and she was 42!. Everyone is different, but I think you'll be ok. You have the internet, so look up some exercises you can do now to strengthen yourself up for labor. That will make it easier. I recommend water aerobics or some sort of water exercise since floating makes you "weightless" and it feels so good to take the weight off your feet- especially if you can find warmer water (a tub works too)

You're at a youth hostel. What country are you from? Nationalized medicine? I'm willing to bet your community has some programs to help young mothers. Motherhood can be a real blessing, so don't let it scare you. Enjoy it and cherish all the crazy feelings that you'll be experiencing in the next few months. You're not alone.

Just think- 266 women give birthevery minute in the world! Isn't that amazing?
2007-09-08 10:29:14 UTC
The worst part is the labor! It feels like your worst ever cramps multiplied, but focusing on the baby to come rather than the pain can help you to tolerate it better. If pain meds are offered, then you will have relief from the contractions.

Your labor will probably begin with what feels like cramping that may or may not be accompanied by leaking amniotic fluid. (I thought I was wetting my pants in very tiny amounts for thirty minutes before calling the doctor with my second child.) You will have the contractions as your cervix opens and the baby moves down. Once you are fully 10 cm dialated, the doctor will have you begin to push. Once the head is out, the doctor will help the shoulders to come free. After that the baby slips right on out. You will still have to deliver the afterbirth which is uncomfortable.

On a scale of 1-10, I have had a 5 with pain meds, a 1 with pain meds, and a 7 without pain meds.

The feeling is almost indescribable. I was so relieved to be done each time, and so anxious to see my babies, that I was more intrigued with the baby than the actual delivery. You can feel the head progressing out, there is a brief moment with a bit of ease before the shoulders are angled out, then it is done. My pushing stages were all extremely short with the longest being about 15 minutes for the first and largest baby. I didn't push at all with my second baby and only twice with the first so that may be why I have so little memory of something so amazing!

Good luck to you!
2007-09-11 22:54:40 UTC
The worst part is being afraid. Take Lamaze classes for sure- they help immensely. Try to find someone to be your couch- maybe an adult from the hospital.

It's hard to compare different painful experiences, because they are often very different than each other. My gall bladder deciding to turn on me was the worst pain I've ever had, much worse than labour. Women I know who have had kidney stones and babies say the stones are much worse. Breaking my leg was worse, but it didn't last as long.

The thing about labour pains is that you get a break to compose yourself (even if it's a short one) . I can't recommend Lamaze enough- it helped me 'rise above' the pains.

I didn't start feeling like the pain was controlling me rather than the other 'way around until the Dr. told me it was time for my epidural. Be warned, though, they won't give you one until you are 50-75% dialated because they are concerned that if they give it earlier, it might stop your labour altogether.

Talk to your doctor in advance,and, if you want one (an epidural is when a Dr. injects-with a smallish needle- something that's like lidocaine just inside the bones of your back. It doesn't hurt, you just feel a weird kind of pressure. That way, the pains are gone, but you can still push.

I wish I knew what it felt like to have a baby come out! I had twins though, and tried to have a regular birth, but ended up with a c-section.

Good luck, you can do this! (billions have done it before...)
2007-09-08 13:16:08 UTC
The worst part about giving birth is knowing your jeans still wont fit you for awhile yet.On a scale of 1 to 10 i'd rate the pain about 9 but i didn't have any pain relief theres all kinds on offer from gas and air to total pain relief of an epidural she how well you cope with labour and see how you feel on the day remember no ones going to think your a whimp if you ask for pain relief it's what it's there for! The sensation of the baby coming out actually feels like your having a number two sorry but thats the only way to describe it.When the baby's head crowns you get a stinging sensation much like a chinese burn down below and the feeling is intense but it soon passes then after the head is born your baby's body will follow with the next contraction and it's over quickly and then the pain is totallly gone and you've done it your baby is born and there is no feeling like it.Believe me I've had 5 children good luck with the birthx
2007-09-08 10:56:10 UTC
Being pregnant young is really difficult and I think you are really brave to be going thru this without the support of your family. Every pregnancy and birth is different and everyone has different experiences but the best thing you can do is not to focus on the worst part of giving birth but to see what you will have after it - a beautiful baby that you will have brought into the world. I found that midwives etc seemed to focus on the actual labour and birth - which there is no denying - it does hurt but not as much as some people make out so try not to worry. The thing that shocked me was the few days after the birth - the heavy bleeding which felt like a gush every time you move and when your milk comes in -bout 2-3 days after (that hurts but you do look like Jordan for a few days tho!!) and be prepared for being tired like you have never been before! I was led to believe that you should instantly bond with your baby - i didn't with my first, it took a few days (was completely in love with him afterwards tho!).

The contractions feel like very, very strong period pains going into your back and they do hurt but its a pain that stops as soon as the baby is born. As the head crowns it feels a bit like a burning sensation but once the head is out, the hard work is done and the body slips out really quickly, its a strange sensation!

I really wish you all the luck in the world and hope that your labour goes well and hope your parents realise how much they should be supporting you at the moment......x Take Care x
2007-09-08 10:46:11 UTC

Sorry to hear that you are so alone when you could really do with some help and reassurance.

To be honest giving birth is not very pleasant, but the joy of having your baby will make you forget the whole thing very quickly. The worse part for me has always been (I have three children) the first part. It seems to take ages and ages and you just have to wait and wait. Accept any form of pay killer you are offered and if a friend can stay with you, all the better. You will know when the baby is about to come out as your body will tell you that you want to push very hard. When the baby comes out, I felt a burning sensation but it was no more painful than during the previous contractions.

Before I had my children, I always wondered how I would know, but believe me, you cannot miss the difference in your body. Attend relaxation classes and listen to your midwives, they will help you and do not panic. Remember women have babies all the times and if it was so bad, would we have more than one???

Good luck and enjoy your baby.

his wife
2007-09-08 10:35:47 UTC
I had my daughter at 17, it was a while ago so of course my memory of the pain is a bit duller.

1.The worst part for me was the back cramps and labour, I couldn't get a comfortable postion and laying on my back was torture.

2. Well I've had kidney stones as well, and having a baby hurt no where nears as bad as that. So I would rate it about 7-8. And this is natural child birth no epidural or pain medication.

3. Its a really odd feeling. I tore b/c I went so fast the doctor didn't have time to cut so that hurt. The head coming out wasn't that bad its when I had to push her shoulders out I tore and it flet like a burning pain for a few seconds then you could feel her slide out.

Once you see and hold your baby though all the pain and sweat and blood will be worth it. Hearing that cry for the first time is the most sound in the world.
2007-09-09 00:04:31 UTC
First of all.. big respect to you! I'm 38 weeks with my first baby and the prospect of giving birth anytime soon is really scary, and i have my husband and family supporting me. Advice i have been given to cope with the pain is that you should not try to be a hero.. it is a long process and if you need pain relief take it. The most re-assuring thing i have been told is that your body is designed for this process and it will cope. You think how much your body has been able to do over the last 38 weeks, clearly trust nature! Make sure that you ask your midwives any quesitons, you want to know what is happening at all times. Hopefully you have a friend, or the father, to be with you through the birth? Good luck!!!
2007-09-08 10:20:22 UTC
The worst pain for me was getting checked to see if i neeeded stitches. The rest was just soar, about 9 but it varies at different times, you cant actually feel the baby come out as such, perhaps just some stinging thats about it. The pain comes from the contractions.

You will be fine, millions of woman before you have given birth and got through it, it is a very exciting time and you should try and look forward to it. If it was that bad i would be doing it again (20 months pregnant) children bring you so much joy and the pain all goes away once you know your baby has arrived. good luck :)
2007-09-08 10:17:50 UTC
Honey to be honest with you, your probably going to get people on here critising you for being 15 and pregnant, but at least you are someplace safe.

To me the worst pain of my birth was afterwards when they were stiching me up and the epidural was gone.

Before I got the epidural the pain was a 10, because I was induced and they say getting induced hurts worse than normal labor. Take your worst period pains and times it by 10, then you are close to what contractions feel like. But, once you get an epidural things change dramatically in just a couple mins.

When the baby starts coming out you feel a lot of pressure as the baby goes further down, but to tell you the truth I would rather push out another babies head than get stiched up again.

Reading some of the other responses...not everyone has a bowel movement while giving birth I didn't.

I was in active labor for 2 hrs went from 5 cm dialated to 10 in an hour and only pushed for 40 mins. And I didn't take any birthing classes at all and they said I was a pro, lol...I just hope you have someone there with you when you have this baby, it makes it a lot easier when you have someone there to encourage you.
2007-09-08 10:54:35 UTC
On a scale of 1-10, I would rate it as 1000!

Be sure to ask for drugs!

Giving birth is like having a pressure of a watermelon shoved through a clogged drinking straw that causes you to shout Mother FFF, son of a b*tch and every other word you never knew you could pronounce as well as sweating like niagra falls all the while every blood vessel in your eyeballs pop to the point where you need constructive surgery. Your insides feel ripped apart like Freddy Kruegar had been there with reinforcements. That's actually the easy part. The pain you will forget, but the next 18 years are pure hell trying to raise the little alien that you gave birth too.
2007-09-08 10:24:46 UTC
I wont bloody hurts! But the pain is forgotten straight away when you see your baby! Its the sort of pain which is difficult to describe as its not anything you can really prepare for....sort of a very emotional as well as pysical pain....however if you do have an epidural the pain will be gone, although you cant feel the pushing properley so it can take longer to get your baby out. If you are worried and want someone to talk to, ask for a chat with your midwife...with you being so young they nay even be able to let your community midwife come with you when you give birth....but she'll be honest with you and can recomment things to help the birth be a lot more relaxed! Good luck with it all it will be fine!
2007-09-08 10:21:19 UTC
For me, the worst part was actually recovery. The pain is manageable, and for sitting even a used Boppy pillow to sit on helps loads. It wasnt the pain, it was the hassle of having to rinse down there every time I went to the restroom (I had stitches).

The baby coming out isnt the worst, its the contractions and everything surrounding it. I had to give in at 7cm and get an epidural. To be honest, after doing research, I wish Id done it earlier. By the time my daughter was born I was so exhausted from the pain to get there without the epidural that I had a hard time staying awake once we got into recovery.

Every woman is different, some women deal with the pain like champs, some schedule epidurals. If you are worried, ask the doctor about it. Ask them how far along is too far along to get an epidural. If you have to request it before going to the hospital, remember you can change your mind.

Be strong, you can do this!
mother of 3 angels
2007-09-08 10:22:06 UTC
It is different for every women. It all depends on your pain tolerance. I would say that the worst part is when the baby is coming down and is pushing on the rectum. The pain I would rate it at an 8.5 but once the baby is out you forget all about the pain. I know it is hard for someone to think "forget aobut the pain" but I promise you do. When the baby comes out it feels like a really big bowel movement I guess, but it hurts worse than that. I went through 2 pregnancies without drugs and in December it'll make my 3rd one. Good luck
2007-09-08 10:30:33 UTC
That's awful your parents kicked you out. I'm so sorry. I was terrified to go through the labor. I got induced which makes it so much more painful, but I got an epidural and was joking and laughing and in really good spirits. For me the worst part was the recovery. I pushed for 4 and a half hours ) don't worry that's not too common ) so my vagina was severely swollen and I had a 4th degree tear. also not too common. I had a big baby. But even still it only lasted two weeks. You will be fine I promise. I wish someone had of told me how easy labor was instead of scaring me. I didn't feel the baby really come out cause of the epidural but I reached down and felt her head and they also let you look in the mirror if you want. I didn't just because I didn't want to freak out, but it's up to you. But I would definietly recommend an epidural. Good luck to you and may God Bless you and your baby.
~♥Hunky Homer's Twin♥~
2007-09-08 10:20:11 UTC
Firstly I think your parents are idiots for throwing you out because you need your mum at a time like this.

I'm a mum and labour does hurt...I won't lie to you.

On a scale id say 10 because it burns like hell as the baby is coming out.

Saying that i'm a sucker for pain and refused any pain relief.

So if it's the pain you are scared of I would suggest some pain relief.

The hospital will try and force an epidural on you ..and this is your choice if you want it or can go wrong.

I know several people who have permenant back injuries through the epidural.

If i was in your shoes I would go for the gas and air and possibly a shot of pethadine.

But be warned your baby will be drowsy for 24 hours after with the pethadine.

I hope all go's well and if you need any more info i'm at
Granny 1
2007-09-08 10:17:27 UTC
All births are different, did you go to a birthing class? I never had a hard time, my first only took 3 1/2 hours, but that's rare. If your pains get to bad ask for an epidural, other then that the breathing you should have learned with help the more relaxed you are the easier it is. When the baby comes its pure relief. Good Luck, sorry to hear your parents did not support you.
2007-09-11 13:04:08 UTC
Do not be afraid of how much painful it will be or not.

Every woman is different and every delivery is different in the same woman.

How long labor will take nobody knows. It depends on how easily you dilate but that will only be discovered in labor day.

first deliveries are usually longer.

dont stress too much about the subject, it is natural that you are afraid but try to relax. It will help you at delivery time.

Try to forget about the circumstances and try to have a pleasant delivery and not a traumatic one. This will help you if you decide to have a second child some other time in your life.

Labor may be tedious but dont be scared. You will be sorounded by professionals who will take the best care of you and your baby.

about what it feels, it is the most incredible experience you will ever have. I was paniked about delivery with my first one and after having her I felt relieved. Dont believe that crap in movies where women scream for hours and hours like if they were dying. It is painful yes, but nothing you cant handle. Labor will take some hours but the painful parts are only when you are reaching the delivery time. that is when the baby has started to go down and shortly after that it is out.

In my both kids it was for about 2 hours before delivery. the rest of the time it was strong crampings like when you have your period, but nothing you cant handle.

Once the baby's head starts coming out, delivery itself takes only a few seconds. They slip like gelatin in two or three seconds with the last push.and you feel almost no pain there and when the doctor puts him/her on your chest still with the umbilical cord uncut and you kiss him/her for the first time, believe me your whole world will change forever.

Best of luck

PD: dont panic about the baby's size and how it will come out through that small hole. When the delivery date is near, the body has its own ways to prepare for the expulsion of the baby. It starts producing some hormone( i dont remember thename now) which will make your vagina muscle dilate to the max to allow the baby's head come out. It also lets you open your legs wider than normal. Dont ask me how it works but it does.

Dont have nightmares over this. It is a natural thing and it is the only way nature works for giving birth. Nature is wise.

The day will come yes or yes and the baby will eventually come out. It is natural to have fears but try to relax.
Little Deer
2007-09-08 10:23:46 UTC
First of all, shame on your parents for kicking you out. Totally crap. You are still a child, an you will be a child raising a child, an you need all the help that you can get. **** happens, an they obviously couldnt see that. Ugh! Anyway honey, it is a very painful process. Your giving birth! Just make sure that you get an epidural. It hurts for a second, an makes you actually able to enjoy your labor somewhat. Most of the time, it wont take all the pain away, but it will help. Just try to relax, the most that you can, an know that no one is the boss of you in the delivery room. If you want the lights turned off, tell them. If you dont want someone in there, tell them. You almost need to meditate, to fully relax yourself. You will be fine. Just think about the excitement of getting to see your baby. Just promise yourself that you will never walk out on your childs life, the way your parents did. Always be there for them, no matter what. Good Luck!
2007-09-08 10:30:18 UTC
hi i a a mother of three i had my first at 17/18 and to honest i did not have a clue i just listened to what the midwife told me and had the gas and air the pethidine made me sick but to honest you don't really think about it all you just do it , mt second had his own ideas and he came fast and easily . however my third was the hardest and yes i was in pain could not understand why he was back to back and it hurt they gave me an epidural and no word of a lie by the count of ten i was up and asking for a cup of tea and it was all so much better, so but my worst part was the stitches i had my baby and they still wanted more but honey i am sure you will be fine and your baby will make it all worth while x
2007-09-09 02:02:04 UTC
well, everyone is different, my advise is to do your research and be prepared, giving birth is not like anything you have done before and the amount of pain is crazy. but the after bit when you have your baby is more crazy, esp in your situation.

you have to try and prepare, it will help and wont be such a shock.

in my experiance, my first labour i had to be induced in hospital. my contractions came on very strong and quick, not like all womens, they say the 1st labour is about 13 hr, but your young and (hopefully) fit enough for it to be shorter than that. when you go into labour, dont be scared, to be honest, at the last bit i thought i was going to die, intense! your body is designed for this job. the bit that people dont tell you about is grazing or tearing down below and that can be painful, esp. if you have had stitchs, the thing i would say for that is lemon barley water, it dilutes your pee and takes away some stinging.

the pain is 100/10, but well worth it.

(the babies head coming out is the bit i thought i was going to die.)

sorry to be so honest but its important to know.
2007-09-08 12:19:05 UTC
so sorry your parents couldn't be more understanding.being pregnant at any age can be scary and every single woman reacts differently to child-birth.don't waste time thinking about how it's going to feel concentrate on keeping healthy and practice your breathing, the more relaxed you are the easier you will find it to cope. remember, there are all sorts of pain-relief available. i know you probably feel very alone just now but once your baby is born and your mum and dad see how mature you are being they may help you, if not it's up to you to be the grown up for your baby's sake. ask your health visitor or midwife to explain what to expect during childbirth. people on here can be well meaning but sometimes it's better to ask the professionals. just remember that women have been having babies for ever so it cant be that bad!! take care and hopefully you'll let us know how you get on. karen xx
2007-09-08 10:23:01 UTC
Sorry to hear of your situation. I am not going to lie to you, it hurts to give birth. I rated my pain a 10 plus. I would recommend when you are not getting any relief from your contractions to consider having an epidural. There is no happier moment for me then when I saw my daughter for the first time. It overwhelms you and you forget all about the pain, kinda :{. I wish you all the luck in the world. Do not worry women have been giving birth since the beginning of time, you will be fine.
2007-09-08 11:41:06 UTC
The worst pain of the lot sweetheart, is the pain that your parents are going to have to live with when their grandchild grows up and reminds them that he/she were made technically homeless before they were even born. I sincerely hope that they are pleased with themselves.

I am not digging at you honey but in a lot of ways you are still only a child yourself and you are now going to have to grow up fast.

In most cases when the baby is born they will probably come running, unfortunately the damage is already done.

My "kids" are 36 yrs and 39 yrs now but I would still put my life on the line for them. As for my grandchildren, they telephone and txt me every single day. They are the most precious things in the world.

As far as the pain goes honey I aint had one but you have a load of good people here giving you the right ideas Best of luck honey.
katy g
2007-09-08 12:07:29 UTC
i think the worst part is the contractions at the end of the labour just before babys head is born the pain can from 1 to 10 in secs at diffrent times. it feels like a burning sensation when the baby is coming out a tight burning sensation. but as soon as that baby is out you will be surprised at how quickly the pain actually goes its all worth it. but remeber every womans delivery is diffent you will not no untill you get there. well good luck i hope you and baby are safe and that your parents see sense coz you need them right now and there not being good parents. good luck love
2007-09-08 10:19:39 UTC
I had to have a c-section. I would have to say the worst part of it was the healing process. The first time I had to get out of the bed was the worst. I am unable to answer as far a natural birth, sorry. Hope what I offered helped. Good Luck!!
2007-09-08 10:32:14 UTC
Every birth is different but for me it was the waiting it felt like an eternity before my wonderful son popped out, and there is NO other experience like it in the world, it's just pure magic. I am so sorry that your parents reacted so badly and you are on your own, is there not another family member who you could talk to ? I wish you good luck and Lot's of happiness with your baby, and please try not to worry as if it was that bad we women wouldn't keep on having them would we !!!
2007-09-09 11:58:54 UTC
well i will be honest with you yes hun it is going to hurt BUT not as much as every1 makes out, the pain of a contraction is just like really bad period pains . the worst part for me was when the head was crowning and you have to stop pushing and pant but all you want to do is push to get it over and done with. try and relax when you are in labour as the more tense you are the tougher time you will have. good luck
2007-09-08 13:48:01 UTC
i have heard the younger u are the easier birth is and i was 17 when i had my daughter, labour was 3 hours. im now 27 and 5 weeks ago gave birth 2 my son and i was in labour a total of 30 hours (slow labour for 24 hours of it).

so in my experience my 1st was alot easier

i only had gas and air with both of them and i am only small so if i can do it, anybody can!

my 1st weighed 6lb 3. my 2nd weighed 6lb 12 1/2
2007-09-08 10:34:16 UTC
i,m so sad to hear that your pretty much going through this alone.i had my first as i just turned 18 and all the stories i was told were far worse than in my reality.although there is some deal of pain you soon forget all about it as you hold your baby and realise its all worth it in the,ve got loads of advice about pain relief i used gas and air with my first and didn,t like it and having had 3 more children i used nothing at all and felt far more in control of my contractions just from my what ever you choose its up to you as every one is different.but for now good luck with the rest of your pregnancy and the new arrival to be.
2007-09-08 11:05:51 UTC
its fair to say it does hurt, but as soon as your baby is born the pain disappears and you are left with a beautiful baby. I had gas/air, I love it, couldn't get enough of it, there was a point where I wished the crib was full and I didn't have to go through it, but I wouldn't have missed the experience for anything. Good luck and cherish your baby.
2007-09-08 10:40:04 UTC
When I got to hospital my daughter was already hanging out! For me the worst part was having 2 injections in my lady bits and then weeing after having stitches. I used gas and air. That was much more painful than actually giving birth. It will be painful but you'll be in safe hands with experienced people. best of luck to you x
2007-09-08 10:21:18 UTC
first of all, i dont think you need to hear other peoples horror stories. the pain is bad and get worse as labor progresses. but all women are different. they have things now so you dont feel any pain. i suggest you take a birthing class if you can. that way you will know what will happen to you. there will be no surprises. you can ask any questions you need to. good luck and congrats!
2007-09-08 10:17:16 UTC
If you have an epidural, it's virtually painless and the pushing is the hardest part.

Be prepared for the pain after the meds wear off, though. I had an episiotomy (a small incision) with my first, and the stitches got infected. That was the worst pain I've ever felt.

Good luck to you!!
2007-09-08 10:16:41 UTC
hun you've been through an awful lot and i would have to tell you that every birth experience is unique to the women, some women can handle the pain others need a helping hand. On the day you'll find your body will do what it needs to cope and it will be a moment you will cherish for the rest of your life. please dont listen to horror stories they will only scare you. You choose what pain relief you need if any. good luck xxxx
2007-09-08 11:32:18 UTC
I'm 38 weeks Pregnant too and i've had alot of questions from day one There is a great website that can answer all your questions and feed ur curisioty...

Congrats and goo luck..

link below
2007-09-08 10:58:22 UTC
I had nothing for pain, I wanted a natural birth hahaha I was so naive. The pain was worse than when I passed kidney stones and after 30 hours I had an emergency caesarian. But........even though you never forget lol it is all worth it when you have your baby delivered and healthy. Good luck, you'll both be fine.
2007-09-08 10:27:36 UTC
The contractions are uncomfortable but not terrible...then you can get an epidural and you are perfectly fine. You have to push for a few hours, but if you are lucky, you will get a good RN who will chit chat with you in between pushes and you will be done in no time... Good Luck!
2007-09-08 10:22:00 UTC
Giving birth is a miracle and wonderful. Different people have different rates of pain. One of my children I really didn't feel any pain. I would suggest to do some walking, and don't overdo. I wish you luck sorry to hear that your parents kicked you out. Yes you are young but I wish they would be there for you for guidance. Best wishes...
2007-09-08 10:15:42 UTC
For me, the worst part is the recovery. The pain during labor is like bad menstral cramps and it comes and goes.

You must be so afraid. I was twice your age and I was afraid too. Just dont listen to anyone that tells you horror stories. It is not as bad as people say. You will be ok.

BTW, I recommend the epidural too. You wont feel anything if you get it.
2007-09-08 14:34:33 UTC
it is very sore, i had an epidural that numbs the pain it was fine after that. i would do it all again tomorrow it is worth it when you hold your child in your arms. the worst part was afterwards when they stiched me up, the doctor had dark glasses on and i could see the reflection of what he was doing every time i looked at him, although i couldn't feel it cos of epidural.
2007-09-08 14:02:51 UTC
ok for me first time round 8 hours and had worse period pain then labour pains had great gasand air and pethedine though

second time round baby was born after 2 hours labour in hospitial corridor no pain relief nothing had no time to think bout pain or anything just i am in the corridor of this hospitial with my friend and where the hell is the bloody midwife she turned up seconds after baby was born to see what the noise was about and nearly died to see me and my friend both in shock with this babyt screaming

good luck

ps think i need to mention that we had just arrived at the hospitial seconds before he was born and it was half 3 in the morning and we had bin buzzed inand were waiting for midwife to meet us in corrodor she took bout 5 - 10 mins to get out to us in that time my son was born
2007-09-08 10:25:22 UTC
The pain. The epidural is a major relief!
Mum 2 Boys
2007-09-08 10:16:36 UTC
Have an epidural and the pain on a scale is 1, don't and its 11 out of 10!
2007-09-12 01:58:55 UTC
Its a great experience just try to relax and enjoy it and think of what you get at the end, a beautiful little bundle which will be ALL YOURS and nobody else ALL YOURS and you brought he/she into the world all my yourself..

Good luck and enjoy.

2007-09-08 10:15:51 UTC
The pain is a 10 - take the epidural. I had two natural, not by choice. I feel sad that you are so young - but I am sure you have heard everyone's advice.

The baby feels like something that is 10 times too big to come out of that space.

Good luck to you.
2007-09-08 11:42:56 UTC
Yeah have an epidural and you should be fine,and ignore the person who said you will crap yourself,Ive had five kids and it didnt happen once,I really wish you all the luck in the world.x
suga UK
2007-09-08 10:19:20 UTC
Its quite bad but I had an epidural so I dont know how bad it can get. If you are that worried about the pain make sure you ask for an epidural. good luck
2007-09-08 10:26:33 UTC
hurts like mad...but who cares when that baby is put into your arms

don't take the epidural stories as gospel they are not 100% and you often have to have forcepts or vacuum extraction coz you can't push baby out.

try to stay on your feet and let gravity help

good luck and just love that baby!!
2007-09-08 10:16:57 UTC
As has already been said, it is different for everyone. As for your question about `what does it feel like when the baby comes out?' I will tell you what my mum told me - it's like giving birth to a string of sausages!!! I understood completely!!!
2007-09-08 10:14:22 UTC
I would recommend an epidural. You won't experience real pain during the most painful part that way. Labor is hard enough...but by the time my labor became painful it was time for the epidural. Good luck.
2007-09-08 10:21:41 UTC
I found it lovely and proud. I had gas and air, also a pethadine . you will be fine. its what we are made to do. Hope everything goes well for you. enjoy the experience.
2007-09-08 10:15:22 UTC
3 of my friends who had babys at 16 said its not as bad as there mums say.... maby because there younger,,, good luck xx
mummy of 5 girls <3 <3
2007-09-08 10:36:38 UTC
worst part the fear

1 - 10 ..... 25

what does it feel like well it feels like your twinklie is on fire and being stretched and pulled apart

all worth it though
2007-09-08 10:21:16 UTC
get the pain meds!!! you wont feel anything but pressure! dont listen to horror stories they will do nothing but make you afraid. but everyone is different
2007-09-08 10:16:18 UTC
It has different effects on everybody, dont worry, you just have to go through it, its so hard to describe.
joe k
2007-09-08 10:27:44 UTC
for me it was the stitches afterwards
2007-09-08 10:14:18 UTC
Isn't it different for every women!? good luck though
2007-09-08 10:17:20 UTC
it's blo@dy painful! well it was for me anyway.
2007-09-08 10:15:19 UTC
It's all a beautiful miracle, except for the part where you accidentally crap yourself.

What? Someone had to tell you. . . .
2007-09-08 10:18:52 UTC
for me ALL of it
2007-09-08 10:25:01 UTC
no one should answer this ? she should get this advice from someone who cares but she had got knocked up and sounds like she blames mommy and daddy to bail her out

so if i could decide for the rest of the world i would cut you off from welfar and no free medical

shouldn't' have @#$%&%& around thanks for enrolling in the university of public assitance

sicerlly the tax payer so f***you

deal w/the pain

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.