Help! I am MISERABLE with allday morning sickness!!! :(?
2009-11-15 15:35:03 UTC
I am 22 and pregnant for the first time. I am 6 weeks and 5 days and utterly miserable. I am nauseated allday 24/7 and cannot function. I do not have an appetite but still make myself eat which is so hard. I got the seabands, eat crackers, NOTHING helps and I have no one to talk to to becuase my family says they did not have morning sickeness and actually told me to just be happy and it's all in my mind. I think They think I'm lazy! My husband has beem wonderful but I get the feeling that he thinks I am being lazy becuase I stay in the bed allday and do not cook or clean anymore becuase I can't! I have a full time job and I don't know what in the world to do becasue I can barely get through the days and I need my job and can't afford to lose it! What do I do? I am so depressed and sad and want ot be happy. What do I do about this sickness, my job, and functioning anymore? And my husband does not want me to take any medicine even if it's prescribed from the doctor becuase he is scared of side effects on the baby
Twelve answers:
2009-11-15 15:43:09 UTC
If absolutely nothing works, then most likely nothing is going to work! I was like that since about week 5 (it gets more intense later) until about week 14. It was HELL!! i am currently 15w4d and i am almost 100% better. i lost 15 pounds my first trimester. Any and every thing i put in my mouth i would throw up. Try and eat and make sure that you eat on time! That helps me a lot now. Force yourself to eat. Also try and drink carbonated drinks so it helps get the gas out of your stomach. That really helped me a lot. Good luck and congrats on the pregnancy! Dont worry it will get better!
2009-11-15 16:03:11 UTC
Everyone knows that the first 3 months of pregnancy are the most vital ones for the baby as his vital organs are being formed. All this hard work your body does translates in fatigue-- it is like a machine running at full speed. It cannot run faster than that and if it does, it will break down. You need to have a talk to your husband and let him know that you know you have left your household chores behind a little but you're feeling very yucky at the moment. I am sure he will not think you're lazy, he will be understanding. You are feeling nauseous all day and you're also working full time, I am sure he does not expect more than that! I think that the stress as well as the sickness have drained your patience out and you perhaps think that other people will expect from you what you actually think would be the right thing to do, if that makes any sense (cook, clean the house). Try and eat slowly; there is no need to eat all at once. If you think it will be making you feel less nauseous, eat every 15-20 minutes. Yes, I know this sucks but at least do it while you're at home. Sip water if you find that you need to throw up. Throwing up will make you kinda dehydrated so sipping water might actually help your system keep it down. Make sure that your boss and colleagues know that you may have to visit the toilet more often due to the sickness; feeling comfortable at work takes a lot of the pressure away, when expectations are high. Do not start your day without at least a small breakfast, if need be wake up an hour earlier than usual, if you think that would be enough time for you to sit down and chew food slowly and patiently. Going without breakfast might do you more bad than good because your sugar levels might drop and you could faint. Fainting can of course injure you and the baby.

Get all the sleep you can while at home. You should be pampered, now is the perfect excuse! Your body is a factory, working so hard to make this baby. Do not worry about the house so much, so what if you cannot clean for a straight week? The important thing is to have someone do the basic chores, wash the dishes, mop/sweep/hoover the floor, do the laundry. You can have your husband get you some take away, just to make it easier for you. It does not have to be deep-fried either, I know that would make you even more sick!

Be patient, it might be less than 6 weeks and the sickness is bound to go away. Even if it does not go away entirely (all women are different), it will definitely ease up at least a little bit. Sometimes it is worth looking at the bigger picture (sometimes!). I know it is no fun being sick 24/7. I have never been pregnant but I had the flu once, I could not keep anything down, it was terrible. So to multiply this feeling by 6 weeks, well, all props to you mama! Do not worry, it will pass, you will feel better.

Good luck to you and happy pregnancy!
2009-11-15 15:48:57 UTC
As soon as I hit 6 weeks into all three of my pregnancies, the morning sickness hit me too. It was all day and all night until I was about 19 weeks, then my appetite came back completely, and I was able to eat everything I used to be able to eat. But when I was sick, I was REALLY sick. I ate nothing, I was so run down and exhausted that I couldn't function. With my third, my second was still in diapers, and I'm puke every time he soiled his diaper, it was the worst thing imaginable.

Try fresh ginger, see if that helps. I know it sounds crazy, but often fruit and vegetables turn your stomach, it's a means to protect your unborn baby from eating poisonous plants, your body doesn't realise that no pat of your diet is remotely harmful in this day and age. Bread and baked potatoes were some of the very few things I could eat. Steamed rice too, with a tiny pinch of salt. Keep peppermints in your handbag, if you feel like you're about to be sick, just pop one in your mouth. Tell your doctor that your morning sickness is seriously affecting your life and you can't function. Thy can give you some anti nausea medication that's safe for pregnant women.

Best of luck and congrats. The morning sickness is temporary, most women are feeling much better at the end of the first trimester, so just keep that in sight when things seem really bad
2009-11-15 19:52:52 UTC
I am ten weeks pregnant and still am miserable with morning sickness or should say all day sickness. People who say suck it up or it will go away don't understand. I too always had a clean house, but found myself totally unable to do anything but lay on the couch and cry because I felt so bad. I am really sorry that your family does not sympathize with you. It's true, everyone is different, some women don't suffer at all, others suffer for the entire nine months. While mine has gotten better, I still find it hard to do anything but lay on the couch because as soon as I move around, I start to feel nauseous. Talk to your husband, refer him to some websites that show you are not alone and how incapacitating morning sickness can be (we all just can't be lazy!). Hopefully you have a sympathetic boss that you can talk to and explain your situation so you don't have to worry about your job too. I have survived the past five weeks on cheese breads and ham sandwiches, both of which I am very sick of, but they are tolerated by my stomach. If I even look at another saltine they make me want to gag. But find anything you can eat and try to eat something every two hours. Ice chips are great too. I've purchased and tried just about every remedy mentioned on these websites, none have worked for me. I didn't want to take medication either, but it gets to the point that you are so miserable you cannot function. I did talk to my doctor and she did prescribe some Zofran for the nausea. I know your husband is not wanting you to take medication, but he is not the one suffering - and it is suffering. This medication has been proven safe. While it didn't make my nausea go away, it did at least take away the feeling of the lump that is stuck in your throat. But it does work wonders for others and eliminates their nausea. There is also a generic form of Zofran now, which is very affordable. My ob/gyn and her nurse both took it and their babies were fine. Good luck and hang in there. And as silly as it sounds, allow yourself to cry, it at least helps to make you feel better for a few minutes.
2009-11-15 15:54:46 UTC
I totally feel the same way. I am 11 weeks and this is my second child. It is so hard to manage my life as a wife, employee, mother, and college student. I started to get sick during my 5th week. The sickness makes me feel bad to the point I cry a lot and feel that I am being a pain to my family due to the sickness. I wish I had more energy to offer more to my family. All I do is sleep when I get home from work. I feel that my sickness is reduced if I snack through the day in small amounts and make sure I eat 3 small meals a day. I wish you luck with the sickness disappearing quickly. I am wishing right along with you for the same thing.
2009-11-15 15:47:18 UTC
Your husband and family sound like they need a little lesson in sensitivity! How would your husband like it if he felt like you all day long? It's your body and you are miserable, so go to the doctor and get some medicine to help with the nausea. It's best for you and your baby, because you need the nutrition and you don't have to feel so miserable. Your husband is not a doctor and your doctor wouldn't give you something that is dangerous for your baby. Luckily most morning sickness will pass in a few weeks. Hang in there!
2009-11-15 15:41:46 UTC
This is my 3rd pregnancy and I have had hyper morning sickness the whole time, I am 12 weeks now and I take zofran 3 times a day. I did not want to take it at first, but I was dehydrated and in the hospital for it. My dr told me that if I don't eat and drink that I could end up seriously hurt and my babies. Sometimes you have to put your beliefs aside and do whats best for your baby.
Nursing Student:)
2009-11-15 15:39:29 UTC
Go to Motherhood Maternity(or the website) and get u some preggie drops. U can get candy or suckers, and they really help. Its the only thing that helped me. Also, u can try drinking some 7up and eating a cracker BEFORE u get out of the bed in the morning.

Good luck(:
2017-02-18 13:47:12 UTC
We favor vegetables but like fruits that we use in salad such as tomatoes and avocados.
2009-11-15 16:09:11 UTC
girl i mastered my morning sickness lol... here are all the things i did...hope at least one helps!

Ginger snaps

Ginger Ale

ginger candy (sold at like target and stuff in the check out isles)

Preggie Pops -stayed eating both of these!!!!

Preggie Drops (both located at maternity stores or sometimes walgreens or cvs)

sugarfree gum (Carefree brand in the pink pack recom. by my dr...really worked)

french fries(try to stay from the greasy ones...bake them instead)

baked potatos

boiled potatos (potatos really help make you feel better..)


lemon water (water with fresh squeezed lemons REALLY REALLY HELPS- lemon helps settle tummys)

If i think of anything i missed i know theres some i can't remember all, ill come add on..

I like you stayed away from the meds...tho zofran was recommended by my dr who said it was safe, but i survived with out any meds my whole pregnancy, no nausea meds, tylenol, cold meds...nothing, and im soo glad i did. so i would try all other options just to stay away from meds if it makes you comfy...

You know who ;)
2009-11-15 15:40:34 UTC
join the club im holding back puke as i type! hard candy jolly ranchers or anything fruity. Also they sell something called "preggie pops" which is also a hard candy but its specifically for pregnant women and morning sickness. I have not tried it yet but i plan to.
2009-11-15 15:40:45 UTC
Gum helps me. I try and chew it everytime I feel sick

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