I know the date I concieved but my due date doesnt work out?
2006-11-04 11:05:50 UTC
I definately concieved on the 6 th August (13 days after the start of my period) and the ONLY day I had sex as my hubby works away
I went for my scan and they say my due date is the 5 May doesnt work out, anyone else had this
35 answers:
2006-11-04 13:08:14 UTC
This happened to me with my first pregnancy. I gave the doctor my dates and he was happy to go with them until I had my first scan and after measuring baby he told me that the dates I gave him must be wrong, so instead of my due date being the 15th of December it jumped hugely to the 29th January.
I knew my dates were right because it was just after my birthday in March that I conceived.
The Doctors told me all the way through my pregnancy that I was wrong, but I proved them wrong when my waters broke early hours on the 16 December unfortunately baby didn't make an appearance until the 21 December but he was a good weight and no way 5wks early even the midwife said so.
So Trust your gut instinct and keep a note of your dates you are more than likely right, always remember no one knows your body better than you do!
2006-11-04 11:14:36 UTC
Sometimes it takes several days from the time of ejaculation to the time of conception. It could take several days for the sperm to reach the egg and fertalize, and then several more for the egg to become implanted into the uterus.
If they came up with the due date through Ultrasound, then this is usually pretty accurate, but not always exact. It most likly is the best estimated date based on the size of your baby. It is possible that maybe your baby is slightly bigger or smaller than usual for the date you concieved. This really doesn't mean anything except that all babies are different than each other, including yours. This just means that the averages they use to compute your due date may be a bit off from the rate of growth your baby is going through.
Unless your due date is way off from whatyou were expecting, then there is nothing to worry about. It only means that the baby will be born when it is ready, which is what is going to happen no mater what the doctors say.
2006-11-04 11:24:52 UTC
due dates are calculated from the first day of your last menstrual period so if your due date is 5 of may then your last period was around 29 july (40 weeks) give or take a few days. So from the info you have given the scan seems ok.
Estimating the due date from your scan is the most accurate way of determining your due date. All my children's due dates were determined by scan and they ALL were on time which is very rare! But I wouldnt worry about the exact date as most babies do not arrive on their due date it is normal for a baby to be born two weeks either side of this date.
2006-11-04 11:14:28 UTC
It doesn't always matter if you go by the actual date of having sex because although you may have had sex that day, it may take a day or two for the sperm to reach the egg and become fertilized. This is why due dates are approximate and usually go by the first day of your last period. I am actually due in January and only know the date of conception and not the date of my last period because due to nursing my older baby I was not getting it regularly. I'm sure my two dates would not match up either. Expect to deliver your baby anytime at the end of April to the middle of May, since a "normal" pregnancy is considered to be between 38 and 42 weeks.
2006-11-04 11:32:18 UTC
these days, they count pregnancies as 40 weeks, technically meaning you are prego for 10 months. plus, i've never heard of a doctor who DIDNT count a due date based on date of last period at first. have you TOLD THEM the only day you could have possibly conceived? It may help them re-calculate, or at least explain to you HOW they come up with that date.
oh, and the person above me has a point. sperm can live in your body up to five days. so if you werent ovulating on the day you had sex, you may have ovulated in the few following days and gotten prego then. that can throw off your due date from what you think it should be too
the general rule of thumb is that your due date can be off give or take 2 weeks. its not an exact science i know its hard, but stop fixating on the mundane facts. what really matters is that you relax, and have a healthy pregnancy. congrats, and spend your time worrying about your health and the babies, not a date that will never be totally accurate anyway.
2006-11-04 11:25:58 UTC
So your last period was around 7/24, which by dates would make you due on May 1. By the scan, the docs have come up with may 5.
You may have only had sex on August 6th, but you may not have actually conceived on that day. Could have been up to two days later, and then it takes a while for implantation to occur. So assuming the embryo implanted around the 8th or 9th, then May 5th is actually pretty close.
2006-11-05 06:01:51 UTC
don't worry they have done this to me also!!
by my dates I'm due 7Th of may and Ive just been for my scan and they have added 10 days to the due date but this doesn't add up as my partner also works away from home and if i conceived when they say i did then he wasn't even there at the conception lol, but i know he was and i know the weekend we conceived our child. but a scan can get it wrong as they only estimate due to the size of the baby and its not 100% fool proof but neither is going on the dates from your last period as sperm can live up to 5days in the female body and the egg only lasts a few hours plus it all depends on how long your cycle is and when you ovulate. i know everyone says its 14 days after the first day of your period but that's not true you can ovulate at any time during your cycle. that's why some women can become pregnant during their periods. everyone is different and since i have a 5 week cycle its possible that i ovulate later than whats considered as average. so by going on my own due date and the scan date I'm due anywhere in the month of may but then it all depends on when the baby wants to turn up. but for everyones question to whens the baby due? i say sometime in may. good luck and relax and put your feet up and just enjoy being pregnant as you will soon be holding your new baby. congrats and take it easy i hope this helped to put your mind as ease!!!
2006-11-04 13:11:58 UTC
like you I know exactly which day I conceived but the 13 week scan should the my due date out by almost two weeks. By the time I had my 20 week scan the due date had reverted back to what it should have been. So don't worry, you know best for now, your next scan should be more accurate. If worried perhaps you can ask for a scan in a few weeks.
2006-11-04 11:39:50 UTC
I had this happen to me also. I'm currently 17 weeks 1 day pregnant according to my ultrasound due April 13th, but according to my LMP I should be due April 4th. I know the day of my conception(due to my fiance and I working different shifts and not seeing each other I know the day because we were both off), but it doesn't work out right either, according to it it should be the end of March. I'm going by what the ultrasound says because that is what the doctor is choosing to go by. Also, due date are just estimates so there is not an specific date that you will deliver. Sperm can live inside your uterus for 2-5 days so you could become pregnant after you had sex. I would just be happy that I was pregnant and not worry about it that much. You know when you conceived and so does your husband so you should just be excited that you are expecting. Congratulations!
Julie J
2006-11-04 11:14:55 UTC
Well..the sperm can live in the uterus and fallopian tubes for up to five days. You could have had sex lets say on a monday and ovulated on a friday. That would have been the day you conceived your baby, not the day you had sex. If you had sex then you ovulated on the same day, perhaps your baby is just growing faster or the scan was incorrect. Did they measure the baby's legs or did they measure the CRL (crown to rump length)? Usually, the earlier test (CRL) is more accurate during the first couple of months only. The leg measurements are less accurate. No worries..they call it medical "practice" for a reason!!
2006-11-04 11:10:44 UTC
most doctors count from the first day of your last menstrual period, which means that they consider you pregnant for 2 weeks before you actually get pregnant, could that be what is throwing you off? Also just because you had sex on the one day doesn;t mean that you actually conceived on that day, sperm can live in the right conditions for 3 to 5 days.
Actually they go off the first day of your last menstrual period, AND the scans, I also know the date I conceived and I had a scan lat week, my dates are right on, including the fact that my doctor counts from the first day of my last menstrual period. This is the only answer you are going to get, because it is the way they do things. If you have a problem with that then I think you need to simply speak to your doctor about it, or go buy a book. I have my Mayo Clinic pregnancy book in my lap, and that is how they calculate things.
mummy of 2 boys and a princess x
2006-11-04 11:54:43 UTC
i was just working it out on the due date calculator thing and you are right that is odd cause it says conception date is august the 12 th i know sperm can stay in your body for up to six days but then you would have been past ovulation unless you ovulated late but 6 days is alot! maybe on your next scan the dates will change again! i had that with my first pregnancy i knew when my last menstural period was cause i always put it in the calender on my phone and to that my due date was 23rd august but i had 3 scans one said i was due 28th aug then one said i was due 31st then one said the 4th of sept so i was well confused but guess what i knew i was right my little boy came on the 23rd of august bang on to my lmp! so it does show they dont know everything a woman knows her own body best! congrats by the way and i hope i helped you chick xx
2006-11-04 13:14:04 UTC
When I was pregnant with my daughter I had your problem as well...according to my dates the baby was due on 22 nd June. When I went to the gynaecologist he gave me a new expectation day which was 18th July...almost 3 weeks of difference. Funnily enough my daughter was born on 1 st July so I came to the conclusion that I was the one who was closer if one had to add the 7 days the doctors give you. Hope you enjoy your pregnancy and dont think about it too much, after all when the baby is ready to come out, he or she will come out in a way or another. Good luck!
2006-11-04 11:14:35 UTC
The day you had sex is not necessarily the same as the day of conception. The sperm go inside you and they can live for up to 5 days. They are hanging out in your tubes waiting for your egg to be ovulated. The day of ovulation is considered the day of conception. On that day the sperm meets the egg and fertilizes the egg, and that is the day you count from for the age of the embryo.
If you had sex on August 6, you could have ovulated on any day between August 6 and August 11 or thereabouts and still gotten pregnant.
2006-11-04 19:21:13 UTC
okay your stressing over this which is no good you need to relax
My last period was June 26 my due date is off bye 3 weeks I'm due April 27,i know my first day of my last period cuz i mark them on the calender my and my husbands way to keep tract,so as you might know dates aren't always accurate when it come to your body oh yeah so you know the scans can be off a week either way. i know this from my first pregnancy the tech had told me straight out that their not always accurate.
2016-10-15 13:16:27 UTC
Due dates at the instant are not precise for many motives. Your fetus must be small or great on your gestation era. each and every toddler is distinctive. the only thank you to tell for specific is, after your toddler has been born, have a paternity attempt accomplished. enable him take a hike, yet tell him to adhere around because of the fact if he's the daddy, somebody's going to ought to assist purchase the Huggies.....if ya understand what I advise.
2006-11-04 14:34:56 UTC
I have just run your dates through Babycentre.co.uk and they say you are due 30th April.
Don't worry too much about your due date as babies arrive only when they are ready.
Maybe your next scan will prove your dates to be more true than the doctors.
In the meantime just relax, and enjoy being pregnant.
Best of Luck.
2006-11-04 11:34:57 UTC
It sounds to me like your doctor is right. Due dates are not exact, but usually pretty close. In the end, your baby will come when he or she is ready. Due dates are more for giving you fair warning that something is about to happen.
And by the way, I highly doubt that you conceived on August 6th. It takes time for the egg to be fertilized, and then to implant in the uterus. I think you're getting worked up over something that's really very trivial. Just let the wee one come in their own time.
2006-11-04 11:13:54 UTC
A due date is not an exact science. It is an approximated date based on your last period. Rarely are babies born on their due date, unless by C-section. Honey, you are worried about the wrong thing. The average human gestation period is 271 days. You know when you conceived. You do the math.
2006-11-04 11:22:07 UTC
Same thing happened to me, but I had an ultrasound and it cleared up the confusion. I was told by my doctor that even though i had sex on that certain day that i doesnt mean that i got pregnant on that day, he said something about the sperm surviving 3 days and maybe it didnt fertilize the egg that first day. But if you think that something is definately wrong you can always get another opinion, i did.
Good luck.
2006-11-04 11:12:26 UTC
sounds like 9 months to me.. Doctors go by the first day of your last menstrual cycle... your due date should actually be 40 weeks after the start of your last cycle. Each calendar mointh has approx 4 and a half weeks in it. FYI.... due dates that doctors give are approx.... babies are very rarely born exactly on the given due date. So dont stress over it
kleighs mommy
2006-11-04 11:08:28 UTC
maybe you concieved on a different day during the same week. trust your doctor he knows best
added calm down . if you got pregnant the week of august 13th. you would br due the first week of may. go do a due date calendar and stop being nasty you asked us remember.
i do know. i got pregnant after skipping a period. scans are very accurate
2006-11-04 12:02:23 UTC
well you already have lots of answers with a lot of information. they are right you know. i had it happen to me too. they forever thought my boy was two weeks older than he actually was, i knew better. and so do you. be aware that some blood results (triple screen test at 3 month) can come back positive for the possibility that your baby has certain defects. they told me my baby might have down-syndrome. but since they took the blood too early, their results weren't correct. i was scared for a whole month for nothing. doctors do the best they can, just sometimes the information they have from their tests is simply off. so listen to your intuition, you know yourself best. and ask your doctor, he'll help you understand.
2006-11-04 14:04:30 UTC
Your due date is taken from the first day of your last period (even though you probably weren't pregnant then) so if you go forty weeks from the first day of your last period does that make it right?
2006-11-04 11:13:19 UTC
well sperm can live for 5 days in you so that could be a start plus pregnancy is not an exact science they guess from your ultrasound which shows the size of the baby and that tells them how far along you are plus did you know that it is actually like 10 months for your first baby not nine and people rarely have their baby on time so if you are a planner you just gotta relax and roll with it lol
2006-11-04 11:10:28 UTC
Hi I know you will probably be given a different date every time you go. They have to take it from the first day of your last period and work around that day regardless of whether you know different. Trust in yourself you know for definite they have to follow protocol. Just enjoy your pregnancy, the baby will come on the day it chooses not one that the midwifes choose. Good luck
2006-11-04 11:10:01 UTC
Scans are not totally fallible you know. A few days here or there is par for the course. Anyway, in my experience the baby will arrive when it is good & ready. Which probably is not going to be either your date or the hospitals.
2006-11-04 12:59:02 UTC
The "due date" is just an ESTIMATE of when you will have your child. A "fullterm" pregnancy is between 36 and 42 weeks. Anywhere in there can be you "due date".
2006-11-04 11:09:51 UTC
It is because doctors go off of the date of last menstrual period, not date conceived. So, according to that, you are already 2 weeks pregnant before conceiving. Strange, I know.
2006-11-04 11:12:57 UTC
they take it from the date of your last period, so it will be out. you do need to make sure hubby understands and accepts this. Very few people drop on the due date so don't worry
2006-11-04 12:46:52 UTC
It is just a rough estimate on when the baby should be here. Make sure you add and take 2 weeks from that.
2006-11-04 11:10:01 UTC
The dr. counts your last normal period as week 1 of preg. I don't know why they just do so even though they say preg. is 40 weeks long its really only 38.
2006-11-04 11:11:25 UTC
2006-11-04 11:10:03 UTC
that's pretty close for a guess. It's like the weather forecast, it can't always be right on the dot.
2006-11-04 11:13:46 UTC
its a miracle....your name Mary?.....
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