Ive always had an irregular period so I started the patch and I had been nauseas for about a week before but after i put the patch on i was even waking up in the middle of the night just to dry heave for hours. the patch is horrible! so i wore it for one week and then reapplyed on the "new patch day" but at the end of the day i removed it after researching the scary sideeffects. i had not had a period since july 25 and applied the patch thinking i had my period. sorry if TMI but i was having intercourse and when he pulled out there was four little brown dots on my sheets and thought that was my period, so i applyed the patch but i never got an actual flow or redness just slight brown discharge when wiping (sry if TMI again) but now i took it off monday and when should i be expecting my period? i did have unprotected sex, could pregnancy be a possibility?