I got the job as a governess to a wonderful family. She called me today to let me know that I was the chosen one. I am very happy because the children looked very good, 12 and 6. After the interview --she asked me if I had anything to declare like if I had a criminal record or killed anyone (yet). I laughed so hard and then it dawned on me that I had been stopped by an officer for not having a lisence plate -I explained later that the car is brand new. When I handed to the officer the veh reg, it wasn't under my name -I had to point it out that my father got the car but I am the payor. The officer let me go,then, he stopped me -I was arrested because when he ran my DMV record, it showed that I had written a bad check to Fantastic Sams for $23. I remembered this -a check I wrote -for a haircut on my bday. It bounced because my direct deposit failed the first time. I called FS's and offered money I owed plus -overdraft fee. FS told me to pay the court. I moved to La in 06 and forgot.