This one was my pick when I was pregnant.
Rather extensive birth plan from :
Interactive Birth Plan
Instructions: You do not have to answer all of the questions, only the ones that interest you. There are also some built in features that will not allow you to choose two mutually exclusive things. For example: You cannot have continuous monitoring with a fetoscope, nor can you breast feed only with a bottle. You may also either print the results page or use it as a guideline for creating your own birth plan.
Title section will read: Birth Plan for and will add the mother-to-be's name, unless you specify something else. The title will change as well.
Title for this birthplan (Optional):
What is your name? (Not Optional)
E-mail Address (If you want a copy mailed to you. Double check for accuracy.)
What is your partner's name? (Optional)
What is your doula's name? (Optional)
When is your due date? (Optional)
Name of your practitioner. (Optional)
Place of Birth (Optional)
This is an area for you to write your birth philosophy or whatever you want. We have included an example, which can be erased and written over, used, or left blank. (Optional)
This birth plan is intended to express the preference and desires we have for the birth of our baby. It is not intended to be a script. We fully realize that situations may arise such that our plan cannot and should not be followed. However, we hope that barring any extenuating circumstances, you will be able to keep us informed and aware of our options. Thank you.
First Stage of Labor
Check as many as you would prefer.
Dim Lights
Peace and Quiet
Wear my own clothes
No students, residents, etc.
Minimal vaginal exams (Vaginal exams can actually cause problems such as infection and premature rupture of membranes.)
Other (Please specify):
You may only select one.
Maintain mobility (Walking, rocking, up to bathroom, etc.)
Freedom to move in bed only (up to the bathroom)
Mobility not important (catheter, used with regular epidural)
You may choose a selection of these. For more information.
No restrictions (Eat & drink to your comfort)
Clear Fluids (Water, Gatorade®, Jell-O®, etc.)
Ice Chips
Heparin/Saline Lock (Most hospitals require this as access to a vein should an emergency occur, it can also be used in place of an IV for administration of antibiotics for complications such as MVP or Beta Strep.)
IV (You will have to have this if you are receiving medications.)
You may choose intermittent or continuous monitoring. For more information.
Intermittent Monitoring (ACOG Standards)
Fetoscope (Special stethoscope for pregnant moms.)
External Electronic Monitor
Continuous Monitoring
External Electronic Monitor
Internal Electronic Monitor
Pain Relief Offers:
Check only one.
Only if I ask (Recommended if you are planning on not using medications, although you can still receive medications at any point.)
Offer if uncomfortable
Offer as soon as possible
Pain Relief Options:
Check as many as you would prefer. For more information.
Water (Shower or tub)
Heat or Cold Therapy
IV medication
Ultra low dose Epidural (Walking epidural)
Classical Epidural
General Anesthesia (Extrememly rare now for a vaginal birth.)
Other (Please specify):
Usually induction and augmentation will not be discussed in a birth plan. If you have choosen or required an induction then the decision will usually be made before you ever arrive at your birth place. However, it is important to know that you do have options. For more information.
Natural Methods (Walking, nipple stimulation, sex, etc.)
Herbal Inductions (Cohoshes, etc.)
Prostaglandin gel (Recommended if you have an "unfavorable cervix.")
Pitocin (Given in IV, it is a synthetic hormone to induce contractions. Read the FAQ.)
Amniotomy (Breaking the waters. Read the FAQ.)
Cytotec (Oral or vaginally inserted tablet, more effective and costs less than pitocin, in most cases. Read the FAQ.)
Nipple stimulation (Nipple stimulation releases natural oxytocin which will produce contractions.)
Pitocin (Given in IV, it is a synthetic hormone to strengthen contractions. Read the FAQ.)
Amniotomy (Breaking the waters. Read the FAQ.)
Other (Please specify):
Second Stage
Some of these will depend on if you are medicated, how your labor is going, and the health of your baby.
Choice of positions (Certain positions are better for encouraging a baby to come down.)
Prolonged Length (There are still "time limits" in some places, where you will have a cesarean/forceps delivery if time is up.)
Spontaneous Bearing Down (Listening to your body and pushing.)
Directed Pushing (Being told to push at certain times, while holding your breath.)
Prefer to use people for leg support (As opposed to stirrups or foot pedals.)
Foot Pedals (These are at the foot of the bed and allow you to sit up straight while pushing, as opposed to laying back with the stirrups.)
Squat/Birth Bar (This goes across the top of the bed, allowing you to lean on the bar as opposed to relying on people or footpedals and stirrups.)
Stirrups (Used in long second stages and with epidurals.)
Perineal Care:
Episiotomy is a tough issue, some women wish to avoid an episiotomy even if it looks like they will tear, while others would simply prefer to have an episiotomy. You may also leave this blank if you do not have a preference. For more information.
Prefer No Episiotomy (Massage, compresses, positioning, etc.) (Select this one if you would prefer no episiotomy but not to the point of tearing.)
Prefer to Tear (Massage, compresses, positioning, etc.) (Select this option if you would prefer to tear than have an episiotomy.)
Pressure Episiotomy (Done without anesthesia, although you cannot feel it due to the pressure from the baby's head.)
Local Anesthesia (for repair)
Baby Care
Cord Cutting:
Choose one for timing and select partner if you wish that option.
Immediate (Sometimes done because the cord is around the neck or because the parents have no preference.)
Delayed (Some parents prefer that the cord not be cut until after it has stopped pulsating so that the baby receive all of the blood from the placenta.)
Partner to cut cord
Eye Care:
Choose only one.
None (In some states it is the law, in others it isn't, or if you sign a waiver.)
Delayed (Most parents prefer to have the procedure delayed until after the initial bonding time is over, so that the baby can see clearly. It also depends on the types of medications used.)
Feeding Baby:
Choose one feeding method, and you have an addtional option for pacifiers.
Breast feeding only
Bottle feeding only
No pacifiers or glucose water (This would be to avoid nipple confusion.)
Choose only one, although you can change your mind after the birth.
Delayed (after recovery period)
Partial Rooming-In (Baby with mother during day, but not night.)
Nursery (baby brought to you on your schedule.)
Please choose only one category or leave blank if your baby is a girl.
None (Check here if you do not intend to have the baby circumcised, or if you do not intend to have him circumcised at the birth place.)
Do not retract the foreskin
In the Hospital
Parents Present
Use anesthesia (Depends on the practitioner)
Other Baby Care Requests
Other (Please specify):
Complications & Cesareans
Cesarean Surgery
You may only choose one form of anesthesia, and that is really up to the physician at the time. The other options are in the event of a planned, unplanned/non-emergent cesarean surgery. For more detail on these options, check out the Planning a Cesarean FAQ.
Spinal/epidural anesthesia
General anesthesia
Partner Present
Doula Present
Screen lowered to view birth
Description of surgery
Touch the baby
Partner to cut cord
Breast feeding in recovery room
Other (Please specify):
Sick Infant
Choose as many as you would like.
Breast feeding as possible
Unlimited visitation for parents
Handling the baby (holding, care of, etc.)
If baby is transported to another facility, move us as soon as possible
Other (Please specify):