hey everyone...i'm 35 weeks pregnant and i went to the doctor today for my check up.. i been to the hospital 4 times in the past month havin contractions anywhere from 10 min to 3 min apart everything was different my doctor wants me to try to keep the baby as long as possible when i completly understand but today was just my regular check up they called me back peed in a cup took my blood pressure weight all that good stuff and then put me in a room. the nurse said we are goin to monitor the baby heart beat for a little while then the doctor kim came in and put the baby heart monitor on i asked her if something was wrong and she said now we just want to monitor the heart beat for about 25-30 min and i said ok well doctor kim came back in about 25 min later look at the heart beat paper comin out the machine and said hmmm i asked what the hmm was for and she showed me that the baby heart beat was stayin around 140 or so but every few min the heart beat would drop below 70 i asked if that was good or bad she said well it could be the baby just kickin or grabing the cord but it could be something else so we went to go do a sonogram doctor kim and a nurse are in there doing the sonogram and said there was not much ambiotic fluid around the baby i'm not sure what that means i aksed her if that was ok and she said yes but then started talkin to the nurse again and i couldn't hear them then my other doctor came in doctor wolf which will deliever my baby she said whats going on doctor kim tells him about the heart beat and they talk together her for a few min then doctor wolf says i'm putting you on bed rest dont get up to do anything but eat and go to the restroom i said ok the doctor then said he wanted to see me back in 2 days to monitor me again i asked him if something was wrong and she said no...but it kinda sounded like something was he also told me to lay on my left side and feel for the baby kick if i dont feel the baby kick at least 20 times by this afternoon then call him...we then left the doctor but i'm so worried do any of yall have any advice on any of this...is it all normal or what i'm so scared....