Here is my situation.. on October 24 i found out I was 7wks prgnant & my blood type is O-. I had bleed alittle 2 days before so the doc had me get blood work for 2 days. First the hcg levels was 8,000 then the 2nd time it was 9,000. Then the doc told me to get another blood work done cuz the levels didn't rise the way they were suppose to. The 3rd time it went up to 18,000 which was really good. Then on Nov 7 I went to the ER cuz I had been spotting for a couple of days. They did an ultrasound and blood work there. The ultrasound results came back that they didn't hear a heartbeat cuz maybe the fetus was too small & the ultrasound tech doc told me it look like I was 51/2 wks and not 8 like I thought. So the hcg levels went up from 18,000 to 29,000. So I'm really confused at this point if maybe my baby has stopped growing wouldn't my HCG levels have droped by now? Please help