What to do if you know a pregnant woman is using drugs???
2008-06-07 10:13:04 UTC
I know of a woman who is pregnant and using Meth. I would like to let somebody know so hopefully the baby turns out okay but I don't know what to do, who to call or where to go. I don't really know the girl very well, she's a friend of a friend but I do know her first and last name. I'm just concerned for the baby and I'm hoping maybe there is something I can do to save the baby from coming out drug addicted. I wouldn't think I would call CPS because thats for children who are already born I would think, and I wouldn't think they would be able to do anything until after the baby is born ??? Please, if anyone knows what I can do, please let me know. I want to help that baby, and its mother as well.

Thank you!!!
Twelve answers:
2008-06-07 10:36:20 UTC
She is still a person. Just because she is pregnant doesn't mean she gives up her rights. You would do just as you would if she weren't pregnant. Drug addiction is not something that she can just stop doing. She needs to get some treatment. Talk to someone at NA

Calling the police will not help her or her baby. She needs help, not jail.
2014-02-13 20:01:52 UTC
See, here's the problem I have with the whole, "Oh, but she's still a person, and oh, she needs help." Bull. If she knows enough to do meth, then I'm sure she knows what happens when you have sex. All these drug using mothers knew they didn't want to stop doing drugs, and still got pregnant anyway. It is not a mystery how someone gets pregnant. It is not something that "just happens." I currently have an ex-friend who is trying to justify smoking weed while pregnant by saying it helps with morning sickness. My god, how did all those billions of other mothers make it through their morning sickness without pot? This pathetic excuse for a human being has a child already and has been smoking pot all along, not caring at all that if she gets caught she will have her child removed. Well, I've had it. I have become aware that she is pregnant again, and I have already made the calls to CPS. If you can't stop using drugs, you have no business having unprotected sex, let alone having a child. You have proven you are selfish, irresponsible, and unfit to be a parent, and the children need to be removed. And if you want to keep up the crap that "it's a disease," then why on earth is anyone with this "disease" procreating? What do you think they will do when the kid is born? Do you think they'll care for that child, or shove it in a corner while they go and do drugs for hours on end?
2008-06-07 10:36:14 UTC
Call CPS and let them know what is going on. They should be able to suggest a local treatment program where this woman (and her baby) can get help, even if they are unable or unwilling to do anything legally at this point. Sometimes, people who use drugs while pregnant do have their babies taken away from them after they are born, either permanently, or temporarily (pending successful completion of a treatment program).

You said she is a friend of a friend. Does the friend know she is using? The friend may be in a good position to encourage her to get help.

I know it is very frustrating to see a woman who is pregnant continuing to use drugs. I get frustrated about it, too. It is, however, an excellent example of the power of addiction. Unfortunately, when people are addicted to drugs, they will often do whatever it takes to get their drugs, and not consider the consequences (in this case, possibly harming the unborn child).
2016-09-03 19:15:16 UTC
I know this is an old thread, but I've been reading a lot about the way pregnant women are treated by police and in jail and I seriously believe that if you know a pregnant woman is using drugs, you should talk to her or her family and not involve police unless it is completely hopeless otherwise. Please talk to her first. And then google what happens to pregnant women in jail and you will see why it's better not to involve police unless it's an absolute last resort.
2008-06-07 10:37:25 UTC
I am actually a drug and alcohol counselor in ct. You are right you need to tell someone because not only is the baby in serious danger but the mother as well she has a disease and like any other disease like cancer, she needs treatment to get well. You can call child services because once they are informed this is considered neglect. If the baby were to die or suffer do to her abuse of Meth she could face serious criminal charges. CPS will get involved and court enforce her to go into treatment or a residential treatment program for pregnant women, they will help support her in keeping the baby and getting clean or provide other options. They can also intervene and place child in protective custody on site at the hospital once she gives birth. I know it's hard but if u keep this information u are just a guilty and resposible as her. There is a child abuse hotline to report annonymously call your local PD or hospital the can direct you to the appropriate hotline number. Good luck ur doing the right thing.
2008-06-07 10:39:18 UTC
Yes, you can call CPS, they will still be able to investigate, and take the baby when it's born. Also call the Police Dept. Anyways, call SOMEBODY! Don't let this filthy excuse for a person harm that precious baby anymore than they already have! Imagine what will happen when the baby is born if that's the way she treats it now. Get help right away! And kudos to you for doing the right thing!
2014-02-26 08:57:24 UTC
Just called CPS on a girl yesterday = there is NOTHING they can do until she has the baby. I even went so far as to call the drug program that she is involved in, and was told unless I had a release from the girl, I could NOT do anything. Seriously screwed up laws in NYS.
Mamma of 3
2008-06-07 10:21:54 UTC
you can go to the police station and talk to someone. They would need proof of her using. Lets say they pull her over for running a red light and are suspicious that she is high, they search the car and find the drugs. They arrest her and the judge can sentence her to prison for the remainder of her pregnancy. Thus, no drug use for the rest of the pregnancy.

I know it's a stretch, but when I was preggo with my last at a OB appt I was sitting next to a pregnant lady in an orange jumpsuit with bracelets on and 2 police officers that escorted her their. She was pulled over with pot in her car and the judge sentenced her to jail for the remainder of her pregnancy.
2008-06-07 10:18:52 UTC
You call the police. Pregnant or not. It just like turning in a drug user. just call the police, tell them you know of a women who is using Meth, you don't know if she sells it or just using it. And she happens to be pregnant. and you don't have to tell them your name. I really hope you turn her *** in. People like that make me sick and they should not reproduce.
2008-06-07 10:36:02 UTC
have you spoken to your friend? maybe you can chat with her first if she dosn't see sence then i would call CPS they can have her sectioned and put in a rehabilitaion centre or have the doctors put her on a rehablitation course at home if that doesn't work just call the police
2008-06-07 10:18:43 UTC
i think u should call CPS or call the police department. and tell her parents. youll b doing the right thing.
Me, again
2008-06-07 10:22:59 UTC
Call the police, and cps. Sick sick sick she needs help.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.