I am 8 weeks pregnant and they couldn't find a heartbeat for my baby. Is it possible that its just too early??
Sarah B
2008-02-20 14:01:58 UTC
Today was my first ultrasound. The baby measures out for me to be about 8 weeks along, but they couldn't find a heartbeat. They said that there is a chance that i may be a week earlier (7 weeks), and that the length of the baby may just be large for 7 weeks. Meaning that the heartbeat can't be seen that early. So, is that true? When do you normally see a heartbeat through dopplar? They are going to check me again in a week, and if it still doesnt have a heartbeat then, it means my baby is not alive.
49 answers:
2008-02-20 14:04:31 UTC
I have had 4 babies and the Dr ALWAYS said, wait until 9-10 weeks. Some may not be audible earlier (with the Doppler). And, what do you mean by teh length? f they know the length, then the ultrasound WOULD ahve picked up a heartbeat.
2016-05-22 09:27:54 UTC
10 weeks pregnant wtihout fetal heartbeat Hi, Same thing happened to me, I am pregnant with my first baby, my husband and I have been trying for so long when I found out I was pregnant we were ecstatic.I was 7weeks pregnant when my husband and I went to get our first ultrasound no fetal heartbeat was detected. We were devastate, it was supposed be the most wonderful day of my life instead it turned into a nightmare. I had a choice to do a D&C or misscary naturally, I of course picked naturally. I am now 10 wks pregnant and I still haven't misscarried, I have gone for a second opinion because I have no systopms of misscarrying but we were told the same thing. I too questioned the doctor about the development of the baby. The doctor told us that the baby can have no heartbeat but that the placenta is still nurturing the baby, I didn't know that was possible. Now I will go through the D& C next week. Now I wonder if I will get pregnant again because I am 37yrs old and I wonder if I do get pregnant will it happen again?
2008-02-20 14:18:06 UTC
I am 24 weeks pregnant and the 1st time the Handheld heart detection machine worked on me was at 23 weeks - I had previously been checked at 11 and 15 weeks - both times my baby's heartbeat could not be heard - however, I have had three ultrasounds that confirmed my baby's heartbeat was fine - I don't believe you should worry - it is very early and though other people might have heard their child's heartbeat it might not be the same case for you - Try not to stress as I did and have faith you will deliver a healthy baby in 8 months!
Proud mamma!
2008-02-20 14:10:08 UTC
I heard my son's heartbeat at like week 5 or 6. But I went to the hospital around my 27th week and they were monitering the baby and couldn't find his heartbeat forever. I was freaking out to say the least. But apparently it was because of the possition he was in. We found the heartbeat and I am now almost 34 weeks along. Don't stress too much just yet. It's important to relax right now when the baby's development is supercharged. But it's almost impossible to stop worrying. It's just part of being a mom I guess. You will worry throughout your whole pregnancy. Just TRY not to lol. I'm sure everything will be okay. I think if the doctor's really thought that your baby didn't make it, they wouldn't wait a week to find out. You two will be okay. And in the meantime I will be praying for you. Good luck!
Heaven L
2008-02-20 14:06:12 UTC
Well to be quite honest i saw a heartbeat at 6 weeks. But for some people they dont see it until later, 8 weeks being the latest, im assuming they did a transvaginal ultrasound, and not the one on the belly cuz that would just be stupid on their part. But yes wait it out, if you go by your lmp it might put u ahead a week or 2, so altho it seems that youre 8 weeks the baby might only be 6 or 7 weeks. Try not to worry and think positive for when you go back for your next appointment. Good luck
2008-02-20 14:08:27 UTC
I had a transvaginal ultrasound sound at 8 weeks and I got to see the heartbeat, I didn't hear it until my 12 week appointment.

If you are 8 weeks you should have been able to SEE it on the ultrasound, but might not be as far along as you orginally thought.

By my LMP I would have been 10 weeks at my first appointment, but I was only 8. My LMP was also late, so thats why it was different.

Good luck and I will keep you and your baby in my prayers.
2008-02-20 15:17:10 UTC
Usually at 6 weeks a heartbeat can be detected on an ultrasound. Sometiems you can hear the heartbeat through a doppler around 10 weeks which is when I heard mine but it can take longer. Have another ultrasound in 1 weeks and if still no heartbeat then you will miscarry.
2008-02-20 14:09:43 UTC
It may be too early. The earliest that I had a check for heartbeat with the dopplar was at 9wks and when they didn't find the h/b right off we went ahead and did a u/s just to put my own mind at ease because I had, had a m/c just before that. We could see the h/b as clear as a bell on the screen then at 9 wks.
2008-02-20 14:16:54 UTC
ok I had a scan at 7 weeks and thought I'd lost the baby as they couldn't find a heart beat - 2 weeks later and strong baby - my son is now 4 months old and thriving - whatever happens best of luck and don't lose hope. I lost a first baby at 12 weeks (identified on first scan and had to have D&C ) told the 2nd baby hadn't heart beat 7 weeks- in two weeks- 9 weeks preg v strong heartbeat and healthy baby - spent whole pregnancy expecting the worst but now have lovely baby- 4 months old (wish I'd relaxed more in pregnancy but after scare never relaxed again!) - keep positive for the future whatever happens!
2008-02-20 14:12:43 UTC
i went to a specialist and was able to hear and see the heartbeat at 6 weeks. but that was me, and i paid a pretty penny for it too!

From the date of the last menstrual period, the fetal heart will begin to beat on the 22nd day of development. This means that by the 5th week of pregnancy, the heart is beating. Until week 9, the fetal heart rate will increase 3.3 beats per day. In the early stages, the fetal heart rate is approximately 80-85 beats per minute (bpm). However, by the 9th week your baby's heart beat will be in the range of 155 to 195 beats per minute. Most expectant parents say that the fetal heart rate sounds like the galloping of a horse.

Yes it could be true that you cant see the heartbeat at that amount of weeks. dont get yourself all stressed out.. just wait til your next appt. and talk it over with your doctor

good luck to you, hope everything works out :-) just remember to smile
I love my baby boy!
2008-02-20 14:04:35 UTC
When I had my first ultrasound at 5 1/2 weeks pregnant they could see and hear the heartbeat with a vaginal ultrasound.
2008-02-20 14:05:01 UTC
I would just try not to worry too much and wait and see next week. I had a transvaginal ultrasound at 7 weeks and I honestly don't recall if they saw a heartbeat that early or not.
2008-02-20 14:26:17 UTC
Its awful when you go for your first scan and to come out thinking something is wrong...

the babys heartbeat is usually first seen between 6 - 8 weeks! Maybe your dates are wrong.. Just try to keep positive! I know its easier said and that next week will take forever to come but hopefully everything will be OK!

Best of Luck!
2008-02-20 14:17:06 UTC
Try not to stress too much : / I know it's easier said than done. My doctor told me that it varies for every woman and every pregnancy. It very well could be that you are too early to hear it. One of my best friends just had the very same thing happen. They told her that she was 7 to 8 weeks but couldn't hear anything. Then they told her all of the possible things it could be and scared her half to death. Turns out that everything is fine and her baby is healthy as can be, was just too early to hear anything, plus her uterus was really thick making it harder to hear anything at all. I got really lucky and got to hear my baby's heartbeat at 8 weeks, but unfortunately as you know everyone is not that lucky. Again try not to stress, and just try to think positively about it. Good luck and congratulations!
Siara's MaMe
2008-02-20 14:16:00 UTC
I'm not sure sweetie. I got my ultrasound at 7 weeks and 1 day. They couldn't hear the heartbeat but we seen it. My boyfriend 'bout jumped out the chair when he seen that little heartbeat.
proud mama
2008-02-20 14:16:39 UTC
i didnt hear my baby's heartbeat until 14 weeks, but since it was through ultrasound, they should have seen it i think, i had an ultrasound at 9 weeks, transviginal, but they could pick it up with that, so just wait, and see i hope that it is realy to early, because you are just 7 weeks, and with the dopler it takes longer, to position your baby, maybe he/she was somewhere else in your womb and thats why they couldnt pick it up, my own they couldnt find him either before, he was always on the go! good luck!
Jill P
2008-02-20 14:09:34 UTC
Do you know how big the fetus was? If it is less than 5mm CRL (Crown-to-Rump-Length), it is possible for it to be healthy even if a heartbeat is not seen on u/s. If it is larger than that and no heartbeat was seen, it may indicate a problem. I wish you the best of luck with your next u/s!
2008-02-20 14:07:55 UTC
So early on in pregnancy often the only way to see a heartbeat is to have an internal/vaginal scan. If you are only 7 weeks your sonographer is correct - think positive thoughts :o)
Tyler's mommy & 2 on the way
2008-02-20 14:20:28 UTC
last week when i was 9 weeks pregnant, the doctor listened for the baby's heartbeat for at least 5 minutes before he actually found it. i wouldn't worry about it. i'm sure your doctor will listen again at your next appointment and find the heartbeat then.
2008-02-20 14:06:46 UTC
Hi i think it still could be to early. If thats what they said then they are the best people to listen too. I think 8 weeks is about right. i go onto this website it gives me weekly updates on my pregnancy informing me how baby is growin and whats happened in week its its great i know it will tell you on there when the heart beat can be found. good luck
2008-02-20 14:07:46 UTC
It varies with the size of the mommy and the size of the baby. My baby is now 8 years old but I think it was 15 weeks when I got to hear it. Google it and you will find lots of different responses.
2008-02-20 14:05:34 UTC
8 weeks is borderline. My Dr doesn't even look for a heartbeat before 12 weeks, because it's so iffy. Take heart! It's perfectly normal. :)
2008-02-20 14:17:24 UTC
I wasn't able to get in to se a doc until I was 13 weeks and they used doppler and heard hb loud and clear. I am pretty sure they should hear something at 8 weeks. Good luck and congratulations on your little bundle of joy.
2008-02-20 14:09:37 UTC
I am so sorry to hear that. I wouldn't worry because it does nothing for you. Keep your hopes up high because every baby grows at different rate.8 weeks is about when they find the heart beat. I hope all is well with you and your baby.
2008-02-20 14:12:00 UTC
i think it's pretty early. i first saw my baby's heartbeat at 10 weeks. i first heard her heartbeat at 12 weeks.
2008-02-20 14:06:49 UTC
yes it may be too early.. well, from my experience.. i have five children and it took between 10 to 12 weeks to hear a heartbeat.. so hopefully everything is ok.. i wish you the best..
2008-02-20 14:05:30 UTC
I hope sincerely that it was too early and that there will be a heartbeat next week

Good luck
2008-02-20 14:07:25 UTC
I was 6 weeks when they say my babies heart beat. But I really wouldn't worry because the baby might of been in a position where you couldn't see it.... Don't worry everything will be okay!
2008-02-20 14:07:30 UTC
It's OK. Just relax, stress is bad for the baby. I'm sure that your just not 8 weeks yet, maybe your baby is growing at a different paste...but I'm sure your fine! =] I'll pray for you and your baby! <3
2008-02-20 14:10:55 UTC
probably the heart is still forming and maybe be weak

Sometimes it takes a little longer to hear it Usually its from 12 - 14 wks so dont worry i was like 11 weeks before mine could be heard but i was always kinda an oddball
2008-02-20 14:05:53 UTC
it means my baby is not alive?? why would you say something like that? Of course your baby is alive, it's very normal not to find the hearbeat on the first ultrasound. They will find it next time
*Momma and wifey*
2008-02-20 14:05:36 UTC
i did not see or hear the heartbeat with mine until i was at leasat 11 wks along.
2008-02-20 15:50:58 UTC

dont worry 2 much i had my first scan and no heart beat

had to wait 2 weeks to find out its hard not to think the worst

but when i went back it was there your be fine all the best
breana c
2008-02-20 14:09:44 UTC
It is possibly true becaue the time you found out you were pregnant you could have done IT to late.I usually see it most of the time. I'm terrible sorry for you and hope your baby is ok. Pray to God even if youre not catholic. It helps!
2008-02-20 14:10:54 UTC
I first heard mine at 10 weeks.
Penny P
2008-02-20 14:08:47 UTC
i think its to early they had probs finding my babys at 14 weeks im now 31 weeks so wdnt worry
2008-02-20 14:06:14 UTC
dont freak out as the doctor said it is too early the baby starts to get seen in the 4 month and then you will see if he is alive or Dead...
2008-02-20 14:05:17 UTC
i would say its to early to hear the heartbeat
Pam H
2008-02-20 14:05:23 UTC
Relax. Don't panic yet. It is just too early. It will be okay. They will find it next week. Good luck.
2008-02-20 14:05:20 UTC
If it's through a doppler it is usually atleast 11 weeks. It is possible too early...
2008-02-20 14:07:37 UTC
you should be fine. if there was a major problem they would do more test. give it more time. everything should be just fine. in the mean time relax. stress is worse on a pregnancy than drugs or malnutrition.
Runs with Scissors
2008-02-20 14:09:23 UTC
It's really early! Don't worry about it, it's too early to worry.
2008-02-20 14:04:14 UTC
i wouldnt worry...its prob too early...and dep on how much you weight and how the baby is positioned =o] good luck!
2008-02-20 14:06:03 UTC
try not to worry; it could be too early to see anything
2008-02-20 14:05:55 UTC
its probably to early you'll see on your next visit right?
WOW that was random...
2008-02-20 14:04:59 UTC
aww thats so sad. :-( I'm sorry. I hope your baby lives. I don't know but I think you start hearing it about 8 weeks into the pregnancy.
I'm back!
2008-02-20 14:04:55 UTC
i thought you couldnt hear it until 10 weeks....
2008-02-20 14:05:42 UTC
that happened to me and it was a miscarriage =(
2008-02-20 14:03:59 UTC
i think although it may be premature

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