A court ordered paternity test has already been established for my child, but now the proven biological father, is requesting through his mother, that I take another paternity test for our daughter. He has never seen her, helped support her, and claims he wants no rights/ obligations to our child and wont refer to her as his baby. We have court in October to set up child support, and I know he will try to fight paying for her. He is married to the woman he was dating before me (but he did NOT get married until after we separated- I was around 1 month pregnant). He claims to her to have never slept with me while we were dating, and has thus far stuck to this lie. In his attempt to continue this lie, he has allowed his wife to call me stating he is not the father and such. The paternity test has already proven him to be 99.99% the biological father. Can he force me to take another test or request another test be done when we go to court? If I agreed to it willingly, could he then use it against me in court and claim I am unsure of the test results being accurate?