Is it possible and have this ever happened to you or anyone you know?
2006-03-14 11:21:57 UTC
I have been on birth control for a month when i first got it my mother said that i could still get pregnant because the pill is not effective the first month but i still had unprotected sex. Because it seemed like it was effective because it was causing my hair to fall out and me to have bad headaches so i got tooken off of it i was suppose to be going to get another percription but not until my next period the last time i was on the pill i was on my period and i have been off my period and off the pill going on 2weeks and i'm starting to feel funny but not pregnant not to mention i have'nt did nothing since so why do i feel that way and is it possible.
Five answers:
2006-03-14 11:45:54 UTC
You probably feel this way because of your hormone levels dropping after stopping the pill. I doubt you are pregnant if you haven't had sex since stoppin the pill, but you can never be sure. Take a test a few days before you expect your period, just to be sure.

The pill is only 98% (or so) effective, and anything is possible.

The birth control you have taken so far should not in any way affect your baby's development. It is a small dose, and your body digests the hormone before it can reach the fetus. It wears off very quickly. If you are pregnant, just to be safe, let your doctor know when and for how long you took your pills after conception. (Your doc will know by the date of your last period app. when you concieved.)
2006-03-14 19:29:21 UTC
Look the pill's aren't the best. Yes you can get preg. on them. If your stressed out (I was) your homones change and it can negate the pills effect (it did). I also got preg while on the depavra (spelling off) shots that you can get. I finally went in and had the most painful thing ever done. I got my uterus shifted so that I could get an IUD. But you know the biggest problem is that just not getting pregnate is nice, but none of these protect from diseases. It's very possible that the "pills" your taking could be causing all sorts off odd things to go on with your hormones. Sounds like you need to have another discussion with a Dr and see if there's a different solution to your issue.
2006-03-14 19:39:09 UTC
you can get pregnant on any form of birth control that is why they suggest that you still use condoms. you haven't even missed your period yet, your worrying mind can make you feel however you want to feel, you should just relax and wait to see if you get your period or not, if you miss it then you have something to worry about!
2006-03-15 14:12:29 UTC
NO my sister got pregnant on the Depo shot twice and her kids are perfectly normal. Good luck!
2006-03-14 19:32:51 UTC
One reason could be, because your body is getting rid of the medicine and your body needs time to get back to normal.

good luck

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