Getting Induced?
2006-03-28 17:31:37 UTC
My due date is today and i am still very much pregnent... I went for my weekly check up with my doctor and he said that if my baby dose not come by saterday then he will induce me sunday morning. I hurd that being induced is very painfull, but other then pain is there anything else that could happen to either me or my baby?
Ten answers:
2006-03-28 19:05:48 UTC
No, you should be fine. My doctor actually induced me early with my last one.

You make an appointment. Show up at the hospital. Get shown to your room. Go through the paperwork. Get hooked up to an IV. Then they start giving you something to start the contractions. They'll break your water, which is about as much fun as being checked for dilation & actually giving birth. You go through contractions just like any other pregnancy, which is where the pain comes in, and you can still have an epidural when you're dilated far enough. You can have whatever pain meds they would give you any other time, so the only difference is that you're already AT the hospital when you go into labor. I really don't think there's anything you have to worry about.
2006-03-29 13:32:22 UTC
Don't show up for the appointment. An induction will make a c-section more likely. The *average* gestational period is 40 weeks, some babies only need 38 others need 42. If you get induced you won't have all the hormones that help the baby adjust to life outside the womb. If you wait until the baby is actually *ready* your labor will be much, much easier.

Plus, with an induction, they're going to want to monitor you and keep you on an IV so you won't be able to move around, so that pretty much eliminates having a non-medicated birth unless you're into pain and epidurals make babies come out drowsy so they don't nurse well.
Mom In Training
2006-03-29 01:42:06 UTC
Please don't be induced unless your baby is in distress or you are having serious health problems. Labor is an amazing process. Doctors have no idea what makes labor begin, but they still try to use this one hormone, Pitocin, to induce. It does bring on contractions, but your natural pain management doesn't kick in like it will when you go into labor naturally. There are many, many risks to being induced, especially when you aren't that far off of your due date. A woman I work with was just induced and oops the baby was actually premature and needed to be in the NICU for a few days. The most common complication is that your labor stalls out and you wind up having a C-section, but it can get much worse than that. Please read the sources below before you consent to being induced. Often, doctors just like to induce so they can plan around your baby's birth. They don't want him/her to be born at an inconvenient time for them.
2006-03-29 01:35:23 UTC
I was induced with my first son, and it lead to an unnesesary c-section.

Inducing labor forces your body to have strong contractions. This is hard on the baby, and sometimes puts the baby, and mother, in distress. Close monitoring is a must with labor induction. A babys heart rate or the mothers blood pressure could drop to a dangerous level at any moment.

Uusally, a doctor will wait until the due date is 2 weeks past, because thats when the placenta doesnt work as well anymore, and nutrients arent getting to the baby as effeciently. Try waiting until you are 2 weeks past, so that you dont risk going through a labor induction.

Good luck!
2006-03-29 01:41:27 UTC
I was induced 14 years ago no problem the whole labor & deleivier was only 9 hours 4 hours of pain no problem. my sister was induced last week her 1st child after 6 hours of hard labor and baby still would not come out they gave her a choice vacume& forceps or c-section, her choice was vacume & forceps baby was delievered 10 minutes later he was fine his head a little egg shaped but he's perfect! If you have a good doctor you should have no problem. my sister said she had a 4 inch rip , I didn't have any problems my doctor was their sitting with me thru the whole's all about the doctor. don't worry everything will be fine. i wish you the best and least pain.
2006-03-29 01:34:08 UTC
I had my first pregnancy induced and the induction itself is not painful. Try to find out what they will use to induce you, if its pitocin or another med. Do some research on them and form an idea and ask questions about them. childbirth is painful, be it vaginally or by c-section.

There is no easy way out, even with meds. if you are getting pain management, Id go for a spinal block rather than an epidural. The spinal block has less side effects.

Good luck on your new baby.
2006-03-29 01:34:53 UTC
By being induced, you run more of a risk of needing a cesarean section. Yes, it can be a bit painful, but once you are holding that little baby, you forget all about the pain.

Good luck!
2006-03-29 01:36:28 UTC
I have 3 kids and had to be induced for all of them. Other then it hurts like unbelievable hell, it is pretty harmless. The drug that is put in your IV is very similar to a natural hormone that your body produces. Don't worry, you'll do fine!
2006-03-29 01:35:08 UTC
My sister was induced, and it went easily and quickly.

Hopefully you will go into labor on your own. Walk and have sex!
2006-03-29 06:24:59 UTC
They are totally safe and if you have a decent doctor, they aren't painful, my daughter is having one next week. good luck to you. Don't worry.

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