how does labor and dleivery and being in a hospital work?
2009-06-24 13:32:01 UTC
im 24 wks and still got a long way to go but i just want to know
what i should pack in my hospital bag
and after you deliver the baby and they take him away? what to they do
do they bath him?
do you bring your own clothes after hes cleaned up or does the hospital provide them?
how long after giving birth do you get to wrap him up and hold him and everything?
do you go to another room after birth or is the delivery room the room you stay in until you can leave the hospital?
do you sleep the first night after birth with your baby in the room with you?
what happens after the babies born and the put him on you for a few minutes?
what happenes that day? ( eveything that happens)

i just want to know
very curious
this is my first pregnancy
Ten answers:
2009-06-24 13:47:28 UTC
Some of this varies from hospital to hospital so don't know if you'll get the same as I did or not. Try to find someone that delivered at the same hospital as you to know for sure.

When I was in the hospital they didn't take them away at least not right away. They did everything right in the room (weighing, measuring, cleaning, etc).

The hospital put them in clothes.

I got the hold my first born right after they did all the cleaning and measuring. My second one my husband got to hold while I was still delivering the placenta (which took longer than the baby) and getting stitches (ouch!)

I stayed in the delivery room until I left. After everything was done they whisk the baby away (hubby went with them to make sure there wasn't a switch) and I went to the bathroom to get clean and someone came in and changed the sheets.

You can sleep in the same room as your baby. My first baby was born at night so she didn't sleep with us the first night but the second night she did.

They do a lot test and screening to make sure the baby can hear and see. After awhile you either get to feed him/her the first bottle or breastfeed. The baby comes and goes a lot because of the tests and screening. The nurses and doctors will check on you (mostly the nurse).

For packing: Clothes, hair products/tools, camera, books/magazines, mp3 player, take home outfit for baby, hygiene products (soap, lotion, etc), makeup (I never did but if you don't like taking pictures without your face on this is a must), socks/slippers
2009-06-24 13:47:42 UTC
If you have a home birth with a midwife you don't have to worry about any of that.

The hospital will provide you with some diapers a couple blankets usually a pacifier and sometimes a onesie. Bring something for the babe to wear and a car seat. The hospital bag is mainly for yourself, so bring whatever will make you comfy. Shampoo, conditioner, soap, hairbrush, comfy clothes and maybe a book or something; babies sleep a lot I got so bored when I was at the hospital. after they take the babe away they will wipe hir off and give the apgar test. Usually they bathe the babe as you are being transferred from L&D to Post Partem Recovery. If you don't want the babe bathed let them know this. Usually you can hold the baby in a few minutes after they apgar and wipe the little one off. Usually you are wheel chaired to another room after you give birth. Tell them you would like to room in, I got terribly anxious with the baby in the nursery, so my husband asked them if they could bring the billy light into my room so we could be closer to the baby. Your birth will be individual to you, my advice is to question everything and do not let them do anythign to you that you are not comfortable with . Have your significant other be your advocate for you. Consider getting a doula, Good luck.
2009-06-24 13:47:17 UTC
when you go into labr they put you in a room and check your progression every few hours,barring any complications you give birth when you are 10cm. dilated. once the baby is born they take them to a station where they clean the baby off and do their apgar score.then they wrap up the baby and hand it to you.soon after they should take the baby again for a bath and their Hep B shot.the hospital should supply you with at least shirts to put the baby in when you get the little bed the baby stays in,you should bring clothes with you though to bring the baby home. i brought wipes since most hospital will try to get you to use washcloths.i also brought scratch mitts.some babies have long nails.they will transport you into another room where you will stay 2 days,4 for a c section.most hospitals give you the option of keeping the baby in the room with you or having the baby in the nursery all day and brought to you for feedings, or you an opt to have the baby in the nursery only at night,thats what i did our first night .i was exhasted.every other day,my daughter was with me all day.if you picked a pediatrician,they or another will come and examine the baby(testing joint and things lie that,your baby wont like it,but trust them,they are not hurting it.) after 2 day you can sign the release forms and go home wth your baby,unlessyou had a c section(after 4 days)a few days after that you will have to return to the hospital to sign the birth certificate.
2009-06-24 13:42:59 UTC
Okay, the delivery room thing depends on the hospital. I have had a baby in one where you stay in the same room the whole time and a baby where you deliver on one floor and recover on another. It totally depends! You will get to hold the baby right away then yes they will bathe him and do a few tests. The hospital will have onesies and diapers for baby to wear but you can bring your own stuff if you want as well. The hospital provides pads for you and I recommend using them as long as you can (less you have to buy). You may want to bring clothes for baby to go home in, blankets, socks for you, going home outfit for you, clothes for your stay if you don't want to wear a gown, chapstick, baby's carseat, camera, baby book... up to you really. The tests that they do with baby don't take long. You should be able to hold and, if you choose, breastfeed within the first hour. Baby should be able to stay in the room unless there is a problem. You will be tired. Rest as much as you can in the hospital!
mackenzie's mommy ♥
2009-06-24 14:29:31 UTC
Your hospital may be a little different, but I'm sure it's generally the same everywhere. During my pregnancy, my daughter was measuring too small so they told me when she came out I wouldn't get to hold her immediately, they would need to make sure she was okay first. As soon as she came out, they held her up so I could see her and then took her off to the side the check her out and clean her up. Once they determined she was okay I got to hold her. It was maybe 5-10 minutes later, but felt like a lifetime. About two hours later they took me to a recovery room, and she went to the nursery for a bath and some tests. Her daddy went with her and I was asleep by the time they got back. She slept in our room the entire time we were there, but we could request to send her to the nursery if we wanted to. She went to the nursery once or twice a day to see the pediatrician, get shots, etc. The hospital provided clothes, diapers, wipes, formula, etc. but we brought our own clothes for her because they were cuter. As far as your hospital bag, you don't need much. Toiletries [toothbrush, shampoo, deodorant, etc.] I brought pads and clothes, but I realized the hospital's pads were better and I bled alot after, so I just stayed in the gown so I wouldn't ruin my clothes. Chapstick is a must-have, my lips were SO dry. I brought magazines and DVD's, but we had so many visitors and just slept whenever we were alone so we didn't even use them. Just don't forget the car seat and your camera!
2009-06-24 13:42:11 UTC
when you get to the hospital they hook you up to a fetal monitor that monitors the baby's heart beat and your contractions. they check to see how far you are dilated. then once your baby is born, it depends. some babies aren't aloud to breath right away (like if they go to the bathroom while coming out, they need to be sucked, so they take the baby and suck it all out) but it the baby comes out crying and everything is okay, the they put the baby on you for a few seconds. they take the baby over and take his/her temp, give them their hepatitis shot, and clean them all up and put a diaper on a onsie on and swaddle the baby, then you are able to hold the baby, feed the baby whatever needs to be done. and you are aloud to keep the baby in your room from the minute he/she is born. but you have the option to send the baby over to the nursery if you are tired and need sleep. they do come and take the baby the next day for a hearing test and to see the doctor and for a bath and whatever not. i'm sure its different depending the hospital. but you should bring some clothes for you to wear if you don't want to stay in the gown. and a change of clothes to go home in for you and baby. bring a camera and the baby book. maybe even something to read, and also bring your hygiene stuff for showering! well i think i covered everything, hope this helped!
*Eric's Wife* *^_^*
2009-06-24 13:57:26 UTC
Hospital bag: Toiletries you will need for overnight, PJ's or comfy clothes for you to go home in (you will get tired of the hospital gown very quickly!) Undies you don't mind getting stained (comfy- you will be wearing very large pads for about 3-5 days) and slippers/robe (your feet will swell)

For baby, bring 1-2 outfits (for pictures and bringing baby home in). The hospital will provide some little extras for you too. Don't forget your carseat/ carrier!

I'll just tell you what happened at my delivery. I know most vary, but this will at least give you an idea!

After she was delivered, my hubby cut the cord, and she was taken to the other side of the room where they wiped her off and put her on a scale. Then, they brought her back to show me. Then they took her out of the room and washed her off and took her vitals, footprints, etc. wrapped her up and brought her back to me to hold (while all this was going on, my doc was taking care of the afterbirth and stitching me back up- the nurses cleaned up the room).

The hospital provides the blankets and clothes if needed during the baby's stay- but you can't take them home with you. I stayed in the same room i labored and delivered in. It was nice too! I was in the hospital from Sunday night til Weds afternoon.

I got the choice to keep the baby in the room with me, or let her stay in the nursery the first night. I chose to let her stay in the nursery so i could rest (i was on lots of meds lol) but at 3am I woke up to see her (cuz I was so excited) and found out she was with the nurses watching a movie in one of the empty rooms! lol too cute :P. Be aware though of what your insurance will pay for- I found out after that my hospital charges per night/day baby stays in nursery (unless nessisary).

All in all, it was an experience I was never fully prepared for, but everything worked out and is a good memory for me. Just remember to take things in stride. If things don't go exactly as planned, don't stress. It will all be worth it in the end! Good luck!
Michelle Allison90
2009-06-24 13:49:50 UTC
i live in BC Canada if it makes a difference

I went to the hospital and got a birthing room, had the baby, the immediately put him on me, I delivered placenta and was stitched up, they cleaned my up a bit and weighed my son in front of me, wrapped my son up. We called family they came and saw him (about 20mins after birth) after their visit he had a bath in the room we were in, they left he was with me, my son never left my side, he had a bassinet in the room but slept in my bed with me. the hospital was slow so we stayed in that room for the 3days, but if it was busy we'd be moved into just a normal room, not as spacious, and just a shower in thebathroom while this one had a large tub, i stayed 3days because it was first baby.

They continually checked my blood pressure and temperature as well as my sons temperature, they made sure nursing was fine, my dr checked me out each morning making sure i was healing, the nurse would periodically check my uterus (feeling stomach), and my son had his feet pricked for bloodwork the following morning, they brought me the paper work to fill out in my room.


going home outfit for son

basic gerber tees for him in hospital

(they supply diapers and wipes)

baby cap (they also supplied but mine was cuter)

recieving blankets (they also supplied but i didnt know this)

and a blanket to wrap him up in on way home

car seat (they wont let you leave without it)

I had my own toothbrust, deoderant, shampoo, soap, hairbrush, makeup, etc...

they have one use toothbrushes there and shampoo etc...

(I brought free sample shampoos from etc..)

clothes, you can stay in their gown but with visitors i wore my own clothes the next day, you will still be huge, bring maternity clothes.

camera of course and i had the baby book to write down things before i forgot as well as many books to read, newborns sleep a lot and hospital TV is expensive

before i could leave I had to have had a Bowel movement and have my son buckled in (they checked) and had bathed him and changed diapers in front of nurse

i hope that helped!
Michelle S
2009-06-24 13:38:39 UTC
Depends on what you want and the policies of the hospital. YOu should schedule a tour of the hospital where you plan to deliver and they can answer all the questions. Good luck!!!
2009-06-24 13:37:56 UTC
Go to this link from what to expect when your expecting:

Everything you want to find out will be here.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.