I hope this is a troll question because if you really loved your baby that much that you would never touch cigarettes or alcohol, I seriously doubt you would take two hits off a joint. I refused to even take tums when I was pregnant, so I have a hard time believing someone who was so dedicated for 8 months to her baby's health would just say, "okay, give me that marijuana". Makes no sense.
Now I will say this, braxton hicks are not usually as painful as you are describing. So if you are having that painful contractions, then I would say you are possibly in early labor. And if you have an early baby, yes, they WILL test it for drugs and if you or the baby comes up positive, you bet CPS will be involved. I had an early baby due to Pre-E and they told me with all preemies (born before 37 weeks), they drug test immediately because it's a main cause of prematurity.
And they may drug test you at your dr office if they have reason to believe you took drugs. Every doctor is different. But I sat right there in my high risk dr's nurse's office and watched as they drug tested a woman's urine they suspected of being on drugs and it came up positive.
Like I said, I hope you are a troll because no woman that truly loved her baby would smoke marijuana when pregnant - i mean come on, your instinct would be to say no way, I am pregnant, i can't smoke that. And anyone this afraid of the consequences wouldn't go on the internet and openly tell the world they smoked marijuana and put their picture next to their post.
Besides, that, in your three posts that you have posted, you call him your boyfriend, your fiance, and now your husband. I smell a troll here. Maybe you're for real, but i would never say my husband is my fiance or boyfriend. Something's not adding up.