I need to take a poll.. I need to know how many ppl here would name a baby that they miscarried?
2006-04-08 17:02:33 UTC
And what would you name the baby if you had no idea what you were gonna have.
Nineteen answers:
2006-04-08 17:12:31 UTC
I have had 4 misscarriges and I have named every angel. I usually just go with my gut feeling if I thought the baby was a boy or a girl.
Fancy You
2006-04-14 16:05:22 UTC
Yes name the baby. There are lots of names out there that fit both boys and girls. What about Ryan, Chris, Pat? Or what about doing research into some indian names so the child could be named something like Strong Warrior or Blooming Tree or Flying Angel?
2006-04-09 20:58:44 UTC
Naming a miscarried baby is strictly a personal choice. It's not wrong if you do it and it's not wrong if you don't. For my husband and I it helped us gain closure. When I have more babies they will know that they are brother/sister to an angel. We had already picked out a boy name for our baby (even though we didn't know yet) something just told me it was a boy and that is the name we used.
2006-04-09 00:04:59 UTC
Wow...this is a deep question. I think if I were further along in the pregnancy 5-6 mos., I would probably seriously consider naming it. I have no idea what I'd name it, though.

I guess it just boils down to what makes you feel comfortable. It's your baby whether it is 3 mos in utero or 6 years old. I don't think anyone would think you are weird, either way. It's such a personal thing.
2006-04-09 00:13:48 UTC
We did. My wife miscarried at 5 and 1/2 months. We named him and I carry that tattoo on my left shoulder, (closest to my heart) along with our 2 other children. A very tramatic time and seems to ease a little each time I look at his name.
2006-04-09 00:30:57 UTC
Yes, as a mother, no matter how pregnant, you feel a bond with the child.

I am currently 19 weeks pregnant, I won't have my ultrasound until week 20. So, since we don't know the name, my daughters call the baby "Butter Bean", because the ultrasound pic I have from week 7 looks like a butter bean!
2006-04-09 00:12:49 UTC
I would definitely name my unborn child. This is a child regardless of gestational age. You had all the hopes and dreams as does anyone who is expecting and this little angel has a soul, which someday when your lessons here on earth are complete, you will be reunited. I would try and find something neutral to name it. Maybe Neaveh Pronounced (Na va yah) or heaven spelt backwards.
2006-04-09 00:13:38 UTC
I think it is very important about how YOU feel about naming your miscarried child. I would because it still is my child even if it didn't have a chance to live. As for the name, I would choose a name acceptable for both sexes such as "Casey".
2006-04-09 15:27:10 UTC
i know someone that has but i never named the ones that i miscarried i just thought that they were not meant to be here sure i still think about them but i don't dwell on it i would never name a child that was miscarried i think it would cause more pain
2006-04-09 00:19:39 UTC
Why not?

Give him/her a name that means something to you. It doesn't have to be a traditional name. Something with a personal meaning.

-An old family name that you don't like a lot.

-Your favorite color, city, month, flower

-combine a girls and boys name.

-make a name using the letters from your last names (maiden name if married)

And, I wouldn't name him/her a name you really like, one that you plan on naming any future children. I knew someone who did that. It was a little creepy.
2006-04-13 16:07:59 UTC
I would name an unborn child (I believe it would eb waiting for me in heaven). I would choose a name that described the situation or the expereince I left from it. They did that a lot in the Bible- Moriah menas bitterness, Ichabod means God is no longer here, etc.
2006-04-09 01:14:46 UTC
I never lost a baby but if I did I would definitely name him/her. That was your baby regardless he/she lived and breathed in you. He/she is no less important then a living and breathing child. So yes I would name your baby. Sorry for your loss.
2006-04-09 05:03:18 UTC
If u knew the sex of the baby I would myself. Sorry to hear about that.
2006-04-09 00:08:22 UTC
It may be a form of closure for some. I see nothing wrong with it; to each's own.
2006-04-09 00:04:00 UTC
I know a few people that have, and I see nothing wrong with that. People have different ways of coping and that is one way
2006-04-09 00:19:40 UTC
I would name it no matter what.And if I did'nt know what I was having I'd pick a unisex name.
2006-04-09 00:13:18 UTC
my mom miscarried twice..and she named both of them and still thinks about how big they would be now!! so whatever makes you happy... I dunno what I would do till i was in that boat, hopefully never am.
2006-04-09 00:11:47 UTC
I thank God that I have never been in that situtation, and I don't know what I would do if I were.
♥Im Eric's Chic♥
2006-04-09 00:05:43 UTC

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