Does it annoy you that everyone is due in October?
2009-05-05 17:28:34 UTC
It highly annoys me that everybody is due in October. I haven't seen one person on here who is due in any other month. Why would you want to have a baby in the most popular month for births? I would rather have a child that is not born in the most popular months. It must be a fad or something to be due in October, because my friend is due October 9th. It just really gets annoying that no one else is due any time except for October. I am going to try to deliver in December, because December birthdays are almost unheard of. It's NOT cool to deliver in October, everyone else is doing it, too. I just wouldn't want something like that for my child, if I could help it. I bet not one other person on here is due in any other month. Why are there no people with May or April born children? Only October? It's an annoying and overused birth month. Just think, almost two times the amount of children are born in October, wouldn't you want one of the other 11 more rare months? I'm just wondering where all of this is coming from.
49 answers:
Avery Jacob <3
2009-05-05 17:34:06 UTC
I am due in October but I didn't purposely plan it I was trying to conceive for 6 months before I got pregnant its not like you can just plan when you are going to have a baby and its silly that your upset about it when you are trying to conceive you don't care what month you have your baby in as long as its healthy.
2009-05-05 22:23:39 UTC
What are you, 10 years old? People do not always plan which month they conceive in. Even more unpredictable is the month of a baby's birth. Sometimes babies are born before their due dates and some later than their anticipated due date. My brother was supposed to be born in December but came in October(Halloween) instead. Things like that are not planned. They just happen.
2009-05-05 17:37:28 UTC
Um, hon, you do realize that you can't choose when your baby comes, right? Because it's not as simple as going to a doctors and telling them you want your baby to be born in July.

Anyway, most babies are due in October because usually people get pregnant around the beginning of the year. Around February and March. Maybe even April. Therefor, nine months later your baby is due.

It is rather annoying, though. If you don't want an October baby, get pregnant in the summer or anytime after May.
☠ Bunky ☠
2009-05-05 17:36:57 UTC
Did you get a new account? I would assume you are the same girl who always asks this. If you are I believe from your other account you are born in october. If this is a different person then who cares when you are born? There are only 12 months you can be born in. My family has birthdays in January, March, April, May, October and November. So I guess not everyone is born in October. Get over it
2009-05-05 17:53:40 UTC
I can't believe your upset about people giving birth in October. I am sure many people don't get pregnant to give birth in October...LOL!! I am sure there aren't couples out here aren't purposely having children in October. It takes only one time to conceive and to be due in October you must have conceived in February (just one month out of 12). I am sure and have noticed couples are having sex other months out of the year and TTC.

I have always noticed their were a lot of birthdays in October and November. I am a November birthday and actually now due November 8th. There are plenty of other people on here due in December and now just learning they are pregnant and due in January.

Find something else to annoy you because that is a ridiculous observation.
2009-05-05 17:34:53 UTC
Oh, I remember you. You have something about being born in October. Why does it even annoy you when you aren't even pregnant? I also remember from a question a long time ago that your birthday is in October. Why don't you find a hobby instead of obssesing over people born in October? People are born every single day of the year.

BTW-Not that it is any of your business, but my daughter was born in October (she came early, and my due date was actually November 5th). However, I lost four pregnancies before her and none of my angels were due in October. After trying for 3 years and going through 4 losses I didn't give a damn what month my daughter was going to be born in, all I cared about was that she was healthy.
Jenn ♥Cadence Jade's mum♥
2009-05-05 18:09:06 UTC
Well sorry if it annoys you that my due date is October. My husband and I were trying for over 2 years to get pregnant and we just happened to be suprised and finally got pregnant with a due date in October. If October due dates annoy you then I think you have some serious problems to deal with. What normal person gets annoyed by a due date? Get over yourself. I know more people with december birthdays over October. So your totally not cool...sorry
2009-05-05 17:39:59 UTC
Most people would rather their child be born in October appose to December I'm sure... Christmas babies are great don't get me wrong but out of the many ppl I know who's birthdays are in December wishes it wasn't. You get jipped on presents.
miss bre
2009-05-05 17:44:16 UTC
No....I actually don't know anyone who is due in October besides myself and I actually think everyone is due in August/September and I know 3 people who are due in December.

Most babies aren't planned from my experience......I know mine wasn't......I wasn't planning to get pregnant or trying to get pregnant in October. Its just coincidence probably that you see a lot of October births.
2009-05-07 07:06:13 UTC you are seriously bored arent you, why do you even care, are you the doctor that delivers these babies that you get so tired of delivering in October..i mean get over it, there are far more important things for you to worry about instead of when woman (that have nothing to do with you) have thier babies, your childish....and also btw im due....OCTOBER 15th....yay, and idc if ur annoyed by it, im just happy im finally having my first baby...
2009-05-05 17:37:58 UTC
Well my 2 daughters' birthdays are in March and my son's birthday is in September. Me, my husband, my mom, my aunt, and my grandpa all have birthdays in May. My sister has a September birthday and my brother has an August birthday. My sister in law and one of my friends both just gave birth to their babies at the end of last month (April). My nephew was born last June. Is that enough non-October birthdays to please you?
Mommy 2 B
2009-05-05 17:47:45 UTC
I don't know ANYONE who's birthday is in October. People get pregnant when they get pregnant...I don't think too many people purposely get pregnant just to have their baby in October. I know lots of people who are due in june and july, so whatever.
ღ My baby girl is almost 2! ღ
2009-05-05 17:37:32 UTC
My birthday is in December... My baby's father's birthday is in May... and our baby girl is due in June! In our family there are more Dec. and May birthdays than any of the other months. There are 12 in May and 9 in Dec.
2009-05-05 17:36:39 UTC
I was due in April - now overdue, so my baby will arrive in May.

I think you are being a little general saying "everyone" is due in October and "no one" has babies in december.

You baby arrives when it arrives, it doesnt matter what month it is born in - there are always going to be other people due in that month!
2009-05-05 17:37:34 UTC
Im due in June. I only know one person whos birthday is october, and thats my boyfriend.
2009-05-05 17:38:18 UTC
My boy is due in July but I nkow what you mean. My MOTHER is born in Oct! Um, hello? How cool can it be if MY OWN MOTHER is born then? Huh? HUH??

Geeze, get some originality and START having sex in Oct. If you don't fall pregnant, wait a year, try again. That way, we wont have this situation any more.
2009-05-05 17:33:42 UTC
Maybe it aint cool for you but dont put us down just cause we are due in October I dont care what month it is..there are lots of people due in other months besides October. My first son was born in December and my 2nd son was born in April..Take your opinions somewhere else
2009-05-05 17:35:42 UTC
ummmmm i only know like 1 person born in october and i know at-least 5 in december. and my b-day is in april. infact i think i have atleat one friend or family member born in each moth of the year. i don't know why this is bothering you so much, it not like people are trying to have october baby's to be 'cool', they are doing it cuz they want to have a family and they happened to get pregent in jan.
Mary D
2009-05-05 17:37:18 UTC
First of all, get over it. People generally have a break from work, or are celebrating the Christmas/New Year's holidays, which many times result in pregnancy. Why do you think they are becoming pregnant to irritate you. Look in your email, the world is NOT about you.
2009-05-05 17:36:53 UTC
Is everyone really due in October??

LOL, I am due in October as well. I didn't realize I was following a fad.
Kimberly C
2009-05-05 17:33:43 UTC
WHO CARES? That's just when women managed to get pregnant. According to an ultrasound, I'm due November 4, but I think I'll be delivering at the end of October, and I am DAMN PROUD OF IT.

Why don't you find something else to occupy your time?
2009-05-05 17:34:05 UTC
I think you better pick a different month to try for. Everyone in my family is born in October or December.
2009-05-05 17:33:11 UTC
I personally know only 2 people with October birthdays, and 5 people with December.

Hun, it differs with the people you know. Chill out.

With the people I know EVVERYONE has a July Birthday.
Mandi Elise
2009-05-05 17:36:51 UTC
im due in august.

and i dont know anyone with an october birthday

almost everyone i know is born between december and march
2009-05-05 17:32:41 UTC
Ummm I'm a June person and NO one else is, i have a million of friends and only 3 are born in oct, its not true!!!!

no its not annoying
2009-05-05 19:08:32 UTC
I was due May 1st, I sure hope he doesn't plan on staying in there till Oct... .

btw - I'm a December Baby
2009-05-05 17:35:28 UTC
I was pretty happy to have 2 healthy children. I could care less what months they were born in.
2009-05-05 17:33:44 UTC
I'm due in September. My birthday's in December, and my daughter's is too. 8 days after mine.
2009-05-05 17:37:25 UTC
Lmao calm down, in fact i have seen other months on june, july, september..etc.

People can't help when their due date is going to be so get over yourself.

That question was very childish!
Trying For 2.
2009-05-05 17:42:51 UTC
seriously this annoys you?? People get pregnant and their nine months is up in october thats just how it happened. and f.y.i im due in september.
2009-05-05 17:33:31 UTC
jeez, chill out. you can't help when your baby is born. i'm due in there!

oh and by the way. october is the most popular month because so many people get pregnant on new years eve because they are DRUNK!!
2009-05-05 17:33:43 UTC
well i was born in may and only one of my friends/family was born in october.
2009-05-05 17:36:00 UTC
ummm i,m due in june who are you the "birth police" their are plenty of women on here that are not even close to being due in October!
With Child <3
2009-05-05 17:34:12 UTC
I'm due in August and know about 7 people who are also due in August. You don't make any sense.
2009-05-05 17:32:54 UTC
My sister was due april 21.. now she has her baby of course lol
2009-05-05 17:38:14 UTC
First of all that's kind of selfish and this might make you happy im due july
2009-05-05 17:32:44 UTC
January is typically the coldest month. Makes sense.
2009-05-05 17:39:54 UTC
Im due June 2nd.
2009-05-05 17:48:01 UTC
im not due in october.

i am due in december.
2009-05-05 17:36:40 UTC
It's not like any of those women have any choice in the matter. Get over it.

Oh, and guess what? I'm due in Sept.
Love to Answer
2009-05-05 17:35:03 UTC
Oh goodness. I'm due in June. Feel better now?
2009-05-05 17:32:36 UTC
PEople concieve and 9 months later, a baby is born, THis happens to be in October.

2009-05-05 17:46:08 UTC
2009-05-05 17:34:34 UTC
not everyone is due in october my aunt is due in november

and no it dosent bother me
2009-05-05 17:37:43 UTC
i am due in July. not everyone plans pregnancy. it just happens sometimes
2009-05-05 17:37:17 UTC
I'm due in july :)
2009-05-05 22:08:35 UTC
ahahahahahhahahahahahahaahhahahaha are you serious? chill ahahhaha
2009-05-05 17:33:38 UTC
It does annoy me because over 12 of my pregnant friends are due in October and chances are there due on the same day. Sometimes I hope the baby's premamature or even overdue.
2009-05-05 17:32:37 UTC
Are you for real?

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