My boyfriend came in me yesterday and I can't tell whether I'm pregnant or what to do? :(?
2011-06-28 15:24:08 UTC
To put it simply the condom broke and he released inside me yesterday without either of us knowing. We are still under 18 (we're 16, he's turning 17) but we know we made a terrible mistake and are trying to be responsible instead of freaking out. I took one of those pregnancy tests kit today and it said i wasn't pregnant (one line). However I can't be too sure? I heard of Plan B/birth control pills but i believe I have less than 5 days. Plus I heard we need a prescription and all the free clinics we've been to today need all these stuff such as insurance, a guardian, etc. We can't do any of that sadly :/

What can I do in the meantime to maybe help from the sperm developing inside? When is the best time to take the pregnancy test again and be sure? Please help us and please save me from the scorn, we already know and accepted that we made a bad decision.
Sixteen answers:
2011-06-28 15:35:39 UTC
No pregnancy test will tell you yet if you are pregnant,it takes at least 14 days to show on a test so you wont get an answer yet and by the time you do any kind of plan b will no longer be an option,there is one you can take up to 5 days after sex but more commonly they need to be taken within 72 hours and the sooner you take it the more effective it is.

If no clinic is willing to give you it and no pharmacy is willing to sell you it (age restrictions vary) then you have no choice but to tell your parents,there is absolutely nothing else that will stop a possible pregnancy,that sperm is in there,it is alive and can live for 5 days and you cannot change that so plan b is your only option.

Ok had a look around and you need to be 17 to buy it,it was 18 but they reduced it so not that i endorse deceit generally but does your boyfriend look 17? If he does maybe it is worth him trying a few pharmacies for you,the worst that will happen is they will ask for ID and refuse but act fast as you are running out of time here.
2011-06-28 15:30:11 UTC
Haha, you really must be young. A pregnancy test would not show up if you are pregnant the next day! It only shows around the time of your missed period. If you had sex yesterday then you won't be pregnant (yet).

The best time to take a test is when your period is due, you can test in 2 weeks using your first morning urine, then try again the week after.

Remember, if you get your period you're not pregnant.

There is nothing you can do to help stop you getting pregnant now, what's done is done, remember that there is a chance that your egg won't get fertilised so don't start losing your mind just yet. Wait a few weeks, test again and see. Good luck!

If it does turn out you are pregnant, it's not the end of the world. Tell your parents, if you explain that you were being careful it just didn't work, then they'll be sad but they will understand, after all atleast you were taking the right precautions. Then you can discuss what you want to do, they will be able to help you through it.
2011-06-28 15:38:33 UTC
You need to get yourself to a doctor ASAP for Plan B, as it's only effective if take within 72 hours (or 3 days) of unprotected sex. A pregnancy test will take up to 2 weeks or more to give you a positive, so taking one 24 hours after sex was a complete waste of time and means nothing.

Yes, you need a guardian because you're legally a minor and it's illegal to hand out medication or perform a medical procedure on a minor without parental consent. So do the adult thing, and talk to your mother NOW about what happened and ask for her help. Yes, she's probably freak, but better to go and get emergency contraception now than having to tell her in a few weeks that she's going to be a grandmother. While you're at it, ask for the pill too, so that, if this happens again, you'll be protected.

Once sperm is inside, there's nothing you can do to prevent conception. You might have found yourself in a very sticky siuation here but be mature about it, own up now and save yourself a lot of heart ache in the future.
2011-06-28 15:40:19 UTC
It takes anywhere between a week to two weeks to determine pregnancy. If you can, try to take Plan B pills. Their not like birth control pills, they are usually taken right after or the next day after intercourse which is highly recommended if you can since that is around the time it is most effective. If not, then just pray for the best. On a episode of "I didn't know I was pregnant" they said there is a 20% chance that a women can get pregnant when having sex, which surprised me since the majority of people have unplanned pregnancies. Lets hope it was that time of the month when you have a low chance of getting pregnant or lets hope that his sperm died on its way up. If there is nothing that you can really do then just keep in mind the last day you had your period and the day that you had sex with him since these dates are the most important dates in finding out whether you're pregnant or not. Until then, you'll have to wait.
2011-06-28 15:30:21 UTC
There are only a couple of online pregnancy tests that actually work, so you might not want to trust the one you took. I've found the tests that cost money tend to be more reliable.

In the meantime, it's really bad for a baby to shake it which is why people say STOP SHAKING THAT BABY IT'S REALLY BAD FOR IT when you shake a baby but that means the best way for you to kill your boyfriend's sperm baby is to start shaking a lot. You can start by drinking a lot of caffeine but ultimately will need to rent a jackhammer or contract Parkinson's.
2016-04-15 03:32:04 UTC
I couldn't even make it through all of the comments without being disappointed in some people. You are in a very hard moment in your life. Not being sexist, misogynist, or even chauvinistic, but as a woman, you are a bit more emotional, and that is fine. Your brain composition and the way it thinks is completely different from that of a male. There's nothing wrong with that. And from a guy's perspective, it may not even be that he doesn't care about you, but he has a dream, and Australia's part of that dream. Thing is, I wanted to move to Australia and cut it off with my girlfriend at the time also. Instead, moved to Japan. That was just something I wanted to do at that moment. Just because he was out doing something does not mean he didn't think about you, and I would have to say it was wrong to kiss on another guy, especially to make him jealous or to feel like you were "getting even". To this day I still think and talk about the girl I left back home for the thrill of another country. As for the pregnancy, you're going to be in for some hard times. The emotional distress you are feeling could end up for the worst for you and your baby. It is best to let it off. Don't become dramatically emotional and start yelling at him, or your parents, but this is the time to tell him, and both mom and dad if you haven't already done so. If he's anything like me, he'll deny that it is his, and probably get upset. If he is a real man, and done being a boy, then he will accept his responsibility. This is no excuse for either of you to stop your dreams. You should both get proper educations, strive to be the best parent possible for your child, attain good jobs, and raise the kid. Please note that I'm not saying this guy should be in your child's life. If he becomes abusive, whether that's verbally or physically, is irresponsible and not able to take care of you or your kid, or anything of the like, you should find another guy. As embarrassing as it is, your parents are there for guidance. Ask them for advice and help raising the kid. Parents know best. It is unfair for you to have to take this responsibility on your own. Having a kid isn't a bad thing. It's a beautiful gift, but as amazing as the little booger is gonna be, you're in for a rough time. Amazing doesn't mean easy. I hope that you are able to come to a reasonable conclusion, an answer I'm sure the majority of us are thinking is the correct one, and that things work out for you in the best. You don't have to go through this alone! Call him and tell him. Don't expect the baby to fix all of the problems. If you two don't work out, then that's it. But that doesn't mean it's not his responsibility also. As much as I hate when women go after the guy for all the money he's got, he does have a responsibility, and if he doesn't want to physically be there for the child, then he needs to help financially. Don't rob him of everything, and you yourself will need to supply a means for yourself and your baby, but he does need to put forth some kind of effort. Don't think of child support as an alternative. Nothing can replace a father. I didn't have one until I was adopted, and it's completely different. I'm much more grateful having a man in my life, and your baby will need one also. Let bud know that you need him. And no matter what, remember you're not the only one who has to go or has gone through this. My door is always open if you ever need anything. Who knows... maybe this will mean you're going to Australia too ;) Good luck! And congratulations!

For the best answers, search on this site
2011-06-28 15:28:44 UTC
You can't take a pregnancy test the next day and expect it to give you accurate results. It takes on average 9 days for a fertilized egg to even implant into the uterus and then the HCG hormone has to build up enough in your body to be detectable on a pregnancy test. You should take plan B as soon as you can. You can get it from the pharmacy and it becomes less effective for every hour you wait to take it. Other than that, theres not much you can do but wait until you miss a period then take a test.
2014-10-07 08:26:30 UTC
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2014-12-21 17:09:57 UTC
Now everyone can cure infertility using this natural remedy

infertility can run in the family and one of the first things the doctor asks you when you go to a fertility clinic is your family history regarding cases of infertility or other reproductive issues.

If infertility is caused by genetic disorder then it's not unusual that one of the kids (your mom) doesn't have it and another does (your aunt).

two months of trying is still to early to be concerned about the fact that you might be infertile and it's also quite early to go to a fertility specialist. Go to a regular Obgyb to get a closer insight and see what ways there are are to improve your fertility rate.

Also remove alcohol, caffeine and cigarettes from your life because they might influence your chances too. Stress is also a risk factor when it comes to infertility.
2011-06-28 15:26:10 UTC
Take a test in 2 weeks (not the next day!) and you got two options:

1) Tell mom and ask to bring to DR's for Plan B

2) Cross your fingers and hope for the best.
2011-06-28 15:25:31 UTC
No test will show that are you pregnant the day after. You may, however, become pregnant.

Do what you can to get the day-after pill. If you must tell your guardian, what's the worst that can happen? Would that be worse than getting pregnant?
Mommy of two
2011-06-28 15:25:54 UTC
You won't know till you take a test in 4 weeks
2011-06-28 15:33:38 UTC
part of your taking responsibility in this situation will have to be going thru with the pregnancy if you are pregnant. and then go on from there. don't blame another life for your own mistakes. stop having sex. abstinence is key. seek God, if you have a Bible read it. both of you. God loves you, His will is perfect. Read Romans 8:28, :)
Kevin H
2011-06-28 15:30:24 UTC
You have to take Plan B within 72 hours. You do not need a doctors prescription. Buy it over the counter. If you miss your next period take a pregnancy test. That is when you are supposed to take it. The best time to take it is with the very first urine in the morning. Your hormones will be higher.
2011-06-28 15:29:49 UTC
well for one you wouldnt be pregnant already if it happend yesterday. tests wont be accurate untill your missed period. so when you miss a period thats when you should take a test.theres nothing you can really do other than wait sadly. you usally ovulate 14 days after your period and thats how you get pregnant if you check that can put your mind at ease. good luck
2011-06-28 15:28:41 UTC
wait about 4 weeks and take it.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.