Doctors sched. inductions around their vaca?
2008-08-01 06:55:50 UTC
I have been reading a lot and talking to a lot of people and more and more I am hearing about Doctor's sched. inductions around the doc's vacation time. Also, a lot of doctor's schd. inductions if the baby's due date is a holiday, so that everyone doesnt have to be at the hospital on the holiday. I was due on Halloween and my mom's doc sched. me to be born on the 20th and my brother was due on Valentine's day and they sched. him too. Has anyone else had this happen? Most likely I will get induced a few days b4 Xmas (my due date) and I wanted to hear how it went. (NO rude answers. I don't care how wrong you think it is. I am asking for personal stories)
Seven answers:
Tina has Twins
2008-08-01 07:07:54 UTC
I have heard of this happening - usually when you are near your due date and you really want your own doctor instead of someone who is on call . . .

I am already scheduled for August 26 (c-section not induction) as I am expecting twins, will be 37 weeks at that point and we have a complication with one of them so I really want my own doctor there . . . I feel pretty secure in our decision.

I think if the baby is term . . . then it is a personal decision. Doctors often take turns on holidays - a lot of times there is a reason that we want our own doctor instead of taking our chances.

Good luck to you and best wishes for a happy & healthy pregnancy!
2008-08-01 14:12:11 UTC
My doctor actually scheduled my cesarean around his vacation so he ended up delivering my baby only a day before his due date. Quite dangerous since it was my 3rd cesarean in 3 yrs. Would've been a bad thing if I had gone into labor. Luckily, it went fine but he showed up 4 hours late to the hospital.
Nathan arrived 8/4 :)
2008-08-01 14:09:00 UTC
Yes doctors do like to induce to suit their schedules and needs and people that encourage them are not doing the rest of us any favors. I know you don't want "rude" in other words responses that disagree with you but you should also research the risks associated with inducing for conveniences sake.

Induced labors are much more painful and typically the risk of further interventions like C-Sections is elevated. Chances are you aren't going to go on your due date anyway, so I would see how you feel around that time before just deciding you are going to be induced.
2008-08-01 14:31:08 UTC
My doc did this, for my last pregnancy (my third)... She said she was going on vacation, and I was to be induced 10 days early... At the time, I was a little excited (she told me 2 months beforehand, to prepare me), but, as the day came closer, I admit I felt a little guilty, making baby come out, before she was ready... But, after her killing my rib/breast area, for two months, no sleep, and utter misery, I knew it was the best thing... Also, if my doc didn't deliver me, then another one would have; the one who had delivered my son (my firstborn), and I did NOT want that doctor, again! Anyway, she said they'll probably induce on Oct.15th, with this pregnancy, even though I'm due on the 18th... Not sure why, but, I really don't care; it's such a small difference... Besides, I think I'll go early, anyway. :) Good luck!!

*edited* From personal experience, my induction was less painful than going into labor on my own... Also, with my first child, I was given Pitocin (commonly used to induce, by *my* hospital, anyway), because---even though I started labor, on my own---labor slowed, and they wanted to pick things up... It wasn't horrible; contractions are contractions, and I've had both experiences.

*edited, again* Sorry, to make it brief, I was supposed to go to the hospital, in the morning, but they called me (the day before) to say come in the night before, instead... I got to the hospital at 9 p.m., which was my scheduled time, having not eaten anything major, and ended up waiting 2 hours for them to call me back... This was because other women had arrived, in serious labor, and, of course, they take them, first... When I got back there, they hooked up the IV, drew blood (from the IV), and connected me to fetal monitors...Then, it was just a waiting game... I was fine with the contractions, even though they were strong, but I did agree to an epidural, around 1:30 a.m., cause I was tired, and wanted to sleep, and knew I wouldn't be able to, when contractions became unbearable... Got the epi, and all was well; they checked me, off and on, and I received a catheter... Totally painless, of course. (Before I got the epi, I was getting up to pee, every half hour---hard with that IV---and they'd also broken my water, first... *That* was uncomfortable, since I was barely dilated.) At some point, they gave me an oxygen mask, and I had to wear that, for a good while, and I didn't seem to be progressing... Honestly, at 7 a.m., I was still only at 4 centimeters; mom-in-law had to go to work, and I was certain they would come in and suggest a c-section... Half an hour later, they said I was at 8, suddenly: great news! Hubby went out to tell my mom, and our two older children, and by the time he was back, they were saying I had just a teeny bit left, and a nurse had me push against her hand, a few times, and then I was at 10... Pushed for maybe 10 minutes, and then there was baby! Very worth it. :)
Marley's Mommy
2008-08-01 14:07:49 UTC
My doctor is inducing me a few days before she goes on vacation since my due dateis while she is gone. I'm so excited at this point that I don't even care about being induced!
2008-08-01 14:04:59 UTC
a co-worker of mine had her doctor ask if she wanted to have her baby two weeks early because when she was due he was going to be on vacation. i have never heard of this before, i actually didnt even know if they could do it.
2008-08-01 14:05:20 UTC
I thought you were only induced if you were overdue. I've never heard of anyone getting induced to accommodate the doctors schedule

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