Thoughts on your c-section experience!?
2008-11-03 08:25:00 UTC
My Dr is probably going to schedule me for a c-section because of my pelvic arch being so narrow. I have had a second opinion from the head nurse at Labor and Delivery as well, and they dont seem to think it will happen naturally. For 24 hours I have had contractions every 10 mins, and Im still hardly dilated. He just cant drop low enough to let anything happen. I would like to know how people that have had c sections delt with the experience... I am a little nervous!
Nineteen answers:
Tell it like it is...
2008-11-03 08:50:28 UTC
Of course you're nervous! They will be cutting you open. I had an emergency c-section with my first child. It was not all that bad. They gave (actually forced) me an epidural, and then I couldn't feel anything but pressure. That was the scariest part is having the epidural. Just remember to relax and not make jumpy movements.

The c-section itself was a piece of cake. Of course mine was done in a big hurry. I was not even draped when they started to open me up. But with you, they will probably prep you by draping you with a blue clothe type thing. You wont be able to see what they are doing unless they have a mirror on the ceiling. But they will cut you near your pelvic and take out the baby.

Recover is another thing. They will push on your stomach for some reason that's supposed to help you...but its very uncomfortable. They will lay weighted blankets on your belly to help your uterus go back down....that actually felt good. They will make you cough (which is not fun but its very important) and you will have to stay in the hospital until you have a bm. That is scary because you are pushing and feel like everything inside you will come out, but it wont, I promise.

When you get home, make sure you have plenty of help because the more you do, the more pain you will have. They will give you pain meds of course but I didnt like taking them. Just because I hate taking medicine. If you breastfeed, the pain is less. I did not breastfeed with my first because I did not have milk, but I had gallons with my second and the pain after the first 4 days was a lot less.

I think now, I would rather have the c-section than natural. Just because now, I've had two c-sections and know what to expect.

I dont think c-sections are so bad. Example. I delivered my second baby by c-section on Monday, Wednesday they let me out of the hospital (a day early) and by Thursday I was on my hands and knees scrubbing my floors. ( then my dh found out and ordered me back to bed and did not let me get up.) As long as you take care of yourself afterwards, you will have minimul pain and heal quickly.

Invest in a tummy wrap or something ( can be found out Motherhood stores) to help your belly get rid of the pouch. I wish I did! I have a belly pouch I cant get rid of because I did not take the time to invest in one and wear it....that and I had my babies 15 months apart.

Good luck.
♥Aly and Becca’s Mommy♥
2008-11-03 08:39:04 UTC
Being that I had an emergency c-section, my experience was awful! I was in labor for over 19 hours when the doctor performed a c-section (low heart rate, 6cm dilated).

Getting out of the hospital bed was excruciating. I needed assistance from my husband and nurse to get out. Any movement hurt SO much. When I was home I had to sleep on the couch b/c my bed was too high. I definitely don't recommend a c-section to anyone.

Why don't you try going into labor and if it doesn't work then go with the c-section.

I can imagine that experiencing a vaginal birth is probably the best experience a woman can have although I do understand that it's impossible for some to experience that.
2008-11-03 08:48:33 UTC
My first child was a vaginal delivery. Then when I went to be induced with baby #2, he was transverse (sideways). I was told I needed to have a c-section...and I just started to cry. It wasn't what I had imagined. Not having labor was a relief as I had a difficult labor with my first baby. After the C-section the pain was pretty bad for a couple of days, then it got a lot better each day after that. Baby #3 was then a scheduled C-section. At that time I was able to choose V-bac (vaginal birth after cesarean) or c-section. I chose the c-section. My kids are now 11, 13 & 15. I am 38 years old. what I will tell you is this. I have a lot of friends with bladder & other female problems now that they are in their 40's. Blamed mostly on childbirth. My va-jay jay is fine because I didn't put it through 3 deliveries. That is my "bright side". Remember, you gave birth no matter what. It doesn't make you less of a mommy. Good luck and god bless.
Mommy of 4 and an Angel
2008-11-03 08:32:21 UTC
I had an emergency c-section with my first child due to the same problem. The way my pelvic bone is shaped my babies head won't fit through. I labored for 21 hours and once her head started to swell they knew she just wasn't coming out. The recovery from a c-section after a long and complicated labor was awful. I had a scheduled c-section with my second child and the difference was amazing. I recovered in half the time with half the pain. It was a breeze. If it looks like you may need a c-section I would schedule it. You will have a much easier recovery.
2008-11-03 09:05:29 UTC
I was planning to have my second set of twins the same way my 1st happened: natural. When they told me my girl was stuck and her heart rate was dropping, AND my BP was rising the said it was time for an emergency C-sect. I'll be honest, I freaked out! I didn't take that so well, and had a lot of complications with mine, (blood loss, slow heal time, local numbness, spinal headache, etc.) So I've heard, my case isn't that common, either. Most women walk and function normally within the week.

I wrote this not to panic you, but to make you aware that as with ANY surgical procedure, no matter how small, there are risks involved. If you trust your doctor and know they have your best interests in mind, as well as your child's, then by all means proceed. If not, find another doc you do trust and see what or who they recommend.

It happened to me that my first doc was not interested in complete care of me, nor the babies I carried, so I went to one I did trust. Even after he told me about the emergency c-section, I became ok with the idea because I felt his willingness to help. He was there through the whole process and, as strenuous as it was I felt some sense of security. Through him, I also found a string of other great docs.

A c-section is a scary idea, I know, but it doesn't have to be if you trust who you put in charge of your care. They will suggest all the things in the world, but ultimately you have say over who, what, and how things happen in the delivery room :)

Good luck and congratulations!

2008-11-03 08:48:47 UTC
I had a c-section for the exact same reason! I was in labor for 12 hour, contractions 3 minutes apart, and only dilated to 3. My pelvis was too narrow for my baby to pass through. I was very pleasantly surprised by the experience. The procedure was very fast and I felt no pain while they did it. The first 4-5 days after were tough, but they gave me some pain killers that were safe for breastfeeding that really took the edge off. After about the 4th day, I felt fine except for when I first stood up or sat up. My hubby still had to help me lift things, but it was WAY less painful than I had imagined!
2008-11-03 08:45:21 UTC
I had an emergency c-section with my first, and I was horribly sore for the first 3 days or so. It was hard to move around in the bed, get out of bed, and it even hurt to laugh. After about a week I was ok, though. I got back in the normal routine house work, and of course BABY! :) The c-section scar is not bad at all. It is literally paper thin. Don't believe me? Wait and see! You'll be surprised.
2008-11-03 08:44:59 UTC
Just go for it. I had an emergency section with my first and it was a horrible experience (same problem as you big babies narrow pelvice) Had an elective section with a spinal block 2nd time and it was a fantasic experience, my partner even got to cut the cord and i breast fed whilst the docs finished up. Yes it hurts but i was out and about shopping 4 days after my 2nd section!
2008-11-03 08:34:54 UTC
See if you can handle c section. I guess you can. I guess it makes people nervous when they want to have c section but i am sure doctors are reliable and can help you in every situation. I think that would be better if you just relax and listen to the doctor and have the c section. Dont be reluctant. Do what they tell you, because they told you your pelvic arc is being narrow right? My friend, wish you have a successful c section and i believe you will. :)
Duncan Henderson
2008-11-03 08:35:35 UTC
You'll probably have a spinal anaesthesia- you won't feel anything below the waist, except a bit of pushing & pulling. Low BP a known problem with spinals, so there'll be a BP cuff on one of your arms that'll continually be monitoring you.

There'll be a screen up so you and your birth partner (if you have one) will be spared the sight of the incision.

The scar will be low down in your bikini line (called a pfannenstiel) & isn't usually obvious.

If for any reason you need to have a general anaesthetic- you'll feel pressure on the front of your throat (I'm assuming your in the UK, where cricoid pressure is routinely used) to prevent you aspirating anything from your stomach.

Relax and try to enjoy.

Thousands of C sections are performed daily, it's routine to us that work in theatres.
2008-11-03 10:22:12 UTC
Congratulations!!!!!! I have 3 children and have experienced 3 different types of labor and delivery.... My first child who is 13yrs old now was born COMPLETELY natural nothing for pain! He weighed 9lbs 3oz. The labor wasn't that bad because it only lasted about 3hrs BUT the delivery was horrendous! My 2nd child who is 5yrs old now was born natural BUT with an epidural he weighed 8lbs 2oz. The labor was AWFUL I was in labor for about 15hrs before I had my epidural but the delivery was a cinch cause I didn't feel it lol... My 3rd child who is 4yrs old now I had a scheduled c-section, he was breech and REFUSED to turn lol... MY experience with a c-section.... Of course not having to go through labor and delivery was lovely BUT I was carrying him really low so the catheter was REALLYYYYY uncomfortable and of course. I had a bad reaction to the spinal they gave me, my whole body was shaking uncontrollably and I started to kind of panic so they gave me some benadryl for the reaction and tried to calm me down. Of course the morphine afterwards was wonderful lol... I was pretty sore for a while and my incision became infected. All in all it was a pretty good experience and as long as your follow doctor's orders with after care of yourself and your incision then all should go well. As soon as you see your baby the world around you will cease to exist and any discomforts will ALL feel worthwhile!!!!! Best of luck!!!
mum to KitKat ✿*~.•*¨`*•✿
2008-11-03 08:34:31 UTC
i was induced and then after 24 hours and two peidurals that didnt take and a baby that didnt drop i had to make the choice for a c-section.. it was all quite surreal.. you are so ridiculously numb you can only feel pressure but no pain.. I got terrible shivers from blood loss that lasted for a few hours.. i was shaking too bad to hold my daughter at first. ummm afterwards they gave me a spongebath which was a tad embarrassing but i was too numb to protest.. after i was done with the delivery it was painful to lift my dd out of her little bed to feed her, and it was a nightmare trying to go to the bathroom at first so i choose to keep the catheter in for 24 hours. i didn't have a shower for 48 hours and felt so gross. walking burned like heck! and stairs for the first few days sucked bad.. also i oozed lots of fluids out the incision which was scary bu totally normal. but the pain gets better and better each day and you have this totally awesome new little one in your life and somehow you just get through it and over it and life goes on. and now that im ttc #2 i would consider having another c-section over a vbac because there are pros and cons either way. best of luck to you!
2008-11-03 08:40:57 UTC
I opted for a c-section rather than a natural birth because of my stature and disability. It was a scary experience for me, but that is not to say it is a bad experience for other mothers. I was asleep the entire procedure, and didn't get to see my son for 3 days. My symptoms following the c-section included prolonged bleeding for nearly 4 months (yes, 4 MONTHS, I to this day still think they screwed up) and weakness in my legs. Everyone's experience is different, but if I ever had another child, I would opt for vaginal delivery, only if it were possible for me.
Sarah D
2008-11-03 08:33:54 UTC
I was in labor for over 2 days and never progressed past a 3 so we finally did a c-section. I've had two now and honestly it doesn't matter how your baby comes once you are holding him/her in your arms. Both of mine were fantastic. You go in there, lay on a table and 20 min later you have a baby!!!

Good luck!
2008-11-03 08:50:54 UTC
i started having intense contractions at 38 weeks and the dr checkedme and said itwas braxtonhicks,went home and the next week i was checked and was in labour we stayed up most of night and i was in serious pain we went to hospital and they said i was only 2 cm,we went home in, evening i checked my bag again,i slept and in morning contractions were like every 3-4 mins we phoned and told to come in

i was checked and still 2 cm,dr checked and said i could try and labour but i would be too tired to push,at that point i was in so much pain i also tried to strangle dh,i said to him let them do the c/section with epidural and our son was born and i was ok a couple of hours and was walking just the first timei went to pee it felt strange but i would have another c/section my friend tore really bad when she had a normal birth baby was breech.

good luck,
2008-11-03 08:30:47 UTC
My wife was in pretty rough pain for 2 weeks after, and the 3rd & 4th week really sore. Up till 6 weeks was sore.

Natural she said was so much easier.

Father of 5
2008-11-03 08:32:15 UTC
Don't be nervous, a c-section is a common procedure. The give you something, so you wont feel a thing just pressure. It will be harder to get a firmer tummy after only because they need to cut muscles to get to the baby
2016-05-25 20:08:41 UTC
Every female is diff as well as every pregnancy. i have 2 kids and im 31wks preggo wit my 3rd n final child i to am goin to have a c section for my 3rd time. ugh bummer. let me tell yu my first c section i was scared but that one wasnt that bad even for my first time now my 2nd one omg i dnt even like to think about the pain was bad. i cry to this day n pray it wont b as painful as my 2nd child the firrst day i found out iwas pg wit my 3rd child i said NOOO!! why? because i keep goin back to the week of my 2nd c section. but like i said eery woman n preagnancy is diff just depends on how much pain yu can handle cuz id b lyin to myself and to yu if i said it wasnt painful. :/
Acelin Gwen's Mommy
2008-11-03 08:30:52 UTC
i personally don't want a c-section for the scar... my sister needs to have them with all of her pregnancies. she is pregnant with her 4th... she says, it's the recovery time that's hard, the scar doesn't bother her.. i may not have a choice either but it bothers me :( low attached placenta

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