Babies moving?
2006-04-04 03:22:56 UTC
Starting from which month do babies start to kick and move in womb? I think i heard it was 7 months, right?
Thirteen answers:
2006-04-04 03:34:28 UTC
Each individual is different and the number of pregnancies you've had makes a difference. A person's first pregnancy may feel movement approx. 18-24 weeks, whereas in a second or more pregnancy a person may feel (or notice) movement sooner because they know what to look for.
2006-04-04 11:34:02 UTC
I started to feel my baby kicking in my 5th month. Im sure it must have started earlier though cos at first it felt like bubbles in my tummy and then then small kicks at 5and half months. At 7 months now I feel lots of kicks and if i look at my tummy I can see the kicks happening.
2006-04-04 10:38:48 UTC
It really does matter on how many pregnancy's you have had as each pregnancy your womb gets thinner, its in the 5th month for your first baby which is by 20 weeks, its called "Quickening" at first its like butterfly's or bubbles it gets stronger each time you feel it! Congratulations and good luck
2006-04-04 10:28:56 UTC
It depends whether this is your first child or not. I felt my son move late in the 5th month but was told that now that you recognise the feelings you I would feel it earlier with subsequent pregnancies. It just feels like gas or tiny bubbles when you first feel it and that feeling just gets stronger and stronger until you can feel proper kicks and summersaults. It is a wonderful feeling but can get a bit uncomfortable when the baby is bigger!!!
2006-04-04 11:30:44 UTC
I'm currently preggo and started feeling my baby move frequently and stronger since I became 5 months. Doctor said that you will feel the baby moving when your 5 months and sure enough she was right.
2006-04-04 10:39:58 UTC
They begin to move in forth month. Put a light bowl on your tummy and watch the baby kick it off. Have fun with your pregnancy.
2006-04-04 11:20:55 UTC
I think it is round the 4 or 5 month
2006-04-04 15:12:33 UTC
With my first child i felt her move at 4 months, but now, pregnant again this one didn't move until end of 5 month. Every pregnacy is different.
2006-04-04 10:29:52 UTC
babies start moving around 12 weeks but you start feeling around 18 weeks.
2006-04-04 10:53:29 UTC
it al varies, but I flet something like butterfly very early in the pregnancy at about 16 weeks.
2006-04-04 12:10:55 UTC
based on the responses I think it would vary from person to person.
2006-04-04 10:56:20 UTC
on ur 4th month..
2006-04-04 10:32:56 UTC
i felt my babe wen i was approx. 4mnths

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