Okay so I know that I would have to wait until am 22 weeks but I was just wondering and with the old wise tales what would you guys think I was having okay, So I got an ultra sound done when I was 13weeks and 4 days and it was to test for the down syndrome and other stuff and my fiance was asking if it was a girl and the doc said well it looks like it but I don't believe that you can even tell when your that early and just for some old wise tales this is my first baby and I am 15weeks and 2 days today and I haven't gain no weight yet and my stomach isn't showing all like that but it's lower right now and the heart rate for the baby has been from 160 to 148 so far and I had the sickness everyday and all day and I'm still a little sick but that is only sometimes and my fiance says its a girl and I have a feeling it's a boy just a quick fun guess? And another question is can you feel the baby move yet because when I was laying down when I was 14weeks and 4 days It felt like this little base ball hitting the top of my stomach and I am a skinny girl I only weight 120 and I was just wondering if you can feel the baby move from the inside? And If so how much longer would it take for it to feel the outside so her/his daddy can feel it