Need support on abortion :(?
2009-07-08 11:32:05 UTC
I'm 16 and pregnant. I can't afford to be pregnant in both financial and health. I have to get an abortion.
I can't turn to anyone else. Not my family or my closest friends. This place is filled with over conservative religious people. I'm scared if I try to talk about it with even my best friend, scared that she'll disown me.
Others will treat me like i'm scum. A spawn from hell. Like I have no guilt for my decision whatsoever.
I'm scared. I don't know what an abortion is like or who will help me through it. I don't know how i'll pay for it.

Please don't leave me your negative comments. I need not the angry commenters that say "OMG U ARE GOING TO HELL. THAT BABY DESERVES A CHANCE TO LIVE"

I really need support at this time. I need help. How do I go about it?
Fifteen answers:
2009-07-08 11:51:01 UTC
I am 18 and about 6 weeks pregnant.

My abortion is on Tuesday, I`m scared as hell.

I would advise you to speak with your mom. She will not disown you, she truly loves you and I know at 16 sometimes that`s hard to believe, but trust me.

Even if she doesn't agree with it, wouldn't she want the best for YOU? For you to be healthy and happy..

This is one of the scariest things I have had to go through yet, but I let my mom in on it and she is supporting me every step of the way.

Abortions are expensive, mine is costing me around 300$ (Canadian). So that's another reason why you would need your mom.

Also, the longer you wait, the more painful or complicated the procedure becomes.

There is a teen help line for pregnant teens like you and I, you can ask them further questions and explain your worries. 1-800-395-HELP

Overall, remember that this is YOUR choice. You must do what is best for you and not let yourself be affected by others' judgment.

This is your life, your body. You are not dictated by religion, other people's beliefs. Only by yourself.

You have control here.

If you want to contact me you can email me

I would be glad to support you through this.
2009-07-08 18:44:49 UTC
First of all, relax. How many weeks are you? If you are under 10-12 weeks than you can get an abortion rather easily (I hate to say that because I am against people using abortion as a form of BC or doing it without thinking). Anyways, make sure you are in the early stages of pregnancy. Abortions are like any other major doctor procedure. If you are ready mentally and physically for it, then you are fine. Remember, abortions aren't free and you need to come up with about $500 to pay for the procedure. If you can't pay for it and/or you are too late in your pregnancy ... then talk with Planned Parenthood in your area and see what adoption options you have. Sometimes adoptive couples will pay your medical expenses.

Planned Parenthood is a good place to start. They have counselors, doctors, and nurses that will help you sort out what would be best for you. Don't let anyone pressure you into having an abortion - it will just end badly.

If you need to talk to your parents about the abortion/pregnancy then have a trusted friend or relative with you so you can do it comfortably. They will be upset but they still love you in the end.

If you need any other support/help, please feel free to email me. I know the types of decisions you are going to have to make and how it feels ... don't be scared.
2009-07-08 18:47:35 UTC
why dont you chose adoption or at least think about it. whats the difference between killing a baby in the womb or when it gets out?

with adoption you can chose the parents or have nothing to do with the adoption and the agency will do it for you. there are so many couples out there that want a baby and cant have one and it would be a miracle for them if you would chose adoption. we all end up in problems every once in a while but killing the baby isnt always the answer. you can't handle the judgement of having the baby think about the guilt you would have after the abortion. i know you want support but i dont feel abortion is right for some reason this baby is supposed to come into this world there are couples out there that would love to take him off your hands so just think all your options through before you kill the baby.
Mommy of 2 beautiful girls! And pregnant again!
2009-07-08 18:44:45 UTC
I'm very sorry to say this is not the right place to get support for what you are about to do. You are talking mothers, soon to be mothers and woman that want to be mothers. I do not believe in what your doing at all. You should call a free clinic and they will help you. but you need to think about getting on b/c after you do what your going to. So you don't have to deal with it again.. or better yet don't have sex a such a early age. I was a teen mom... I kept the baby. I did it cause its my family. But now you know how hard this is so don't have sex and this wont happen. Good luck.
♥ к∆┼єℓчɲ ♥
2009-07-08 18:47:50 UTC
well i need and want you to think about something so you are thinking about abortion am i right well abortion causes mentally issues and i know that your at a hard time right now but the baby will appreciate you being a good mother and not killing it first. since your thought is abortion that would mean you would never get to see your baby ever in your whole life and i know it sounds like a semi easier way to go its not it will come back to bit you in the butt labor wont be to bad i mean if you plan on having babes later then just face it now. give your child up for adoption i'm adopted and i love my family i'm gad that my birth my didn't kill me before i could even smell fresh air, the question is do you care about your baby enough to put it in a loving family or is it just another life you don't need to worry about. you wont go to hell its just you'd be making a big mistake and you'd regret honestly look into adoption cause its not fair to just end a life like that i hope i helped and influenced you cause let me tell you, i know for a fact that you care about that baby and your parents care about that baby and God cares about your baby so i don't know if your a Christian but you need suck it up cause this is your punishment you made a huge mistake and now your life is screwed over and if you decide to keep your baby it wont be half as bad as you think it is a few months will be hard but i know you can stick it out everyone can your almost 17 just have the baby then decide between keeping him/her and you will feel much better that you didn't kill it
2009-07-08 18:49:12 UTC
Sweetheart,life is full of choices and none of them seem to be easy.There is no easy way to have an abortion.First of all you need to call around to some local clinics to get some prices and see what you can afford.Does the father plan on helping with paying for the precidure?
2009-07-08 18:36:17 UTC
My husband and I will adopt your baby.

Email me if you are serious and I will put you in contact with our agency.

You don't want to be judged by your peers? Don't you realize that no matter what you do people are going to judge you. You need to make decisions that you are happy with, based on what you know is right. People will always have some bitter slice of condemnation for you no matter what you do, people love to complain and put each other down.

But it's your future and the future of your baby you're talking about. Your so-called friends who would make fun of you don't deserve to have a say in this decision!!
*Mommy in the making!*
2009-07-08 18:39:51 UTC
I know you don't want to hear this, but the baby does deserve to live. LISTEN FIRST THOUGH::::: There are many many agencies that can set you up with a family; a couple who aren't even able to have their own baby; and in some cases they pay your medical costs. ALSO, medicaid is also available. Don't go through with the abortion until you have looked at your options.
Take A Test!
2009-07-08 18:37:12 UTC
Well, to start with in most states you will need to at the very least notify your parents of your decision to abort, and in some states you need at least one parent's permission or else you need to get a judicial bypass. So you're going to have to tell someone.

As for help, contact a crisis pregnancy counselor - in the phone book - or contact Planned Parenthood who can give you a referral. Good luck with your decision.
Natalia R
2009-07-08 18:40:30 UTC
Yes, call Planned Parenthood and they can give you the advice/support you need.

BTW, to all of the adoption advocates out there. I was put up for adoption by a teen mom and was treated like **** & abused by my adotped family & placed into foster care when I was 14. Not all adoptive parents are loving & functional. Think about that.
2009-07-08 18:38:46 UTC
I'm not religious OR conservative :) But I think you need to think about your other options. You didn't mention anything about why you can't talk to your family and friends.

I think you got yourself into a tough situation. But I also think that you should consider adoption, so that your child will have the chance to grow up. You can also consider keeping the child yourself. There is public assistance. I know it's not exciting thinking of that option, but it IS an option.

Good luck!
married and expectin # 1 in jan!
2009-07-08 18:38:51 UTC
I think you should consider adoption sweet heart. Abortion is not always the answer..... U do need someone that will be there or you though and help you through the pregnancy. What about the guy that got you pregnant, you should hear his view about it as well......wish all the best for you
2009-07-08 18:37:25 UTC
I really hate the idea of abortion because someone was careless and didn't think about the consequences. i think a much better solution would be to come clean to your parents, admit you made a mistake and either let them decide, or opt for adoption. Their are plenty of couples out there who can't ahve children and would love to have yours.
2009-07-08 18:38:06 UTC
call planned parenthood, they will give it to you really cheap or in some situations for free.

read this and find one by you, you don't need insurance and after use a condom or get on the pill.
2009-07-08 18:40:58 UTC
Check out local women's shelters or other organizations. They can help you with your guilt and decision overall.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.