2010-11-22 15:37:41 UTC
I did get my period on time last month on October 27th. My period is due Nov 24th so I wouldnt know if I was preggo yet. Anyways last week I noticed somewhat thick white discharge in my underwear [sorry, tmi] its not smelly...and just happened in the random middle of the day. my nipples have been a little sore [i have NEVER experienced this before. also i have been hungry, not feeling well, tired, HEADACHES [the other daywas abad bad headache day], and feeling HOT-- when its not even hot...]
Ever since OCt 23, everytime we have sex he finishes inside me [sorry for the TMI but thats a given], and I ovulated two weeks ago either mon tues or wed.
I took a test last wednesday from the dollar store and it was negative :( but i only ovulated a week from that wednesday,
OMG i just took an early at home test and it says POSITIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SEE IT HERE:
SHOULD I TAKE THE OTHER test? SORRY i am SO excited!! BTW my period was due in 2 DAYS!