2009-03-12 21:52:29 UTC
Anyway, we never used condoms because she was on the pill. I trusted her and I won't get into how we met, but I can assure you that I knew she was on the pill with her b/f she had before she and I started dating.
Well earlier today, she told me that she just found out this morning that she's pregnant! This totally came out of left field and hit me like a punch in the face. In fact, my g/f called me up and said she had something to tell me but she wanted to do it in person. So when I got out of class and I knew she was home from work, I went to her apartment. She sat me down, held my hands and started with "I don't know how to tell you this, so I'm just going to say it..." so at that point, I thought for sure she was going to break up with me (although I didn't know why), so boy was floored when she said "I'm pregnant."
So, I guess my question is, what do I do now? My g/f made it clear that she's going to keep the baby, but she also made it clear that she was not interested in getting married just because we're going to be having a child together. And I'm glad about that since I don't feel I'm ready for marriage...but I certainly don't feel I'm ready to be a father yet either!!!
I have 2 more years of school left and I'm planning to still live with my mother and my sister until I finish. My g/f has a decent job but neither of us are rich by any means. So, what do I do? Also, how do I go about breaking this news to my mother!! I know I'm 22 and not a kid anymore but I just knows she's going to FLIP OUT!!
I'm so flustered and confused right now, my head is spinning....any advice on what I can do.
Thank you all.