It’s important to eat a healthy, balanced and varied diet both before and during pregnancy to ensure that you’re providing enough nutrients for yourself and for your baby.
In fact, nutritional needs during pregnancy are very similar to those for the rest of the population with a few exceptions, including some foods that you should avoid and some nutrients that you should eat more of
Foods or nutrients that you should eat more of:
The advice on fish consumption is the same during pregnancy as for the rest of the population - eat at least 2 portions of fish a week, one of which should be oily. Oily fish provide the long chain omega 3 fats that are essential for the growth and development of the baby, especially the brain and vision.
However, during pregnancy (and for women who are thinking of becoming pregnant) the Food Standards Agency advise women to limit their oily fish consumption to a maximum of 2 portions a week. This upper limit has been set to avoid the risk of exposure to the environmental pollutants, dioxins and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs).
Folic acid
If you’re planning a pregnancy, are of child bearing age or are pregnant, the Department of Health recommend a 400microgram (0.4mg) folic acid supplement. Extra folic acid reduces the risk of having a baby with a neural tube defect such as spina bifida. It is also important to eat more foods that are a natural source of folate such as green vegetables like broccoli and Brussels sprouts.
More iron is needed during pregnancy for the growth of the placenta and baby – go for iron rich foods such as red meat, pulses, fortified cereals and green vegetables. Women who already have low iron intakes may need to take an iron supplement, from their GP, to avoid iron deficiency anaemia.
Foods that should you avoid or eat less of:
soft cheeses eg camembert and brie (and those which contain a similar rind) - these cheeses may contain listeria which can be harmful to your baby
unpasturised and/or raw eggs including where they are used as ingredients in foods such as mayonnaise (shop bought is fine)
liver - limit the amount of foods you eat which have a high vitamin A content such as liver and liver products (pate, for example); though vitamin A is essential for good health, high intakes, especially in early pregnancy, may be harmful to your baby
alcohol - drinking alcohol during pregnancy may damage your baby
raw or uncooked meats or shellfish - these could lead to food poisoning which is harmful to your baby
Caffeine – limit your intake to no more than 200mg per day (around 2 cups of coffee) as recent government research suggests that too much caffeine can result in low birth weights and may also increase the possibility of miscarriage.
Coffee, tea and chocolate all naturally contain caffeine but it also found in some medicines. It can also be added to some soft drinks and energy drinks, so always check the ingredients list (where the caffeine content should be declared)
The amount of caffeine in food and drink will vary, The Food Standards Agency advises using the following information as a guide:
Food or Drink Average Amount of Caffeine
1 mug of instant coffee 100mg
1 mug brewed coffee 140mg
1 mug of tea 75mg
1 bar (50g) plain chocolate 50mg
1 bar (50g) milk chocolate 25mg
1 can of cola 40mg
Marlin, shark & swordfish – it is advised that these fish are avoided during pregnancy due to the risk of exposure to methylmercury (a pollutant) which at high levels can be harmful to the development of the baby
Best of luck with the pregnancy hope that info helps...