I had my ultrasound on Monday and they said the heartbeat was 194. My doctor only has the doppler that can tell it's heartbeat at about 14 weeks. I am only 10 1/2. I have asked the doctor and he said that he has not recieved my ultrasound reports yet. My family thinks it is more than one. My Dr. was concerned about my uterus size and my HcG level. That is why I had the ultrasound. However I don't believe there is two considering that my baby was bouncing off the walls and flipping and turning and moving all over the place. The nurse said that when we run or heart rate goes up so when my baby is flipping and playing it's heartbeat will also increase. I have two others and they have never had a heart beat that fast. I have looked it up on line and the only thing I am finding is that it could be a infection, which all my tests are in the clear. I have also found that it could be twins. I am waiting on the results. However I am really concerned. Any ideas? Anyone else experience this?