I am a few days away from 40 weeks now. This is my second child, my first was born at 37 weeks, perfect 6 pound 11 ounce baby boy! I saw my doctor yesterday and she says "things are looking great". I asked her when I could be induced if I go over 40 weeks and she said they would wait until I reached 42 weeks. I am going to be a wreak if I have to wait that long. It's painful to sleep, walk and even eat for the past week now! I am run down and have even caught a cold from being weaker. If that isn't enough, it feels like my stomach won't be able to stretch anymore! My belly button use to be pierced and it really looks like the skin between were it was pierced will tear soon, its getting stretched way to thin. I have a 4 year old who is starting school the 8th of september too, I want to be able to be there for him as my husband works full time and won't be able to take much time off at all. Does anyone know of any ideas of something that would help bring on labor without harm? I do not want to use castor oil, I have heard bad things about that. But any advice would be appreciated, Thanks!