I had to BEG my docotor to give me a blood preggo test. What gives?
2007-12-06 12:39:49 UTC
I went to the doctor today b/c I suspect pregnancy. I keep getting negatives on urine tests, however I am having symptoms. So I went to my doctor and she first did a in office pee test. I asked her if that was more realiable than the over the counter tests she said yes b/c they test the potency of the urine b/f testing. She also said she had never heard of women not getting a positive and still being pregnant on a pee test (her in office tests). I have heard SO many women on here say do the blood test, you can get false negatives on a urine test....what about doctor urine test? I am SO confused. Even if I am NOT preggo, why did I have to basically demand anblood test and why did she say there urine test IS accurate and basically say "your not pregnant, but if you insist"? I am confused. Anyone not been able to register a positive on "doctor" preggo tests and had blood work come back pregnant? I think I might get a new doctor. Any feedback?
Twenty answers:
2007-12-06 12:47:45 UTC
Blood test are more expensive so that is why they don't use them as often. I understand your frustration, doctors offices have to cut corners due to insurance companies and what they will and won't pay for. I worked in a clinic for years and I have heard the doctors complain about it and the patients. I have never had an issue with preg tests from the store so I can't help you with that question from personal experience. Some women that came into the clinic would ask for the blood test and there were never any issues about giving it. If you are bummed by your doctor you might want to look for another one. My issue would be when I am pregnant and I am asking for something will she laugh at me or respect my wishes and do what I asked for. Food for thought.
2007-12-06 12:46:04 UTC
Well, I guess cos urine tests are pretty accurate generally, blood tests, even though they are minor, are still more intrusive (is that the word I mean...?) than peeing in a pot. So I would imagine that she would take the pee test, then send you on your merry way and then if after a while you still hadn't had a period and had symptoms, she would maybe do the blood test? I don't know but I have to say nobody I know has had false negatives on doctor tests. Home ones yeah. Then again, I guess it depends how far you are along when you test.
*~*MOMMY TO A.J*~*
2007-12-06 12:48:10 UTC
I had done about 2 urine with a negative result... and I went to a walk in clinic and paid for a blood test... The results came back negative but I felt my body unusual... Not at all the same... I waited a few days... and took another urine just to ease my mind and I got a very quick positive... So I went to go buy more pregnancy test... Just to make sure... and the next 4 were all positive too!!! You know your body more than anybody else... You might not be pregnant but thinking you are is making your body believe it... It happens... If you are... Wait a couple of days... You might be like me... Good luck in whatever the outcome is...
Koren's Mommy
2007-12-06 12:59:52 UTC
I think you need to find a new doctor. I was given both even though I had taken 5 hpt that all came out positive. The blood test is more accurate and can detect smaller amounts of hormones and tell the doctors how much of the hormones you have surging through your body. Once you get back the results, find a new, more compassionate doctor and have your files transffered there. Especially if you are pregnant (or I am sure you will be shortly ;)!) you will want a doctor who will give you what you need, want, and are comfortable with (as long as it doesn't harm you or the baby). Good luck and I hope the result is what you want!
monique b
2007-12-06 13:08:34 UTC
I am 10 weeks and could never get a positive urine result on hpt's or at the doctors office. The blood test is what did it for me. I don't know why you had to beg though, it could be because the blood tests tend to more on the expensive side.
2007-12-06 12:55:03 UTC
if she's your doctor then unlike us she would know when your last period was.because you told her. she probably guessed that by now you should be producing strong levels of HCG HORMONE. you see once your pregnant you register HGghormone. and all those test do is react to THAT hormone. even the one at the doc's office. so if you told her you are three weeks late and the pee test didnt register that you showed any level of HCG then she was just being frugal, and probably has to deal with alot of first timers who are 'trying' and wasting her time and the office time because they are in denial. but dont worry you did right in demanding a blood test. you're the patient. you get to choose.

and YES!! you CAN get a false negative on a preggo test. BUT after being 3 weeks late you should have strong levels of the pregnancy hormone IF you're pregnant. that part people fail to mention. probably because they dont know. once i took a test when i was 2 days late and it said negative. i WAS pregnant come to find out but my the levels were low is all. but they're there, and they can be picked up most definetly by a blood test!

good luck!!

mom of four and professional preggo test taker and reader! LOL
2007-12-06 13:02:41 UTC
Well I found out I was prego from a routine doc visit. @ my gyno's office every time you are seen by the doc they have you leave a urine sample b/f your appointment. So when it was time for me to be seen my urine was already tested. (I always wondered why they ask you to leave a urine sample b/f your visit.) Well my doc goes over the usual female stuff she says Oh your pregnant! Congrats! Your 4 weeks I didn't even have time to miss my period. I wasn't late or anything. Then she sent me to take the blood test to be sure. And it was correct I am now 32 weeks. If you are not comfortable with your doc then get a new one. With my first child My doc was inappropriate & made me feel very uncomfortable. So I changed doc.
2007-12-06 12:47:29 UTC
I would go to another doctor one who can respect a request you make. I took three HPT and nothing and then i took a blood test and i got a positive. If your prego you may have low HGC (hormones that set off test results) and a blood test is more accurate. I think she mite not want to do the test because a blood test cost her office more, but you need to know. So go find someone else and find out for sure. good luck
2007-12-06 13:31:07 UTC
I think you should stick with your doctor, a lot of doctors would do the same thing. If you came up neg they would tell you to wait a week and if you still havent started to check again. It is not routine to check blood if the preg test came back negative. It saves your money and their time!
2007-12-06 12:43:51 UTC
That's weird, you should have got both.

Every time I go to the Dr's I get a blood test to check for everything.

Anyway, don't rush to get a new Dr yet. Get the results of the urine test, and if that is negative, ask for a blood test. If your Dr says no, then find a new Dr.
2007-12-06 12:52:16 UTC
well your doctor knows more of your history... when you went in for the preg test, you told her how late you were for your period etc... so with that info, if you have not missed a period yet, and her pee test and all your pee test come back negative, then there was no reason for a blood test. She in the end, made you happy, and gave you the test..... let me guess, it is negative?
Noah's Mommy
2007-12-06 12:47:17 UTC
i had 2 pos first response tests.. and then 2 neg pee tests at the docs the next day (he told me that they use the cheap ones, and they arent as sensitive as first response) then he gave me a blood test, positive.. here i am 34 weeks with a boy!!!!!!!! but if you test neg on first response.. i would say you may not be pregnant.. have you missed a period?? i tested positive 3 days before i missed.. and the ones from the docs office he sd could not detect such low HCG
The queen of the world
2007-12-06 12:44:15 UTC
I took so many freakin urine pregnancy test, and they came back negative. But guess what, the blood test was positive. The same day I got a positive blood test, I got a positive urine test.

DId you wait till after you were late? If you're not late, it won't show.
Kim B
2007-12-06 12:44:50 UTC
from what I have been explained, a dr pee test is the same as an otc one..

when I was preggo with my daughter (the first one) I knew right away didnt evenneed a test, so I went to the dr, she looked at me funny refused a blood test and didnt even want to perscribe me prenatals, she said there was no point there was no way I could just know i was preggo...

well 2 weeks later i was back in her office with my pos preg test in hand, dropped it on the table when she came in and asked to have all my records transfered to a new dr, and i am still with my dr to this day he is amazing... oh and turns out that bbased on my ultrasounds... i thought i conceived on feb 01 03 and based on ultrasound i conceived on feb 02 03.. so there. ;)
2007-12-06 12:47:29 UTC
i dont see how any urine test can be different from another, they all test the same thing so why would one work and not another. i would also demand a blood test. they are more accurate. i think doctors, especially those in clinics, try to avoid them because they are more time, work, and money.
2016-10-01 04:28:13 UTC
After 2 weeks, it is once you're arranged to tell. while did you get it carried out? Take a house being pregnant attempt or a pair ....while you're nevertheless annoying approximately it, set up an ultrasound or yet another blood attempt.
2007-12-06 12:44:08 UTC
What day was your period due? If it was taken after your period was due, then you are not pregnant.

if so many tests came back negative, then your doc will not retest you or order a blood test UNLESS you have a history of slow rising HCG levels.

Also, all doctors have a different way of doing this. Some avoid the blood HCG test, while some swear by it. If you aren't satisfied with your ob-gyn, then switch.
2007-12-06 12:43:00 UTC
A blood test is the most accurate, so I'd say time for a new doctor.
2007-12-06 12:50:12 UTC
I'll be more than happy to answer your question,

as soon as I find out what a "docotor" is! ;)
2007-12-06 12:42:22 UTC
He is trying to save you money.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.