Your doing great hun harder kicks do start around 20 weeks to 23 weeks approx.
I felt my last baby at 18 weeks only slightly then nothing untill week 20 then they came harder each day
Here is some info you can refer to
From 20 to 24 weeks
As the weeks go by, your baby's activity will gradually increase. From now onwards, over the next ten weeks, your baby will be having a very busy period, with lots of kicking and somersaults.
From 24 to 28 weeks
Your baby may start to get hiccups, which will explain the jerking movement that you might feel occasionally. The amniotic sac now contains up to 750ml (26floz) of fluid which allows your baby to move around freely. Although he has been able to hear for some time, you may notice him jump at sudden noises from around this period.
At 29 weeks
Your baby will begin to make smaller, more definite movements, as it becomes more cramped inside your uterus.
At 32 weeks
Your baby's movements will reach a peak of activity and from now on, you will notice an increase in the frequency and type of movements as your baby gets bigger and stronger.
From around 36 weeks
Your baby could take up his final, usually head-down, position, particularly if this is your first pregnancy, as the firm muscles of your uterus and abdomen will help to keep him in place. The main movements you are likely to feel now are jabs from his arms and legs, and possibly painful kicks to your ribs.
If this is not your first pregnancy, your abdominal muscles are likely to be weaker, so your baby might keep changing his position and could even do so right up to your due date.
From 36 to 40 weeks
Your baby will be getting larger and roll-over movements will become less frequent. If he was sucking his thumb and 'loses' it, you may feel quick, darting movements as your baby's head turns from side-to-side while he tries to find it again.
During the last two weeks of your pregnancy, the movements are likely to slow down and your baby's growth rate will decline slightly. This is all completely normal and nothing to worry about.