Do you think I'm pregnant?
2006-04-07 22:09:35 UTC
I had un-protected sex on march 30th. I don't know when my period comes. It's irregular. When should I take a pregnancy test? Do you think I pregnant? I'f I take a test April 12th (wednesday) is that too early? I'f so, when should I take it?
Eight answers:
2006-04-07 22:58:16 UTC
ok my wife always couldn't wait to take a pee test so she would go to the er and ask for a blood test to see if she was pregnant. in your blood if you are pregnant it will show up 7 days after you conceive. sperm can live up to 5 days after you have sex so you might didn't get pregnant until the 2nd or 3rd day after sex. who knows. it could show up on a pee test but that sounds early. i know alot about this because of my wife.
Ms. Plummer
2006-04-08 05:13:49 UTC
I think April 12th is not 2 early.
2006-04-08 11:43:40 UTC
Definately take the test. Also see a gp. try to find out why your periods are irregular. They could have an effect on your attempts
2006-04-08 05:14:01 UTC
It depends on when you had your period prior to the unprotected sex. If it was within 2-3 weeks, test. If it comes back negative, check again in exactly a week.
2006-04-08 05:31:05 UTC
No April 12th is not too early with our technology.
2006-04-08 05:10:23 UTC
Your Pregnant
il padrino
2006-04-08 05:10:55 UTC
it isn't too early to take a test.. you actually should take it so you'd know in advance if you are pregnant
2006-04-08 05:12:42 UTC
take the test

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