any tips on how to make my birth plan?
2007-01-11 09:54:09 UTC
i have no idea what so ever of what to put in it! i'd like to go thru it with my midwife once its done to make sure i've covered everything, but i'm at a loss as to how 2 start it!!
23 answers:
2007-01-11 09:58:53 UTC
Unless you have really specific things that you do/do not want to have happen, you really don't need one. Birth plans are for people with specific preferences. You can get some forms downloaded off the internet but, again, if you don't know what you want it won't do too much good.

Good luck and I'm sure you'll have a great birth and baby!
2007-01-11 10:01:32 UTC
Go onto almost any pregnancy site eg or and search birth plan. They have interactive ones that you can do right online and even save online or you can print off a bunch of different ones and add what you want to your own. You will get a good idea of the layout. Point form is probably best as you don't want to go through paragraphs during labour, especially if you can't remember something. Make sure your midwife, hospital/birthing centre, partner, doula and anyone else that may be at the birth should have a copy so that everyone is aware of your wishes for your birth. Good luck!!
2007-01-11 12:30:02 UTC
Well i would start with what is most important to you. Write down what pain relief, if any, you want. What position you would like to be in when giving birth. How you would like to feed the baby once it has been born. Do you want the baby put on your tummy straight away, or would you rather he/she was cleaned up first? The midwives will do their best to stick to your birth plan, BUT.... ALWAYS REMEMBER, it is just a plan, and not a contract. You may feel differently when you are in labour. Please remember that it's just a plan, don't feel disappointed if your labour/birth doesn't go exactly to your plan, your baby may feel differently to you and may not agree!! Talk to your midwife about what to include if you need further help. The only thing i put on my birth plan was ' i will do what i think is appropriate at the time'. And i did. With my first child, i had 2 sides of A4 about how i wanted a water birth, with no pain relief, and in the end i had a planned c-section! With my second, i only wrote what i have just said, but in my head wasn't bothered if i had an epidural, and had him in 3 hours, totally naturally, with not even a whiff of gas and air! So be relaxed about it. Whatever happens, you will end up with a beautiful baby, and that's the most important! Good luck!
Busy Mommy of 3
2007-01-11 10:04:19 UTC
I made a birth plan and it went right out the window once labor started. It's really hard to tell what you are really going to want unless you've been through labor before. This time around I have a better understanding of what I really want and it will be easier. My suggestion is not to set anything in stone, just go with the flow. Maybe write down a few ideas but don't get too involved in it. Good luck!
2007-01-12 01:47:45 UTC
It's a really good idea to have a birth plan and you should have one. It should include your preferences for pain relief, whether you would like to use a birthing pool or ball etc. How you feel about epidurals and c-sections. How much you want to move around during the birth, how involved you want your birth partner to be etc etc. Just anything that you feel is important about the birth - write it down.

If you are happy to just see how the birth progresses and to take medical advice then say that.
2007-01-11 10:24:17 UTC
I just read that whole, big, giant, "birth plan" someone posted - kind of mind boggling, I must say.

I talked with my doctors about what I wanted or didn't want as far as pain relief went, and other than that I just brought my pocketbook, a toothbrush and a robe. I left a clean outfit for me and a new one for the baby at my house to be brought the next day. I was very well-informed when it came to pregnancy, delivery, and possible complications - so I think that was useful because it helped me not be nervous.

Both babies were born in a hour and a half, even with one breech and the other in some other weird position.

My point is (and this doesn't mean I don't respect your wish to plan the delivery) there is something to be said for seeing the delivery with a certain amount of perspective. Whether it lasts one hour or ten hours, it doesn't mean much in the scheme of life and doesn't last long.

The most important and meaningful stuff starts to happen the minute the baby is born and in your arms; so if all you think to pack is a brown bag to blow into when you're breathing that will most likely be more than enough.

Best wishes for a nice delivery, but, more importantly, best wishes for a beautiful and well-informed life as a mother.
2016-03-14 08:27:42 UTC
I have a plastic folder I cary every time I am at the midwife/Dr's and I will take me to the hospital and in that it has different questions to fill in... I will tell you the questions and you could even just write the questions and answers on your own. 1. How do you feel about labor and birth? What are your expectations? 2. Who do I want with me during my Labor? 3.My environment for labor? (Privacy, Music, Food & drink, comfort aids) 4. How I want my baby's heartbeat to be monitored during labor? (Hand held Doppler/ Continuous electronic) 5. How will I cope with the pain? Which type of Pain relief if any? 6. How would I like to give birth? (Position) 7. Would I like my placenta to be delivered with or without an injection? (An injection helps to reduce bleeding) 8. After my baby's birth? (Skin to skin contact is usually encouraged) I hope this helps!! Good luck :) x
2007-01-11 10:48:44 UTC
It's a good idea to make your wishes known, especially about medication, but most nurses/doctors say that the more complicated the birth plan, the less they want to follow it and it becomes a total PITA. I would suggest to tell the nurses and your spouse/partner/whatever you want so that they know, and your partner knows in case you are unable to make the request yourself. Be flexible; some things are hospital policy and there is nothing that can be done about it. Midwives will probably be a little more open to the idea, but don't go overboard on it and you should be fine. I had one but don't think I even pulled it out except to give a copy to my doula; I just told the nurses what I wanted in the way of meds and they were fine with that. Three hours after I checked in my daughter was born, so I got lucky.
samantha s
2007-01-11 10:08:29 UTC
I included what I wanted in the way of pain management, visitors during labor, people in the room during birth, first visitors post birth (very important on the second baby- I wanted big brother to see his sis first), whether you want certain things done in case you can't tell post birth (in case of c section or bad birthing and you are drugged up heavily) you can put if you have a boy whether you want him to circumcised or not. I listed four nurses that I didn't want any where near me or my baby (and it was enforced). It just depends on how picky you are, most midwives, nurses and doctors within reason will follow a birth request plan as long as some things are explained. (like no distant relatives in the room during labor, they don't need to see me like that, or all visitors must wash hands before going into room and if you have cold symptoms then please not visit- had one baby in DEC., that was the hospital birth center policy anyway.) Good luck and Congrats.
2007-01-11 10:19:22 UTC
The best birth plan worksheet is printable on, and the best way to set it up is to choose what YOU want. Don't be embarassed about choosing any of the methods they offer because you never know what might work for you. Also don't forget in choosing a birth plan, it might not always go that way! I had one all picked out and ready to go and wham a doc's appointment and the baby came by c-section. good luck!
2007-01-11 10:00:53 UTC
I recently gave birth to my son, and also was unsure of developing a birth plan. Check out the link below - I found it to be extremely helpful as a guide! It takes you through a series of questions. Good luck! And don't be disappointed if your actual experiance is much different than the plan you make - mine was like black and white, but more enjoyable than imaginable! I'm sure everything will be just wonderful for you too :D
2007-01-11 10:35:47 UTC
I didn't make a birth plan...I put complete trust in my Dr to to what I needed. Why waste the time on a birth plan when 9 out of 10 times it really never happens the way you want it to.
2007-01-11 09:59:48 UTC
As long as you have a midwife you might as well lean on her for some type of "stock" plan. Then I would adjust accordingly. I mean you have to make it your the music you want to listen to...maybe a bath to relax.....the people you want there with you.

The main thing is to relax and let nature take its shouldn't have to worry to much about a birth plan.

I would make the father be more involved as well.
shonnie b
2007-01-11 10:02:03 UTC
I have the book and I have joined the What to expect Mothers club. Log into their site. Stroll down the left side of the web page and there you will find a tab to click on for Birth Plan's specifically. Have fun filling it out. Let your partner help with the questions as well.

2007-01-11 10:06:21 UTC
Usually planing a birth is not as it goes. I planned mine first one it it did not go well. I was about 10 days early and my husband had to work late that night . My doctor was very helpful and was supportive. This is going to be the best day of you life so if you want to plan it that is really up to you ....
craig s
2007-01-11 12:20:16 UTC
Write down all the things that you definately don't want. For example I didn't want pethidine or an epidural. Then you can just dream of the rest, cause normally whatever you plan will never happen, as something always ruins it. Like the baby. lol
The Invisible Woman
2007-01-11 10:01:19 UTC
Here is a link to and an article and then an actual birth plan to fill out. This can just give you an idea of what you need or you can use this one. I believe it covers pretty much all the bases.
2007-01-11 10:09:10 UTC
you could start with what music you would like to be listening to and what kind of birth you want ie water birth etc and also drugs that you want or dont want.Who you want with you and also once your baby has been born what outfit you would like it to wear.good luck i hope everything goes to plan.
2007-01-11 09:58:55 UTC
I never made a birth plan because I had a Dr that I trusted and I knew he and I were on the same page about everything.

Here is a link that may help you out! Good luck!
Kahuna Burger
2007-01-11 10:10:31 UTC
I would read a lot of birth stories and say "wow that really sucked" and "that would be a nice way for it to go" about different things and go from there
2007-01-11 10:13:23 UTC

I guess mine was so long that it wouldn't post. Will try again.

From my only hospital birth:

The following statements represent our careful consideration and education concerning the labor and birth of our child. We understand the need to remain flexible and will be prepared for any necessary last minute changes to insure the health of Mother and baby. We appreciate your help in bringing our child into this world with as few medical interventions as possible. We ask to please be informed (medical reason, risks, benefits and alternatives) of each procedure and given time for discussion before it is done. Thank you for your understanding and support in making our baby’s birth a positive experience and warm memory for our new family.


Mother requests freedom of movement, use of shower, labor ball, squat bar.

Please do not offer any pain medications. We are aware of what is available and will ask if desired.

Mother would like access to liquids and light solids to maintain hydration and energy.

We request that no routine IV’s be started. A Heparin Lock is OK as a precautionary measure.

We would prefer only Intermittent External Fetal Monitoring.

Comfort measures requested: low lights, quiet room, aeromatherapy, music if Mother desires, massage, extra pillows.

Please allow bag of waters to break spontaneously.


Mother would prefer to push in an upright or semi-upright position, use of squat bar if helpful. Slow and natural pushing, not directed pushing. We would like a mirror available for Mother to see if desired.

Immediate skin to skin contact and breastfeeding. Evaluations, suctioning to be done in Mother’s arms.

We would prefer no episiotomy unless absolutely necessary in an emergency. Mother would prefer to tear. Warm compresses and perineal massage to be used to help perineum in stretching. Mother to receive local anesthesia for any stitches required for tearing or in case an episotomy is unavoidable.

We ask that you please allow the cord to stop pulsating before it is clamped or cut. Please offer Father the opportunity to cut the cord.

Baby and Mother to be covered with warm blanket and left for 30 minutes minimum for family bonding please.


Baby will not be circumcised.

We would prefer no nursery unless requested by Mother and Father.

Baby is to be given no bottles of anything and no pacifiers.

Please delay all routine procedures until after first feeding.

If at all possible, cord blood to be used first for any tests needing baby’s blood.

Father or Mother would like to go with baby for any procedures outside the room.

Mother or Father would like the opportunity to give baby his first bath.


If a C-section becomes necessary - Father and Doula present.

Mother to be conscious. Prefer epidural anesthesia or spinal block.

Screen lowered on request.

Baby goes immediately to Mother or Dad.

All requests regarding care of baby stand.
2007-01-15 08:30:16 UTC
i didnt bother to make one with my first child i just went with the flow.
2007-01-11 10:03:19 UTC
This one was my pick when I was pregnant.

Rather extensive birth plan from :

Interactive Birth Plan

Instructions: You do not have to answer all of the questions, only the ones that interest you. There are also some built in features that will not allow you to choose two mutually exclusive things. For example: You cannot have continuous monitoring with a fetoscope, nor can you breast feed only with a bottle. You may also either print the results page or use it as a guideline for creating your own birth plan.

Title section will read: Birth Plan for and will add the mother-to-be's name, unless you specify something else. The title will change as well.

Title for this birthplan (Optional):

What is your name? (Not Optional)

E-mail Address (If you want a copy mailed to you. Double check for accuracy.)

What is your partner's name? (Optional)

What is your doula's name? (Optional)

When is your due date? (Optional)

Name of your practitioner. (Optional)

Place of Birth (Optional)

This is an area for you to write your birth philosophy or whatever you want. We have included an example, which can be erased and written over, used, or left blank. (Optional)

This birth plan is intended to express the preference and desires we have for the birth of our baby. It is not intended to be a script. We fully realize that situations may arise such that our plan cannot and should not be followed. However, we hope that barring any extenuating circumstances, you will be able to keep us informed and aware of our options. Thank you.

First Stage of Labor


Check as many as you would prefer.

Dim Lights

Peace and Quiet


Wear my own clothes

No students, residents, etc.

Minimal vaginal exams (Vaginal exams can actually cause problems such as infection and premature rupture of membranes.)

Other (Please specify):


You may only select one.

Maintain mobility (Walking, rocking, up to bathroom, etc.)

Freedom to move in bed only (up to the bathroom)

Mobility not important (catheter, used with regular epidural)


You may choose a selection of these. For more information.

No restrictions (Eat & drink to your comfort)

Clear Fluids (Water, Gatorade®, Jell-O®, etc.)

Ice Chips

Heparin/Saline Lock (Most hospitals require this as access to a vein should an emergency occur, it can also be used in place of an IV for administration of antibiotics for complications such as MVP or Beta Strep.)

IV (You will have to have this if you are receiving medications.)


You may choose intermittent or continuous monitoring. For more information.

Intermittent Monitoring (ACOG Standards)

Fetoscope (Special stethoscope for pregnant moms.)


External Electronic Monitor

Continuous Monitoring

External Electronic Monitor

Internal Electronic Monitor

Pain Relief Offers:

Check only one.

Only if I ask (Recommended if you are planning on not using medications, although you can still receive medications at any point.)

Offer if uncomfortable

Offer as soon as possible

Pain Relief Options:

Check as many as you would prefer. For more information.




Water (Shower or tub)

Heat or Cold Therapy



IV medication






Ultra low dose Epidural (Walking epidural)

Classical Epidural

General Anesthesia (Extrememly rare now for a vaginal birth.)

Other (Please specify):


Usually induction and augmentation will not be discussed in a birth plan. If you have choosen or required an induction then the decision will usually be made before you ever arrive at your birth place. However, it is important to know that you do have options. For more information.


Natural Methods (Walking, nipple stimulation, sex, etc.)

Herbal Inductions (Cohoshes, etc.)

Prostaglandin gel (Recommended if you have an "unfavorable cervix.")

Pitocin (Given in IV, it is a synthetic hormone to induce contractions. Read the FAQ.)

Amniotomy (Breaking the waters. Read the FAQ.)

Cytotec (Oral or vaginally inserted tablet, more effective and costs less than pitocin, in most cases. Read the FAQ.)



Nipple stimulation (Nipple stimulation releases natural oxytocin which will produce contractions.)

Pitocin (Given in IV, it is a synthetic hormone to strengthen contractions. Read the FAQ.)

Amniotomy (Breaking the waters. Read the FAQ.)

Other (Please specify):

Second Stage


Some of these will depend on if you are medicated, how your labor is going, and the health of your baby.

Choice of positions (Certain positions are better for encouraging a baby to come down.)

Prolonged Length (There are still "time limits" in some places, where you will have a cesarean/forceps delivery if time is up.)

Spontaneous Bearing Down (Listening to your body and pushing.)

Directed Pushing (Being told to push at certain times, while holding your breath.)

Prefer to use people for leg support (As opposed to stirrups or foot pedals.)

Foot Pedals (These are at the foot of the bed and allow you to sit up straight while pushing, as opposed to laying back with the stirrups.)

Squat/Birth Bar (This goes across the top of the bed, allowing you to lean on the bar as opposed to relying on people or footpedals and stirrups.)

Stirrups (Used in long second stages and with epidurals.)

Perineal Care:

Episiotomy is a tough issue, some women wish to avoid an episiotomy even if it looks like they will tear, while others would simply prefer to have an episiotomy. You may also leave this blank if you do not have a preference. For more information.

Prefer No Episiotomy (Massage, compresses, positioning, etc.) (Select this one if you would prefer no episiotomy but not to the point of tearing.)

Prefer to Tear (Massage, compresses, positioning, etc.) (Select this option if you would prefer to tear than have an episiotomy.)


Pressure Episiotomy (Done without anesthesia, although you cannot feel it due to the pressure from the baby's head.)

Local Anesthesia (for repair)

Baby Care

Cord Cutting:

Choose one for timing and select partner if you wish that option.

Immediate (Sometimes done because the cord is around the neck or because the parents have no preference.)

Delayed (Some parents prefer that the cord not be cut until after it has stopped pulsating so that the baby receive all of the blood from the placenta.)

Partner to cut cord

Eye Care:

Choose only one.

None (In some states it is the law, in others it isn't, or if you sign a waiver.)

Delayed (Most parents prefer to have the procedure delayed until after the initial bonding time is over, so that the baby can see clearly. It also depends on the types of medications used.)


Feeding Baby:

Choose one feeding method, and you have an addtional option for pacifiers.

Breast feeding only

Bottle feeding only


No pacifiers or glucose water (This would be to avoid nipple confusion.)


Choose only one, although you can change your mind after the birth.


Delayed (after recovery period)

Partial Rooming-In (Baby with mother during day, but not night.)

Nursery (baby brought to you on your schedule.)


Please choose only one category or leave blank if your baby is a girl.

None (Check here if you do not intend to have the baby circumcised, or if you do not intend to have him circumcised at the birth place.)

Do not retract the foreskin

In the Hospital

Parents Present

Use anesthesia (Depends on the practitioner)

Other Baby Care Requests

Other (Please specify):

Complications & Cesareans

Cesarean Surgery

You may only choose one form of anesthesia, and that is really up to the physician at the time. The other options are in the event of a planned, unplanned/non-emergent cesarean surgery. For more detail on these options, check out the Planning a Cesarean FAQ.

Spinal/epidural anesthesia

General anesthesia

Partner Present

Doula Present


Screen lowered to view birth

Description of surgery

Touch the baby

Partner to cut cord

Breast feeding in recovery room

Other (Please specify):

Sick Infant

Choose as many as you would like.

Breast feeding as possible

Unlimited visitation for parents

Handling the baby (holding, care of, etc.)

If baby is transported to another facility, move us as soon as possible

Other (Please specify):

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.