9 &1/2 wks and doc hasn't seen me yet?! what gives?!!!?
Proud Mama of 1! ☮
2009-02-12 06:00:29 UTC
Okay so when I found out I was pregnant I went and saw my general practicioner. She didn't give me a pregnancy test in her office but she did write me a script for prenatal's until I could book an appointment with the OB she recommended. I booked the appointment with my OB/GYN and went in on Jan. 26 for my first visit. I was very disappointed in this visit because I only got to see the nurse who just asked me a bunch of questions, gave me a diaperbag full of goodies, told me I was 6 wks and 5 days preggo based on my LMP, and sent me on my way. I did go and get my bloodwork done that week. They scheduled another appointment for today, the 12th of Feb, at which point I was supposed to meet my doctor for the first time and get the internal exam and all that good stuff. I was told that 2 weeks after this appointment I would get my first ultrasound (at about 11 & 1/2 weeks)... Well yesterday the office called me and cancelled my appointment for today and they want me to reschedule for next week! I'm really bummed and a little aggrevated because I have YET to have an actual doctor confirm my pregnancy and tell me that everything is okay! Now by the time I see my doctor I'll be a little over 10 weeks along! I just don't feel that this is normal. I don't feel like I should STILL not really know for sure that I'm pregnant!
I mean, I know that I am obviously because I've missed 2 periods and have all the symptoms, but I'm really pissed that I havn't seen a doctor at this point.
Anybody else not see a doctor until a little further into their pregnancy and is it okay that I havn't seen one yet?
Thirteen answers:
2009-02-12 06:34:55 UTC
i feel for you! i am 9wks and have not been to the doctor AT ALL. I called and made an appt for a check up before i even knew i was pregnant, then when i found out i called and told them that i had 3 positive hpts. so they kept the same appt (said they couldnt move it up) and said they wouldnt see anyone until after 8wks anyway to make sure the pregnancy is viable.

so i waited for a whole month after i tested positive and was looking forward to feb 10th, as was everyone in our family!! and then that morning they called and left a message- saying that my appt was cancelled at that they were just gonna go ahead and reschedule me for friday at 3pm. so when i called them back and told them me and my husband both had to work and that time didnt really work for us, the lady said that i would have to wait until march for the next available appt!! WTF!!! i have already waited this long!

i just moved to a new city 6months ago, so dont have any doctors here and this is the first appt i have made. i am so frustrated that they pretty much just cancelled it and only gave me ONE option for rescheduling until next month! so now my husband has to go into work early so he can leave for a couple hours, and i have to miss my sleep (since im supposed to work a 12hr overnight shift that night).

PHEW! sorry, but it felt good to get that off my chest- it is good to know that im not alone! i want to make sure that everything is ok with my baby--hell, i just want confirmation that i really am pregnant LOL
corbin and caysen's mommy♥
2009-02-12 06:14:37 UTC
When I was pregnant with my son I didn't go until almost 12 weeks. I got the pap, US, blood work, family history and all of that done that day (took forever). All was fine and I now have a happy healthy 17 month old son who is adorable :)

My second pregnancy, I found out while at the ER through a blood test and the local OB actually came to see me and wanted me in the office as soon as possible. I had my first appointment at 6 weeks and miscarried at 9 weeks.

This pregnancy has been problematic so I have seen 4 doctors, I have had 6 or 7 ultrasounds (can't remember) and I ended up switching back to my old doctor after not liking the treatment I got at the new doctor.

If you don't think you are getting the right treatment, switch doctors. I had been suffering with a horrible doctor out of convenience (he was super close to my house) and got fed up and switched to my old doc who is an hour away. Best decision I have made in a long time. I am so happy I did.

I would look around for a different doctor. Every office is different and they all do things differently. 10 weeks is not too late for a first appointment :) some places won't even see you before that.
2009-02-12 06:08:13 UTC
While it IS annoying, it is ok. A lot of doctors won't even schedule your first appointment with the Nurse until your 8 weeks, and then your first doctors appointment 1-2 weeks after that. That's great they're doing an ultra sound on you! I know many, many places won't do the first ultrasound until the anatomy scan at 20 weeks.

I was in a similar situation. I had met my doctor at 8 weeks, didn't like her, and decided to switch. I had already had my prenatal appointment and blood work done with the dr, but when I switched they never sent my records over, even though I had signed a release! So I had to do ALL that prenatal pre-lim stuff over, and didn't end up seeing the doctor i'm sticking with until FOURTEEN AND HALF WEEKS. He did, however, do an ultra sound that day, and because my baby wasn't shy..we got to learn the sex early :)

Things have a funny way of working themselves out, just take care of yourself!

2009-02-12 06:17:39 UTC
It's actually not that uncommon to not see your doc until about 10 or 11 weeks or so. (I was mad when I found that out with my first pregnancy, but then I called around and it was pretty standard). My doctor's office has the same procedure - you see the nurse and go over your history between 6 and 8 weeks, then get bloodwork and see the doc between 10 and 12 weeks.

It's really frustrating, especially when it's your first and you want some reassurance.
Real Life has No Soundtrack
2009-02-12 06:10:58 UTC
My midwife doesn't schedule an appointment until you're 8 - 10 weeks along, unless there is some problem, like bleeding or something.

But if you don't like what's going on, get a different doctor. Unless you live out in the middle of nowhere, you have choices. With my last pregnancy, I changed doctors at 34 weeks. It's no big deal. You are the customer, if you don't like the service you're receiving, go somewhere else.
2009-02-12 06:10:49 UTC
well i didnt even manage to get my initial appointment till i was 16 weeks pregnant!

most dr.s wait till around 17-21 weeks to do an ultrasound anywayes because all the baby's body parts arent fully developed.

the crappy part about the dr.'s is that sometimes you wont even get to see a dr. that you typical visit will be done with a nurse practioner. just wait till you have a concern n you need to talk to a dr. its a night mare tryin to get through!

10 weeks pregnant your really not gonna "feel pregnant" unless your constantly throwing up n if you arent thank god caz its not something you want to expierience.

the internal exam doesnt isnt really proof that your pregnant its like a typical pap to check for health issues that could effect the pregnany. although they will be checkin for the babys heart beat so that might be a bit more reassuring to you that your pregnant. it took awhile for me to actually feeel like i was pregnant i think once i had the ultrasound it became a little more real feeling but still took a few weeks after that.

its fine that you havent seen one yet just make sure your takin some type of vitamins even if there flinstones..if they havent prescribed you any yet just for your own comfort.

well congrats n good luck =]
2009-02-12 06:06:08 UTC
Some places won't see you until you are 10 weeks along. My sister is 10 weeks now and her first appointment isn't until the 23rd. They wouldn't even schedule her until she was at least 10 weeks. She lives in South Dakota. I live in Kentucky and they schedule you for a couple days after you call telling them you are pregnant. It all depends on where you live and the doctors near you. If you are that uncomfortable about not being seen, look up OB/GYN's in your phone book and see if you can't find another one that can schedule you sooner. I would be stressed about it too, but without finding another doctor there isn't much you can do.
2009-02-12 06:19:35 UTC
1st buy the home kit for you to know if you are pregnant..

2nd find another doctor coz if that is the attitude of what you are getting now... when you have an emergency, how can you reach the doctor?

i had a pregnancy test to confirm it when i 1st missed my period..and i went to the doctor.. and advice me to had an ultrasound and blood test..oh yeah i was only 7 weeks pregnant then....
Mom of 3 girls!!!
2009-02-12 06:07:27 UTC
Well most doctors wont see you until you would be between 8-10 weeks pregnant anyway. You're lucky you got seen by a nurse that early.
Weenie W
2009-02-12 06:07:31 UTC
you could always change docs because some are just not that bothered and its not fair on women who like you want answers. your defo pregnant you dont need a doc for that and maybe try calling again and saying you really want to be seen but chances are they will say you have to wait. good luck.
Chase's Mommy
2009-02-12 06:08:54 UTC
Some doctors like to wait until you are further along to confirm pregnanices. i believe that they do this because of risk of miscarriage.
Love being a mom!
2009-02-12 06:08:13 UTC
I would be REALLY mad 2!!! that is rediculous! I am going in for my 3rd ultrasound 2day @ noon and I am only 6 wks and 2 days. (well i did have surgery bc they thought it was an ectopic) but neways before i had surgery when I went into the drs on monday the 26th (i think) he scheduled one for me this week. You really should be getting ultrasounds and its not right for them to wait this long!!!! I mean they should confirm that the pregnancy is intrauterine. I am sure everything is fine tho! I just know how hard it is to be in limbo!!!!!!! GOOD LUCK HUN!!!!
2009-02-12 06:09:29 UTC
Chill, I am sure your fine, but no since in getting upset over it. You will be just fine.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.