I couldn't even make it through all of the comments without being disappointed in some people. You are in a very hard moment in your life. Not being sexist, misogynist, or even chauvinistic, but as a woman, you are a bit more emotional, and that is fine. Your brain composition and the way it thinks is completely different from that of a male. There's nothing wrong with that. And from a guy's perspective, it may not even be that he doesn't care about you, but he has a dream, and Australia's part of that dream. Thing is, I wanted to move to Australia and cut it off with my girlfriend at the time also. Instead, moved to Japan. That was just something I wanted to do at that moment. Just because he was out doing something does not mean he didn't think about you, and I would have to say it was wrong to kiss on another guy, especially to make him jealous or to feel like you were "getting even". To this day I still think and talk about the girl I left back home for the thrill of another country. As for the pregnancy, you're going to be in for some hard times. The emotional distress you are feeling could end up for the worst for you and your baby. It is best to let it off. Don't become dramatically emotional and start yelling at him, or your parents, but this is the time to tell him, and both mom and dad if you haven't already done so. If he's anything like me, he'll deny that it is his, and probably get upset. If he is a real man, and done being a boy, then he will accept his responsibility. This is no excuse for either of you to stop your dreams. You should both get proper educations, strive to be the best parent possible for your child, attain good jobs, and raise the kid. Please note that I'm not saying this guy should be in your child's life. If he becomes abusive, whether that's verbally or physically, is irresponsible and not able to take care of you or your kid, or anything of the like, you should find another guy. As embarrassing as it is, your parents are there for guidance. Ask them for advice and help raising the kid. Parents know best. It is unfair for you to have to take this responsibility on your own. Having a kid isn't a bad thing. It's a beautiful gift, but as amazing as the little booger is gonna be, you're in for a rough time. Amazing doesn't mean easy. I hope that you are able to come to a reasonable conclusion, an answer I'm sure the majority of us are thinking is the correct one, and that things work out for you in the best. You don't have to go through this alone! Call him and tell him. Don't expect the baby to fix all of the problems. If you two don't work out, then that's it. But that doesn't mean it's not his responsibility also. As much as I hate when women go after the guy for all the money he's got, he does have a responsibility, and if he doesn't want to physically be there for the child, then he needs to help financially. Don't rob him of everything, and you yourself will need to supply a means for yourself and your baby, but he does need to put forth some kind of effort. Don't think of child support as an alternative. Nothing can replace a father. I didn't have one until I was adopted, and it's completely different. I'm much more grateful having a man in my life, and your baby will need one also. Let bud know that you need him. And no matter what, remember you're not the only one who has to go or has gone through this. My door is always open if you ever need anything. Who knows... maybe this will mean you're going to Australia too ;) Good luck! And congratulations!
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