Okay so when I found out I was pregnant I went and saw my general practicioner. She didn't give me a pregnancy test in her office but she did write me a script for prenatal's until I could book an appointment with the OB she recommended. I booked the appointment with my OB/GYN and went in on Jan. 26 for my first visit. I was very disappointed in this visit because I only got to see the nurse who just asked me a bunch of questions, gave me a diaperbag full of goodies, told me I was 6 wks and 5 days preggo based on my LMP, and sent me on my way. I did go and get my bloodwork done that week. They scheduled another appointment for today, the 12th of Feb, at which point I was supposed to meet my doctor for the first time and get the internal exam and all that good stuff. I was told that 2 weeks after this appointment I would get my first ultrasound (at about 11 & 1/2 weeks)... Well yesterday the office called me and cancelled my appointment for today and they want me to reschedule for next week! I'm really bummed and a little aggrevated because I have YET to have an actual doctor confirm my pregnancy and tell me that everything is okay! Now by the time I see my doctor I'll be a little over 10 weeks along! I just don't feel that this is normal. I don't feel like I should STILL not really know for sure that I'm pregnant!
I mean, I know that I am obviously because I've missed 2 periods and have all the symptoms, but I'm really pissed that I havn't seen a doctor at this point.
Anybody else not see a doctor until a little further into their pregnancy and is it okay that I havn't seen one yet?