Just for fun... a few questions from a bored mommy to be!?
εїз Bad Gal MiMi εїз
2009-11-06 12:24:52 UTC
I am almost 15 weeks pregnant, and I thought I was finding out what I am having on the 19th of this month. But since I have already had two ultrasounds, my doctor wants to spread them out more and wait until December to do another one. SO I will be finding out right before Christmas what I am having! (Perfect timing!!) questions are...

What are you having? If you dont know yet, what do you THINK you are having?

AND do you think I am having a boy or a girl?? Here are some facts:
1. Mothers intuition tells me it is a boy this time.
2. I have one daughter, neither me nor my hubby have any other kids.
3. I have been craving pickles, spaghetti, steak, and mashed potatoes... Also sour things, like warheads and starbursts.
4. My daughter always wants me to hold her lately, and some old wives tale says this means either a boy or a girl, I can not remember... Normally she is very independent, but lately she wants me ALL THE TIME.
5. I was sick for one week with my daughter (I thought I had the flu,) but this time I was pretty nauseous but never got sick.
6. I am constantly tired, all the time.. Partly because I am severley anemic (B12 and Iron deficient)

I know no one can tell me what I am really having, this is just for fun becuase I am sooo bored.

Thanks all and have a great day! =)
Fifteen answers:
Brittany [TTC #3]
2009-11-06 12:36:52 UTC
Aww I find out right before Christmas too! :D

I think i'm having a boy!!

If you think your having a boy then i'd say your having a boy a mother's intuition is a big factor.

Lol we're craving all of the same things! I hope we'll get our little princes
2009-11-06 12:43:16 UTC
I found out the sex at 22 wks and 2 days..........A BOY! Whoooooooo:) I had no clue I was having a boy, but I guess that's because I wanted a girl from the start. My husband new it from the get go though. And let me tell ya something baby Luke isn't shy the slightest bit. *laughs* the nurse didn't do much to find out, he just had his legs spread wide open. My husband thought is was funny and blurted out, like father like son. I was so embarrased. Hehe. I am now 35 weeks pregnant, and I cannot wait to see my little man. He is constantly moving around, rolling. Kicking, punching. Its like he's doin the running man! Lol. I wanted a girl in the begininning, but now that I know im having a boy, I couldn't or wouldn't want it any other way! I love him soooo darn much already!

*I totally think you're gonna have a baby boy!! ;)
2009-11-06 12:39:29 UTC
I think you are having a boy.. I'm having a girl and crave sweet things like chocolate and ice cream. And I crave cheese. Weird I know. I am iron deficient too. I also was just very nauseous and never threw up really. Couple times maybe. Are there any ultra sound clinics by your house? That's how I found out because my doctor couldn't tell on his ultra sound and I didn't want to wait. I payed 20 bucks I think. And I'm going to go there for a 4d fun one towards the end.
2009-11-06 12:52:40 UTC
well i'm 23and i'm 7 weeks and 4 days pregnant lol and hubby 38 and i are on our 4th one together.and he has 2 kids and we have full custody so his is actually baby number 6 :) this is my 6th pregnancy

with my daghter aspene rayne aug 23 2005 age 4. i thought i had the flu i was 18 and my mom was kind of scared so she took it apond her self to make a doctors appointment, so i went and they said i was pregnant, i said " i just had a miscarriage my numbers could still be high they said nope mrs gilbert you're pregnant. or corse we're excited, so that evening i went out and had a weird feeling tht it was a girl. so i bought the little beautiful felt christmas dress

i was right a "GIRL"

with my second daughter " i was 20" faith cheyenne oct 14 2006 who is 3 and was 9 weeksearly

they actually said that she was gooing to be a he lmao and i didn't think that was right, but of corse my husband was so excited that he was getting his sec boy, i turned to him and said hunny i don't think that he's right. well see. so hubs went ou and bought all this blue and boy things lol and i did th oppisit lol and bought pink and grls things and it was a mothers feelings. i got to see first had since faith cameout breached

and a girl lol

now wit our third the tech said that we were having a girl lol and i said nope it a boy my husband gave up at this point about the his sec boy lol, i convinced him that it's going to be a boy i've been right with the girls why not this one so thank god w kept the boy stuff from when allen bought when i was pregnant with faith, because o july 16th 2007 "i was21" weeks early and 78 hours of labor here came sunny sde up 6 pounds 13 oz baby boy :)

and this one i'm thinking a boy :)

soi gues my point is always go with what you think and fell it is don't always depend on techs

sorry for rambuling lol i'm a very board mommy right now lol not allowed to do anythign lmao
2009-11-06 12:30:20 UTC
Ooh I'm finding out in December too! I'm gonna say boy, as mother's intuition generally outweighs all the old wives' tales. Congrats!
*Pregnant With #1*
2009-11-06 12:32:33 UTC
Just for fun imma say its a girl :) I had dreams and strong feelings that my baby was going to be a boy but found out its a girl! I am also anemic and my cousin's daughter wanted to be with me all the time. Good Luck :)
2009-11-06 12:34:03 UTC
I'm having a girl (due Jan 8th) I thought for sure I was having a boy, but I was wrong. I bet you're having a girl too. Only because everyone I know or have talked to lately is having a girl.
2016-10-01 08:29:16 UTC
Hmm, i'm no longer a mommy, yet I do prefer to share a guideline. i know you suggested parks. From the places your naming, your to no longer faraway from Griffin Park. that is captivating there. only make particular to take a digicam, you have got a lot of captivating backgrounds for pictures of your 5 month old. additionally the L.A. Zoo is incredibly low-value to get into. you does no longer prefer to bypass there on a daily basis, yet as quickly as a month or anyplace, that is a large place to bypass. The infants, nonetheless probable to youthful to renowned a monkey can nonetheless get a reasonably stable chuckle watching those loopy adult men. They bypass banana's. lol
2009-11-06 12:34:17 UTC
I think that mother's intuition goes a long ways so i think you might be having a boy like you think. I got pregnant with my son, I just knew i was having a boy. I really think that this may be a girl! Good luck!
2009-11-06 12:31:08 UTC
Read or look at "Taking Control of Your Fertility" it has info in there on planning the sex of baby you want to have. I visited with a midwife yesterday, I didn't get full details I apologize but she said something like... If you conceive with sperm that was waiting on the egg you released, it's a girl. If it was sperm after the egg was released it's a boy :) BEST OF LUCK
**my princess is due 5-7***
2009-11-06 12:34:02 UTC
me too. were finding out december 7th and i can hardly wait!!

I think im having a girl but who knows:)

I would go with your intuition and say a boy!
2009-11-06 12:30:50 UTC
I'm having a Girl

She's due in 28, almost 27 days! :D

My Guess is you're having a Boy :]

Congrats on #2!

נυℓιєт ♥ яσмєσ ♥
2009-11-08 00:45:12 UTC


2009-11-06 12:34:28 UTC
im 32w6d with our first a gorgeous baby girl and i had this instinct the whole time that she was girl. we are sooo close but so far away lol. i cant wait to meet her im so anxious and excited.
Thicky Minaj
2009-11-06 13:02:58 UTC
Well im 15 weeks too, my due date is April 22nd. Idk what im having yet I find out on December 16th:]

Im going to go with the boy!

Mothers always right:]

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.