My doc did this, for my last pregnancy (my third)... She said she was going on vacation, and I was to be induced 10 days early... At the time, I was a little excited (she told me 2 months beforehand, to prepare me), but, as the day came closer, I admit I felt a little guilty, making baby come out, before she was ready... But, after her killing my rib/breast area, for two months, no sleep, and utter misery, I knew it was the best thing... Also, if my doc didn't deliver me, then another one would have; the one who had delivered my son (my firstborn), and I did NOT want that doctor, again! Anyway, she said they'll probably induce on Oct.15th, with this pregnancy, even though I'm due on the 18th... Not sure why, but, I really don't care; it's such a small difference... Besides, I think I'll go early, anyway. :) Good luck!!
*edited* From personal experience, my induction was less painful than going into labor on my own... Also, with my first child, I was given Pitocin (commonly used to induce, by *my* hospital, anyway), because---even though I started labor, on my own---labor slowed, and they wanted to pick things up... It wasn't horrible; contractions are contractions, and I've had both experiences.
*edited, again* Sorry, to make it brief, I was supposed to go to the hospital, in the morning, but they called me (the day before) to say come in the night before, instead... I got to the hospital at 9 p.m., which was my scheduled time, having not eaten anything major, and ended up waiting 2 hours for them to call me back... This was because other women had arrived, in serious labor, and, of course, they take them, first... When I got back there, they hooked up the IV, drew blood (from the IV), and connected me to fetal monitors...Then, it was just a waiting game... I was fine with the contractions, even though they were strong, but I did agree to an epidural, around 1:30 a.m., cause I was tired, and wanted to sleep, and knew I wouldn't be able to, when contractions became unbearable... Got the epi, and all was well; they checked me, off and on, and I received a catheter... Totally painless, of course. (Before I got the epi, I was getting up to pee, every half hour---hard with that IV---and they'd also broken my water, first... *That* was uncomfortable, since I was barely dilated.) At some point, they gave me an oxygen mask, and I had to wear that, for a good while, and I didn't seem to be progressing... Honestly, at 7 a.m., I was still only at 4 centimeters; mom-in-law had to go to work, and I was certain they would come in and suggest a c-section... Half an hour later, they said I was at 8, suddenly: great news! Hubby went out to tell my mom, and our two older children, and by the time he was back, they were saying I had just a teeny bit left, and a nurse had me push against her hand, a few times, and then I was at 10... Pushed for maybe 10 minutes, and then there was baby! Very worth it. :)