2011-10-13 03:03:26 UTC
me and my partner had been trying for a baby and 2months ago i had what i thought was implantation bleeding but then a few days after i had a unusual 2 day period. i took a HPT and it came back negative. also this last month i had a 2 day period which my normal period is 6-7 days, i did another pregnancy test and that was also negative, as you can guess the same happens this month too!, another 2 day period another negative test, i feel like iv been having alot of pregnancy symptoms like.. I'm always tired, I'm constantly hungry, I feel bloated all the time, pains in my back, iv been getting very emotional ect ect the usual signs.. my nan had periods through out her pregnancy and didn't have a positive pregnancy test... even after 3 negative results and 2 day periods for the past 3 months is there any chance i could still be pregnant?
If I was pregnant I think is be 11weeks today.
this is really confusing for me and any information is really appreciated!