i know this may seem like a silly question but please dont be nasty about it?
2008-08-13 13:09:18 UTC
im going through a very difficult, painful pregnancy and keep having this nightmare about going overdue and having to go through more pain. i was just wondering is their a reason why ppl gop overdue, and is their a way of stopping this? obviously i dont want to have my baby early i just cant face going over my due date!!! Please dont be nasty cos i really am in a lot of pain and discomfprt and am having to see various specialists about this... so dont be nasty plsxxxx
36 answers:
2008-08-13 13:16:49 UTC
thanks for mentioning that people can be so nasty on here! i also so know what u mean about being in a lot of discomfort aswell. what sort of discomfort do u have? i have so much water retention in my legs and even part of my belly and it makes every step real painful. on top of that i used to have the WORST heartburn..which now toward the end of ym pregnancy is getting so much better but i also have the worst back pain!...i also dont want to go overdue and so hope he will not stay in here one second longer that what he has to do. the number one thing u should try is to have sex when u would like to start going into labor. the guys' sperm softens up everything down down and will help u dialate faster as well. its a fact, not a myth. i have asked several midwife's and doctors about this matter. u can even read up on it. and i know pleny of women who have tried it and it really speeds up everything. i hear of castor oil and chinese food, i will try everything and do think the other two might just be a myth, but we shall see. so definately try sex for sure it will help u! good luck!

oh and by the way u luvthatgspot! u're a f****guy and dont tell her to stop whining cuz u have never been pregnant and never will be so u have no f*****g idea how horrible pregnancy can be, so shut the h*** up! why are u even on the pregnancy category if all u can do is tell people to stop whining instead of actually trying to HELP SOMEONE ON YAHOO?
2008-08-13 13:14:43 UTC
First, it is very normal to go past your due date. A due date is just an estimate. Most women go about 1.5 weeks past their "due dates" and it is only a more risky once a full two weeks have passed. For a woman to go two weeks or more past her due date typically there are issues with the baby not dropping that are really out of the mother's control.

Going overdue has nothing to do with how much pain you experience during childbirth. Preparation and having tools to handle the pain does. If you are interested, try taking a Bradley class. It is overkill no doubt (I am taking one) but it will definately give you all of the tips for a healthy pregnancy and labor.

There are exercises you can do such as pelvic tilts and even your kegels that should help the baby get in a good position to encourage labor starting naturally and continuing well.

Also, if you are worried about pain & complications - don't just let them induce you because you are at or past your due date. The recommendation is two full weeks past your due date before you have to sign an AMA waiver. Being induced causes very strong contractions and is supposedly quite horrible without the epidural and there is the argument that when you interfere too much with the natural process you are inviting risks that need not be present during labor and delivery.

Going a little overdue will make no difference except a little more impatience and discomfort while carrying the baby.

Best of luck.
2008-08-13 13:18:35 UTC
I know that going "over due" sounds awful especially considering your circumstances but the truth is that goling overdue is not a hazard. the actual science behind a due date is that you'll deliver your baby within two weeks of that date either before or after. the due date is not a magic number. I hope you deliver a healthy baby sooner than later.

If you are really concerned you can talk to your docs about scheduling an induction around your due date, just be aware that inducing can cause very painful contractions and increases your risk for c-section or other complications so you have to weigh your options. Between my 3 kids I have experienced it all 9 days early, 4 days late and a c-section. I laso had severe pain problems during pregnancy. I know how you feel so hang in there.
2008-08-13 13:21:12 UTC
with all the technology of today, dr.'s still don't know what trigger's natural labor. There's no way to find out. Babies just come when they come. The reason dr.'s induce after about 41-42 weeks is because it can become dangerous for both mom and baby. After 35 weeks, the baby is MOSTLY just gaining weight, as long as you've had a normal healthy pregnancy. Boys develop later than girls, so if you're having a boy it's important to go as long as possible, but it's still okay. They are now saying 37 weeks is considered full term, and after 36 weeks, they won't do anything to stop labor if you go at that point. If the dr. feels there is a reason to have you go early they will tell you and discuss your options. I am in my 3rd pregnancy, and you'd think it gets doesn't. This is the worst pain and discomfort I've ever had and I still have 4 weeks to go. I've had preterm labor stopped twice already and the baby's head is already in the birth canal but i'm not dialating or anything yet, so there's just NO TELLIN' what can happen. Just do the best you can and focus on the GOOD about being pregnant, like having people wait on you and being able to eat what you want, and have to rest as much as possible!!!!!!! Trust me you'll miss those things. If you start to hate being pregnant you'll risk post partum depression and resenting your baby for making you miserable. Been through that too, trust me, you don't wanna go there!!! Best of luck, hang in there!
2008-08-13 13:20:20 UTC
1 reason people go overdue is because due dates are just estimates. They are based on the 1st day of your last period. Unless you know the EXACT date of conception you have a good chance of being off on your due date. Because dates are not 100% accurate doctors do not have a problem letting you go a little past your due date because the date is not accurate...the general consensus among medical professionals is your body will do what it needs to when it needs to do it.

If you do not want to go too far over it is time to have a talk with your doctor about when he will induce if you have not had your baby by your due date. All doctors are different. Mine let me go 3 weeks (there is a huge back story I can give you if you email me) but that is certainly NOT normal. With my 2nd I was due to have a csection but I went in 3 days before and told my doctor I wanted to have the baby that day and he did the csection early.

I do sympathize with you about feeling poorly. My 2nd pregnancy I was big as a house and so uncomfortable. It is not fun at all. But seriously you will forget about how bad it was eventually. I swore I would NEVER have another baby...but 3 years later I want one so badly...bad memories and all. You will make it, God made women carry children because we are the STRONGER of the 2 genders...just remember that!
2008-08-13 13:16:55 UTC
Ok, first of all I really feel for you an uncomfortable pregnancy is bad enough, but a painful one?? Well each pregnancy is different so it is hard to tell why someone goes overdue, I had one baby early , one overdue and one right on time. Usually if the pregnancy has complications, which is sounds like if you are seeing specialists, your OB will probably schedule you for an induction or c-section. Regular exercise and swimming really helps with aches and pains. Good luck
April A
2008-08-13 13:16:56 UTC
I was a week and a half overdue with my daughter. What I can reassure you is that the safest place for your baby to be is in your belly. As much discomfort as this may cause you, think about how safe the baby is if you go after your due date. Some doctor's will not let you go a couple of days after your due date. It all depends on the hospital and doctor. But all doctors will not let you go more than 2 weeks after your due date. My sister complained she was in so much pain with her kids..(even though she just wanted them out) and was induced a week early. It all depends on your doctor, but I would definitly ask at your next visit what their policy is on inducing and going overdue.
2008-08-13 13:28:20 UTC
the best thing for you is to exercise in any way that will keep you vertical.if its your first, then you have every reason t be worried as you have no idea what your labour will be like,i had my first baby at 39 weeks and its funny because that day i ate a multipack of spicy crisps and a tub of ben n jerrys icecream.i bursted my coccyx bone in my backside from moning sickness putting pressure on it and still exercised and danced at home in my room because i was worried about my first labour and if i was overdue that i would have to give birth to a big baby so i danced alot at home to music on my ipod like shakira because its the best kind of dancing that will help gravity push the baby into the pelvis and i think that really worked, if you are resting alot in this pregnancy then theres a very small chance you will have a normal labour as you are not working your musces and organs properly which could slow down labour,

the other thing is have alot of sex during pregnancy and this will reduce your chances of an overdue labour,because when you have sex, your uterus contracts with or without orgasm which will make it alot easier for your uterus to contract during labour when the time comes.

showers are so effective for labour and great for a pain relief during labour by just aiming the shower were the pain is.

just dance by yourself in a room listening to music even 2 or 3 times a week, if you feel like you have no energy, water is great for keeping your muscles at work as you're dancing,
Olivia J
2008-08-13 13:13:01 UTC
There are many reasons a woman will be overdue - but there are many things to help her. A membrane sweep is the most common for an overdue woman - it will usually naturally start labor within 2 days. I wouldn't worry about being overdue - your doctors will work with you to keep you comfortable and the baby safe. congrats!
2008-08-13 13:18:59 UTC
it's not silly. your just scared. No there is nothing you can do about going over due unless you have a very sympathetic OB that is willing to induce you on your due date.

Baby's pretty much get here when they are ready and we have to do things according to their schedules. As far as the nightmare that is just your nerves getting the best of, right now just relax take a warm bath or shower, drink a a non caffine cup of hot tea, and unwind. Trust me you are going to want a few moments of peaace and quite once baby is here. Congrats
Diane H
2008-08-13 13:15:03 UTC
There is NO way to prevent yourself from going past your due date! There are a ton of olds wives tales about how to bring on labor - but they are just that old wives tales!!!

Your baby will come when your baby is ready to come and not before! Unfortunately, we as mothers have no REAL control over it!

I am sorry that you are in such discomfort during your pregnancy!!!

I would just suggest speaking with your doctor to find ways to help lessen the discomfort as much as possible, other than that there isnt much you can do!!
2008-08-13 13:14:04 UTC
You poor thing, I hope you have this baby sooner than later. Um, no one can really tell for sure when exactly your baby is *supposed* to be born, the doctor just has an educated estimate. My son was late unfortunately, and if your doctor feels that you or the baby are at risk they will suggest you being induced. I hope you can have your baby soon and you will forget all about the discomfort and enjoy a beautiful child.
The Sh*t
2008-08-13 13:18:31 UTC
In some cases people go overdue just because the baby isn't ready yet, or the due date might not be spot on (they are just guesses anyways) and some people seem to go over habitually (like myself) and it seems to run in the family (again like my family). You can try walking and you can try sex if you are up to it to help move labor along but when push comes to shove you might just have to wait it out.
Jennifer B
2008-08-13 13:17:19 UTC
if you are having anxiety and panic attacks because of it, you may be able to ask your doctor to schedule your delivery. he will check to make sure all your fluids are at the correct amounts and schedule you to come in so they can induce your labor. ask your doctor about this the next time you see him. women usually have their baby 2 weeks prior or 2 weeks after their due date (this could be because their due date wasn't accurate to begin with). as long as you are past 36 weeks, your baby is considered full-term. don't worry because i believe your baby will know when its time to come out, if not, your doctor can induce. i'm sorry to hear you've had problems, but once its over, you'll have a beautiful baby to take the place of the pain. good luck.
2008-08-13 13:14:16 UTC
There is no way to prevent being over due unless you get induced. You can talk to your doctor about planning a day to be induced. Your doctor obviously should know how much pain you are in so they would probably agree. Also, about the dreams....Women that are pregnant tend to have the craziest dreams so don't be too alarmed. I dreamt my son would have two heads!
2008-08-13 13:14:46 UTC
It depends on the baby, some just need more time to develop in the womb. Nine months is an estimated time.

I bet it sucks to be in all that pain :(

But I hope you bear through the rest of your pregnancy and have a healthy baby :)
2008-08-13 13:13:36 UTC
I am pretty sure that doctors won't let you go to far past your due date anymore, they will induce labor. If your having problems anyways is there any chance you might have a C-section? Then you would know for sure when it will happen. These are things you can talk to your doctor about and he would probably have some good suggestions and solutions.
2008-08-13 13:13:58 UTC
Some would say the longer it is in their the better because the baby has more time to finish developing everything. However, If you express to your doctor your concerns, I am sure that he will give you a few tips. Their are also websites for pregnancy tips and things of this nature.
2008-08-13 13:14:31 UTC
I am pretty sure if you are having this much pain no doctor will make you go over your due date. I climbed alot of stairs when it was close to my due date and that helped me. I would just be honest with your doctor. Most doctors will induce with 2 days of your due date. Good luck-
Paula Christine
2008-08-13 13:16:29 UTC
If you are having all these discomforts and pain, your doctor won't allow you to go over your due date. They will either schedule you for a c-section or have you induced. In today's world - doctor's don't allow the mothers to suffer like that if not necessary.
2008-08-13 13:12:51 UTC
I don't know why some go overdue however if you are having panic attacks you might want to talk to your DOCTOR about being induced at like 39 weeks...
Free 2 B Me
2008-08-13 13:16:47 UTC
Women become overdue because the baby is comfortable!! I had my 1st early,so it's an old wives tale to say all 1st babies are late.

Don't worry about going over. It's all about making sure your baby is healthy.

Just relax, you may not. Your baby is enjoying their time..pretty soon they will be out on their own. Can u blame him/her? :)
2008-08-13 13:15:08 UTC
i was 8 day over due before my baby i didnt havopinionifferent pain that week than i did the whold time i was prego she came on the ninth day the day before i was suppose to be induced. You just expect a certian date and when the baby doesnt come it just more aggravation and inticapation more than anything
2016-10-19 04:39:38 UTC
first element i'll assert right here... your nostril isn't "incorrect" in any way, it incredibly is a factor of who you're, as a result an exceedingly unique asset. Judging by utilizing what others seem desire to be certain who you ought to appear as if, or be, is incorrect in my opinion. in my opinion, i'll by no ability get plastic surgical technique because of the fact I see my flaws as issues that make me who i'm and that i've got found out to stay with them. yet another considerable reason i does not do it is that surgical technique is frightening stuff, I propose one slip up and you ought to seem a good distance worse then ever before... to not point out how costly it is! it incredibly is a reasonably great threat to take i think of... stable success expensive, and that i don't propose to scare you. =)
2008-08-13 13:18:48 UTC
The dr. needs to make sure the baby is ready. Your due date is just a guess.
2008-08-13 13:15:52 UTC
Some pregnancies are post-term. But as it turns out, others are actually the result of the incorrect assignment of a due date. Due dates are tricky because it's hard to pinpoint the exact age of a fetus. Reasons for this include irregular periods, sketchy or inaccurate menstrual history presented to the obstetrician, and mistaking spotting during very early pregnancy for a period. Doctors usually use several methods together to make their best estimate of a due date, including:

Calculation based on your last ovulation (the most reliable method)

Calculation based on the first day of your last menstrual period

Clinical examination of the uterus for size

Your first detection of fetal movement (the fetus usually makes its first movements between 16 and 20 weeks)

Fetal heartbeat (in normal pregnancies, the doctor can detect it between 18 and 20 weeks)

Ultrasound which during early pregnancy can estimate fetal age within 7 to 10 days (it's not as effective later in the pregnancy)

Unfortunately, if you have irregular cycles it could prove difficult to accurately predict a due date.

According to the ACOG, 95 percent of babies born between 42 and 44 weeks are born safely. But going past the due date does carry some risks, including:

The placenta's ability to provide baby with adequate oxygen and nutrients may be compromised

The volume of essential amniotic fluid may decline as baby grows (increases possibility of a pinched umbilical cord)

The possibility of fetal distress increases

The baby could grow too large to pass safely through the birth canal (also known as macrosomia)

With post-term pregnancies, there's also an increased possibility that the baby could have a bowel movement while still in the womb, putting him in danger of inhaling the waste product known as meconium.

Some of these complications can lead to a cesarean delivery which, as a surgical procedure, carries its own risks.

Depending on your condition, and that of your baby, your doctor may discuss the possibility of inducing labor. This is a decision that must be made on a case-by-case basis. Remember that most babies are not born on their actual due date. While complications could potentially occur in a postdate pregnancy, they're rare. Most of the time, babies are born healthy and complications are minimal. This is the result of the excellent fetal monitoring techniques available to your health-care provider.

While you might feel uncomfortable and anxious to meet your new baby, rest assured that a postdate pregnancy is not uncommon. Keep the lines of communication open with your health-care provider. It might help to write down your questions so you can discuss them at your visits. She can inform and reassure as she monitors your progress.
2008-08-13 13:14:54 UTC
Your doctors should let you know if you need to be induced. Don't worry, pregnancy is not a pleasant thing when it gets to the end.

Just talk to them about your concerns.

Best Of Luck To You!
2008-08-13 13:13:46 UTC
I have been told that having sex induces labor. Also if you can stand it spicy food. When you are getting close to your due date, try one of these. As far as the nightmares go, I wouldn't worry to much about it. Your emotions and hormones are out of control right now.
2008-08-13 13:12:14 UTC
Babies come when they are ready. I was over 2 weeks overdue when my mom was pregnant with me.
2008-08-13 13:12:21 UTC
I thought the first child generally comes a few days late. Could just be an ol wise tale, but it seems true in most cases.
2008-08-13 13:15:45 UTC
why should anyone wish to be nasty lovey, I just hope everything soon gets better for you and i feel sure it will Have good faith in your abilities and you'll be OK
2008-08-13 13:12:43 UTC
People go over because the baby is not ready.

Don't worry babe, if worse comes to worse, you can have a c-section.
nathalia r
2008-08-13 13:15:01 UTC
this dreams are really common!

don't worry to much! if you are worrying, then try having spicy food, sex, etc... all this things that bring you into labor... but don't do it before week 38...
2008-08-13 13:14:19 UTC
as long as your not drinking or smoking you should be fine but you should go see a doctor about taking meds
jack ass
2008-08-13 13:13:22 UTC
go see the doctor if you havint all ready.
Prophet 1102
2008-08-13 13:12:25 UTC
As soon as you enter your 9th month - have the doctor induce your labor.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.