Ok I am 32 weeks and 4 days pregnant according to my Pregnancy Calendar, and i say that I am 9 months pregnant. It say Oct 22-Nov 18 is nine months and Nov 19-Dec 16 is 10 months, but what i can not explain to them because i do not understand myself is why in the world i am nine months but don't have the baby until Dec.16th when everyone say your pregnant for 9 months. so does this mean that pregnancy is no longer 9 months but 10 months???? Please explain to me how i can be nine months but no baby is coming anytime soon. my husband and mother can not be convinced that i am carrying a baby for 10 months instead of 9. But if you do the math there is 4 weeks in each month and 4 divide by 40 is 10 months. please explain this to me before i go crazy myself. because it is so hard to explain to people when they say how many moths are you and i say 9 there like o well your due any day now and i say no i'm not due til december and there looking at me like i'm nuts!!! Please help me!