I need an interview from someone who has had an Abortion?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
I need an interview from someone who has had an Abortion?
Sixteen answers:
2011-02-18 19:57:03 UTC
1.What kind of abortion did you have? For example, a saline abortion, partial birth abortion, etc...

I have had the pill and d/c

2. At the time, what were your reasons for having an abortion? Please explain

just to many things going on im always out doing stuff so perty much for convenience i guess

3.Do you believe that a fetus is a living human being? Why or why not?

No because when the abortions are done its just cell not a baby

4. If you believe that a fetus is a human being, do you think there should be a law to protect it?

i dont think it is

5. If you had a chance, would you change what you did? Why or why not?

No because im happy and fine with it

6. Do you think other women who have had an abortion regret their decision? why or why not?

Some do some don't guess its all how they see it

7. How has this choice affected you personally?

None really at all

8.What advice would you give to someone who is considering an abortion?

Surgacal abortions are alot less painfull then the pill and don't let people talk down to you for your choise

9. Do you feel women who have had an abortion have been lied to? if so, why?

No not sure what you mean here

10. Does abortion have any negative consequences? If so, what are they?

None for me

11. In your opinion, should abortion be legal because of women’s rights o illegal because of the negative consequences? Why or why not? Please explain

Bottom line it mine and every other woman's right to do what we want to our bodies
2016-12-23 05:45:16 UTC
2016-04-23 07:41:10 UTC
here are numerous reasons why a once committed relationship would degenerate to one partner asking for a divorce. how to save your marriage

It could have been:

- an affair

- having been separated by a long distance for lengths of time

- conflict

- behavioral issues or psychological problems of one spouse

- even unmanaged addictions.

Whatever of these problems may be what is seen on the surface, the bottom line is that usually, barring any abuse or psychological problems that are best handled by a professional, a couple find themselves in danger of divorce when there is a loss of:

- communication,

- love

- and intimacy

in the marital relationship.
2016-02-27 06:03:50 UTC
Well I don't have 15, but here's 7 1) What prompted you to have an abortion? 2) Growing up, were you for or against it? 3) If you had previously been against it, what changed your mind? 4) Do you regret having them? 5) Was it more difficult the second time, or not really? 6) Do you have any advice for young mothers who're considering it? 7) What were the best/worst parts?
2011-02-25 17:53:13 UTC
1.What kind of abortion did you have? For example, a saline abortion, partial birth abortion, etc..


2. At the time, what were your reasons for having an abortion? Please explain?

I was 15 years old, my father found out asked me if I wanted the baby I said YES he said I could either get out of the house and fend for myself or have an abortion he took me for the abortion and dropped me off I felt no compassion even inside knowing my child was being killed, I did not realize their were other resources out their for help, I was scared alone and had no support this abortion led to another at age 31. I always wanted my children

3.Do you believe that a fetus is a living human being? Why or why not?

YES! we are all created by one Father in heaven. life starts at conception from natural death we are to never play the role of what God has created, yes we do have a free will but when taken ones life their are consequences whether here or after when we enter into eternal life. Our lives are a mystery our temples are created as sacred and holy. We all have a purpose even you. Think for one moment what if your mom or dad decided not to have you? Would that be ok with you. It would be like you never had a choice as you were fighting to live in your mothers womb.

4. If you believe that a fetus is a human being, do you think there should be a law to protect it?


5. If you had a chance, would you change what you did? Why or why not?

YES! I realize what abortion dose to men and women, not only did it hurt me with murdering my children it was a rippling affect on my family and society of being a part of millions each day being ripped from their mothers womb. It led to a life of self destruction on myself and others that loved me. Also not being able to hold my children and telling them I am sorry for the selfish act I did in taking the life that had a purpose.

6. Do you think other women who have had an abortion regret their decision? why or why not?

YES! I have met many women and men that regret their abortion, it takes years to heal after being a part of making that choice.

7. How has this choice affected you personally?

this choice I made led me to doing drugs for 33 years before being healed, in knowing I could be forgiven, it affected my relationships with family friends and marriage thoughts of suicide taunted me many times, guilt, shame, anxiety attacks, isolating myself from others putting up a wall to hide the truth that abortion does hurt women and men. I had to surface the reality of what I did was a life and was murder instead of burying it and making excuses thinking everything was fine. Now I am able to help others by being silent no more in giving the truth.

8.What advice would you give to someone who is considering an abortion?

Life in giving birth is a blessing. Having an Abortion you can never turn back it is a lifetime of regret.

9. Do you feel women who have had an abortion have been lied to? if so,

YES! They are told it is a blob of tissue and that all your problems will be solved after having an abortion, this is not true that is when your entire life changes with regret and you cannot turn back.

It will lead each person to some degree to some type of self destruction in some way that is if you are lucky and live through it when you are having the abortion. Some die on the table.

10. Does abortion have any negative consequences? If so, what are they?

drugs, alcohol, guilt shame relationships of lust, anxiety attacks, thoughts of suicide panic attacks, believing that you can never be loved again, no hope to go on, severe depression and many more. those are just a few

11. In your opinion, should abortion be legal because of women’s rights o illegal because of the negative consequences? Why or why not? Please explain?

I would probably respond by saying "Your right." We all have a right to choose anything, good or evil. This is what makes us human and free. We are not programmed to respond in a certain way to moral problems. We can always choose good through our own effort and God's grace; But we can also choose evil. We are free, and abortion the killing of the innocent, unborn, is evil.
2011-02-21 23:01:07 UTC
1.What kind of abortion did you have? For example, a saline abortion, partial birth abortion, etc...

2 suction abortions

2. At the time, what were your reasons for having an abortion? Please explain

Adultery I was caught

3.Do you believe that a fetus is a living human being? Why or why not?

Yes. Left to grow it will be nothing less.

4. If you believe that a fetus is a human being, do you think there should be a law to protect it?

Yes, we have laws to prosecute people who harm animals. A human life has value and should be afforded the same.

5. If you had a chance, would you change what you did? Why or why not?

Yes, I would take responsibility and not regret giving life to my children

6. Do you think other women who have had an abortion regret their decision? why or why not?

Yes, most women do regret their decision at some point in their life. A few will not ever and there are many who cope with the pain through denial.

7. How has this choice affected you personally?

Yes, It has affected me, my past, my present & my future. My husband, my children my parents. We are not islands. Our decisions affect many people in our lives.

8.What advice would you give to someone who is considering an abortion?

The decision is LONG TERM. Look at the bigger picture. How will you look at this decision in the future. Many have aborted at a young age to never have children later.

9. Do you feel women who have had an abortion have been lied to? if so, why?

Yes, clinics tell you lies about fetal development. This is the "best" choice for you. They don't tell you options or that you may regret the decision months or years later.

10. Does abortion have any negative consequences? If so, what are they?

Infertility, addictions, mental health issues to name a few.

11. In your opinion, should abortion be legal because of women’s rights o illegal because of the negative consequences? Why or why not? Please explain

Illegal because the human life should be protected.

3 days ago - 5 days left to answer. Report Abuse

Additional Details

On question 9, What I mean is some women have said they feel like they had been lied to because the doctor told them the fetus was just a blob of tissue.

3 days ago

Answer Question
2011-02-21 14:17:52 UTC
1. To tell you the truth I don't know they did not explain it to me. I was at 7 weeks so what ever they traditionally do at that time.

2. Many. The father was not going to be around, I didn't think I could handle it financially or emotionally, I didn't want to take the chance on screwing the kid up like I was. Basically low self esteem.

3. I didn't at the time but I do now. I have matured and gone back to church. I was living a very self destructive life style at that time, drugs, alcohol, many sex partners. I wa in a lot of pain and very lost.

4. Most definitely! I was in no condition to be making life or death decisions for any one. If abortion was not an option for me at that time, in other words not available, I may not have gotten pregnant in the first place and if I had I could have exercised my choices then, adoption or raising him on my own. The abortion laws in this country make it to easy for frightened women to make a devastating mistake.

5. Oh yes! I believe God was sending him to me to save me from myself. He knows me and knows that I had the tools to be a good mother but I doubted myself. I would have stepped up to the plate for him but not for myself.

6. I know they do. Some can't admit it yet. Just look at the brave women who stand up for the unborn on the Silent No More Youtube testimonies. It's really difficult to say the least to admit that you've taken a life, no less your own child's life. It goes completely against our nature. They (experts in the field) say that it takes 7-8 years for most women to begin to feel regret. Some women feel it right away and some will not allow themselves to feel ever. They cling to denial like a security blanket.

7. That's not easy to say in brief. It has brought me to this encounter with you. Immediately after, I continued on the same path I was on, although I hoped I would never have to make that choice again. It really took the death of my mother to change my course. To contemplate the death of someone you hold so dear. Complete devastation and hopelessness, grief beyond imagination. Then with the help of God I began to slowly rebuild and here I am. When I say with the help of God I mean I was helpless. He led me to help and healing and hope.

8. Visit a pregnancy care center. Find out the truth about your options. There is no profit in it for them except saving a life. Abortion providers are only interested in selling her an expensive "procedure" that they will make a bundle on.

9. Don't get me started. This is a lie that is bigger than she can imagine. It's all about money and discrimination. She is told by the media and her "friends" who are fed by the media that it's about freedom, and hey who doesn't like freedom. She being manipulated and controlled by a culture that is fake.

10. The consequences are soul deep. I'm not talking just about the women who choose abortion, I'm talking about the soul of a society that encourages this behavior. It is a society that thinks femininity is abhorant. That a woman's body needs to be shaped just so and is something to be objectified. It's pure evil no matter how you look at it. Women need to reclaim their right to be who and what they are naturally, and not let a souless society dictate to them. That's real freedom. To be what you were born to be, a beloved child, sister, daughter, mother, friend respected and cherished. Consequences? Just turn on the news. The dehumanization of abortion is destroying our world, our future.

11. No one has the "right" to kill any one. There are only the negative consequences. Take the 4 million dollars of our tax money our government gives to planned parenthood every year and spend it on affordable childcare. Demand that profitable corporations spend so much on child care for their employees. We could have a thriving dynamic society instead of this self-centered sputtering half dead culture where our future is ripped from their mothers womb under the guise of freedom.

Good luck kiddo.
2011-02-21 13:55:06 UTC
1.What kind of abortion did you have? For example, a saline abortion, partial birth abortion, etc...

I had a suction abortion

2. At the time, what were your reasons for having an abortion? Please explain

I thought that it was a quick fix for a pregnancy that no one apparently wanted me to have

3.Do you believe that a fetus is a living human being? Why or why not?I

I do believe that a fetus is a living human being. It is life from our Creator from the moment of conception

4. If you believe that a fetus is a human being, do you think there should be a law to protect it?

I believe there should be personhood laws among others yes

5. If you had a chance, would you change what you did? Why or why not?

If I could go back and change it I would. I would give birth to my son in a heartbeat. Because no one should commit murder and I do have other options.

6. Do you think other women who have had an abortion regret their decision? why or why not?

I know that they do. Because when we laid on that surgical bed and ended the life of our children we killed a piece of ourselves as well.

7. How has this choice affected you personally?

It has put me through years of shame and guilt and put me in a place in mylife where some very bad choices were made.

8.What advice would you give to someone who is considering an abortion?

I know it seems like the easy way out. A quick fix. But it isn't. There is no quick fix for this and the problem you are trying to fix is not your body it is a child. With this decision comes a death that will haunt you until the day you die.

9. Do you feel women who have had an abortion have been lied to? if so, why?

I know they were lied to. I have heard story upon story of women like myself that were told that it was just a a mass of tissue. THAT IS A LIE!!

10. Does abortion have any negative consequences? If so, what are they?

A Life is destroyed.actually no 2 lives are tell me are there consequences?

11. In your opinion, should abortion be legal because of women’s rights o illegal because of the negative consequences? Why or why not? Please explain

No it should not be legal because women suffer, children suffer and fathers suffer. We have sucessfully eliminated a whole generation and that is going to haunt the whole country in one way or another. Whether it is a lack of people to fund Medicare or take care of us in our old age or just the 50+ million women that are damaged because of this now living in our society.
2011-02-21 13:03:23 UTC
1. saline

2. I was coerced by other people, abandoned afraid and alone

3. Yes I know it is, I saw my aborted son and his little toes and fingers

4. Yes, I cannot believe they allow this. At the time I had mine we did not have the technology we have today and everyone believed the lie that it was a blob of tissue

5. Absolutely

6. I know many others regret their abortions. It is not natural for a mother to kill her child

7.It led to years of despair and regret

8. don;t think it solves your problem, it only brings more. You will not not be a mom, you are already a mom, you will be the mom of a dead baby and Sooner or later you will live to regret it

9I don't feel it, I know it

10. The death of your child, depression, anxiety, shame guilt are often felt plus there could be physical implications like illegal because it kills a baby and still kills and injures moms
2011-02-21 12:06:43 UTC
1.What kind of abortion did you have? For example, a saline abortion, partial birth abortion, etc...

I have had 2 abortions: d&c and suction aspiration

2. At the time, what were your reasons for having an abortion? Please explain

thought it would solve the "problem" pregnancy

did not have anyone to support a life choice

3.Do you believe that a fetus is a living human being? Why or why not?

Yes, at the moment of conception, there is documented scientific evidence

4. If you believe that a fetus is a human being, do you think there should be a law to protect it?

of course, all life should be protected, especially the most vulnerable

5. If you had a chance, would you change what you did? Why or why not?

of course, I would have had the babies and kept them

6. Do you think other women who have had an abortion regret their decision? why or why not?

yes, I know of many women who regret their abortions

7. How has this choice affected you personally?

depression, alcohol dependance, family issues, not being able to bond with my living children

8.What advice would you give to someone who is considering an abortion?

there is help out there so you can have this baby, pregnancy is a temporary thing, abortion is forever

9. Do you feel women who have had an abortion have been lied to? if so, why?

yes, I was lied to. there was n counceling, there was no mention of the pregnancy being a baby, I was told it was a simple procedure and everything would be the same as before after the abortion

10. Does abortion have any negative consequences? If so, what are they?

lowers self-esteem, causes physical, emotional, spiritual harm

11. In your opinion, should abortion be legal because of women’s rights o illegal because of the negative consequences? Why or why not? Please explain

abortion should be illegal, unthinkale. there is never a reason to kill another human being

Additional Details

On question 9, What I mean is some women have said they feel like they had been lied to because the doctor told them the fetus was just a blob of tissue.
2011-02-21 13:41:40 UTC
1. Suction at 7 weeks

2. acquaintance rape; single mom in poverty; sick mother; embarrassed; couldn't think straight because of the crisis - crisis thinking

3. Yes, because the science of embryology clearly shows that life begins at conception.

4. Yes, there should be laws to protect the baby and mother. No woman should have to kill one child in order to feed another. Women lack support and abortion does absolutely nothing to solve the root issues many of us were in leaving us feeling we had no choice but abortion.

5. Yes, if I could do it all over, I would have my child. It would have been a struggle, but with love, that's what really makes a family. Love and life is more important than designer clothes or things.

6. Yes, I know other women regret abortion. I personally know several hundred women who regret abortion. I know them through after abortion support groups, healing ministries and friends by chance. Other women regret their abortions too because the abortion didn't solve their "problem" as promised but rather created a different one. Imagine trying to live with the reality that you killed your own child! After abortion, we were still poor, still raped, still in an abusive relationship, still lacking support, still etc. Abortion doens't get to the root, it merely gets at a simptom.

7. Left me feeling numb, going through life in a fog, neither here nor there, not enjoying all the good that was in my life. Nightmares, panic attacks, flashbacks, over protective of live children, grief crying and panic around the anniversary of date of abortion and should have been birthday. Feeling someone is missing during the Holidays.

8. Don't do it. There is a bond there - mother and child - regardless of the initial crisis thinking. Why do you think women say "they could never give a child for adoption" "after carrying a child to term, I could never give them up, I would love them"? It is because of the still small voice, instinct, mother child connectors, get blurred because of crisis thinking blocking the reality that they love their child, they will love their child and after the abortion they will miss their child.

9. Yes, women are not given all the information related to the truth about abortion. We are told abortion is safer than childbirth, it solves the problem, life will go on like before. Abortion is like Big Tobacco - there are all these abortion advocates duing all these studies saying "there is no such thing as after abortion problems" - "women who carried a child to term suffer more negative after effects than women who have abortions" Well, Big Abortion, like Big Tobacco, has a lot to lose when the truth comes out. Women have been duped into thinking that abortion is this magical thing that turns back the hand of time and solves all problems, but it dosen't solve anything.

10. yes, it is not normal for mothers to kill their own children.This causes a whole array of reactions - see links below.

11. I think society has failed women with this "right to abortion" - it has failed to get to the root cause of poverty, rape, career discriminiation, lack of support, abuse or what ever. You tell me why it is that poor women have no right to have their children? Many think the poor have the duty to abort in order to not overburden the welfare system and prisons.

Abortion does not make poor women rich. It does not un-rape anyone. It does not end domestic violence. Etc. Abortion dosn't solve anything for women - it hurts women and should be unthinkable.

Abortion should be unthinkable to anyone who really truly cares about women, women deserve better. And unthinkable is better than illegal.
2011-02-22 15:10:38 UTC
Hi I would be more then glad to share my experience with you and answer your questions.

1.What kind of abortion did you have? For example, a saline abortion, partial birth abortion, etc...

A- I took RU-486 which is the abortion pill

2. At the time, what were your reasons for having an abortion? Please explain

A- I had no support from the father of the child, I couldnt go to my family for help. I was scared and ashamed to tell anyone, I felt that I would not be able to raise the child on my own. No support from the father was the main reason why i went through with it.

3.Do you believe that a fetus is a living human being? Why or why not?

A- Yes i believe a fetus is a human being because a baby at 8 weeks of age has a heart beat, eyes, feet, hands....

4. If you believe that a fetus is a human being, do you think there should be a law to protect it?

A- Just because the tiny baby is not viable outside the womb does not make it any less human and yes I believe there should be a law to protect the baby.

5. If you had a chance, would you change what you did? Why or why not?

A- Yes i would change what I did. I regret that I made a selfish decision. I did not stand up for myself nor did I stand up for my child. Please visit my website

6. Do you think other women who have had an abortion regret their decision? why or why not?

A- I believe that most women at some point in their life regret the choice they made. It affects everyone at different times. Some women suppress the abortion for so long that it could take years for them to truly come to terms with their decision.

Have you ever heard someone say I regret having my children? Probably not, you might hear I wish I would have done things differntly like waiting longer or waiting till marriage but you never hear them say I should have had an abortion. yet you hear men and women who have had an abortion say all the time say "i regret NOT having my child:"

7. How has this choice affected you personally?

A- This choice has changed my life. I struggled with depression and suicide for a long time. I got counseling and now i give prolife speeches at schools and churches. It made me realize how important this issue is and how little attention it is getting. I no longer view abortion the same.

yahoo said my answer was to long so i divided it into 2 parts for you......................
2011-02-21 20:18:46 UTC
1. I believe I had a suction abortion because of the vacuum sound that I remember and the associated pain.

2. I was in high school. I was afraid and not ready to have a child yet. I was a straight A student-athlete and very active in school. I wanted to go to college, get a degree and then get married/have a family.

3. A fetus is a living human being, a baby. A baby is formed at the moment of conception and given a soul by God. It is not a blob of tissue. It has a heart beat at 3 weeks or about 21 days. By 7 weeks, all the baby's organ are formed and are developing each day. Take a look at the Endowment for Human development website.

4.There absolutely needs to be a law to protect all life in the womb. When a pregnant mom is killed, many states recognize 2 lives - mom and baby. What's the difference in that scenario and when a pregnant mom just doesn't want the baby, can't afford it, isn't ready, etc? There is no difference. It is still 2 people. The DNA for the baby is different from the Mom's - it's another person!

5. If I had a chance to change the "choice" I made, I absolutely, unequivocally would! YES, YES, YES! See #7

6. Yes, many women AND men do regret their abortions. See the Silent No More Awareness website and you will see many of us. We had physical complications, infertility, breast cancer, miscarriages, post traumatic stress syndrome, suicidal thoughts/tendencies, cervical cancer, uterus punctured, infections, embolism, eating disorders, child neglect, bonding with children later is affected, etc. See The Elliott Institute, Dr. David Reardon, Dr. Theresa Burke, Rachel's Vineyard. Rachel's Vineyard is a post-abortion healing ministry to help women and men.

7. For me personally, abortion resulted in infertility. I was unable to conceive a child again. When I was married much later in life and wanted to have a child, I could not! I was not told that could happen. We did do some infertility treatments but not IVF. My abortion affected my future husband. We adopted.

8. Please go to a Pregnancy Resource Center near you. Call 1-800-395-HELP! This hotline is open 24/7 and caring people want to help you. The services at the Pregnancy Resource Centers are confidential and no cost to you. They will help you with an ultrasound, clothing, diapers, car seats, cribs, parenting classes. Abortion is not the answer. Your baby has a heartbeat and wants to know you. See the ultrasound of your baby. Planned Parenthood won't let you see it. Abortion can have terrible consequences like infertility, endometriosis, breast cancer, emotional trauma. It is a choice you will always regret. I know! Most of all, you don't need to make a decision right away. Adoption is always an option.

9. Yes, I do believe women who have had an abortion have been lied to - either directly lies or indirectly. I do know women who were told it's a blob of tissue. A blob of tissue does not have a beating heart or functioning organs. Women cannot see their ultrasounds are not told of the consequences. See Abby Johnson's book, Unplanned - an incredible story of conversion from a Director of Planned Parenthood to a pro-life speaker. She was deceived. Make abortions rare and yet they have quotas to meet. See her book. In the case of rape or incest, women that carry their baby to term and either keep the baby or give it up for adoption heal from the rape and do much better emotionally and psychologically. See Dr. Reardon's research on The Elliott Institute website. Those women that have an abortion have a much greater trauma to heal from - the rape/incest AND the abortion. Rebecca Kiessling and Ryan Bomberger are living today because their moms chose life and they were raped. Ryan started

10. Abortion does have negative consequences. I've already listed some of the negative consequences. This is not an exhaustive list. Again, I would check out several websites as mentioned. Alcohol and drug abuse and promiscuity often result from the abortion as men and women try to bury what they have done. And the man, the father has no choice in the abortion. Where is his choice?

11. Abortion should be illegal because it is a human being, a life. We now have much research on the negative consequences to women and men.

If you need any thing further, please let me know. I would be happy to help you. Let us know how you do on your paper!
2011-02-21 12:13:16 UTC
1. Suction

2. Rape

3. Yes, it has a hearbeat and is fully formed very early and is given a spirit and soul by God at Conception.

4, Yes

5. Because, I now believe it is murder and that babies in the womb feel pain and fight for their lives but I was lied to and told that it was only tissue. A huge lie.

6.Yes. I have personally met atleast a hundred women and everyone of them, 100% have regretted it and suffered from it tremendously.

7. Caused depression, sadness, guilt, pain, sorrow and nightmares. Very deep regret.

8. Do not do it. Put the child up for adoption if there is no way for you to care for it so that an innocent child isn't killed and that you will not be scarred for life by a decision you can never change.

9. Yes, as I stated earlier, many have been and still are being told that it is just tissue and not a human baby, along with many other deceptions.

10. Yes, as I stated above emotionally there are consequences including depression, sadness, guilt, pain, sorrow and nightmares. Also many women are affected physically, some are killed by botched abortions and many can not have other children after the trauma to their womb. These are just a few, but there are many more terrible consequences, some women even commit suicide. Many will have psychological problems after an abortion.

11. It should definitely be illegal because many say they want the right to say what happens to their body, but I believe no one should have the right to kill the body living in them who has no right to choose to live and not be murdered. In every abortion one beating heart is stopped and one is broken. Some women may say they have no regret, but they are in denial and they will at some point feel anguish over what they did. If not before death, at their death, I believe they will wonder if there is a God who will judge what they have done in their life and if so, they will be very sorry to have to confront that evil done to an innocent child.
2011-02-23 08:17:43 UTC
1. I had 2 suction(vacuum method) Abortions(6-8 weeks.)

2. I had been in an abusive relationship, I wasn't prepare to have more children and the physician that I was working with assured me there was nothing there just a blood clot.

3. Absolutely, from the time of conception, life exist in the mother's womb.

4. The fetus should be protected by law as well as the mother. We must continue to fight for the Sanctity of Life. We have to fight for the unborn that doesn't have a voice. We all have a voice,

except for the unborn. Why?, he is human too.

5.Yes, if I had a chance, it would be different. I made the wrong choice and tortured myself for almost 30 years.

6. I know that millions of women regret their decision. I worked with the Rachel's Vineyard Retreat

for the Spanish community and I have witnessed their regrets as well as their pain.

7. I was full of guilt, shame, pain and thought that I could never be forgiven for what I had done.

8. Abortion is NOT the solution. PLEASE get information, there are many different Organizations

that can offer all kinds of help at no cost to you. As a mother we suppose to protect our children

including the fetus.

9. Many women that are considering Abortion, are lied to. I am one of them. A pretty picture is going to be presented to you, however, after the fact reality sets in and the picture becomes very UGLY.

10. Abortion affects women/men physically, emotionally and spiritually. Guilt, shame, pain, low self-esteem, promiscuity, suicide, depression, unhealthy relationships and drug/alcohol dependence.

11. Abortion should be illegal because of the negative consequences that it brings. There is always a solution to every problem, Abortion is not the solution. People's lives are destroyed because of this unthinkable act. Many women have died due to abortions. The Lord says to protect life, not to destroy it.
2011-02-21 19:45:03 UTC
1) I have had 2. Both were vacuum aspiration.

2) The first was to complete nursing school and the second was because my husband threatened to leave me if I didn't.

3) The heart starts beating at 4-5 weeks, before a woman even knows she is pregnant. It has arms and legs and a neurological system including the brain by 6-8 weeks, the most typical time an abortion is performed and when mine were. Please view the following websites:

4) When I found out that I had been lied to about the fetal development of my babies, I became suicidal because I believed I had murdered another human being. They are absolutely human and should be protected.

5) I would never have done what I did, had I known the truth and had not been told they were a blob of tissue. I would never had made that choice. My babies had a right to live and I had no right to kill them. I could have postponed my education for a year. I could have told my husband "no." He ended up leaving anyway.

6) I know they do. I belong to a group called Silent No More Awareness. We are 14,000 men and women who have regretted our decision and are speaking the truth of what it did to us. That many people have been hurt who are willing to speak out. How many more are suffering in silence?

7) As I mentioned before, I became suicidal when I learned the truth, but long before that, I regretted what I did because it is a woman's intrinsic nature to protect her baby, as any female animal will do. I drank, used drugs, became depressed, sought out destructive relationships.

8) Not to do it. First of all, 33% of all pregnancies end in miscarriage. Many people do not know that. How many abortions are performed on non-viable embryos? Ultrasound is not performed by abortion providers, unless the woman is in the second trimester, so they would not even know before they do it. I would also ask her to find out the possible side effects. As an RN, I have stood by patients beds for 30 years reading pages of possible risk to their impending surgery. It must be a verbal explanation. This should be done for abortions also, but I was told nothing and I have not talked to anyone else who has had an abortion that got an explanation either. Abortion is supposed to be safe and rare, yet women are still hurt, damaged and killed. Nothing has changed since Roe v. Wade to protect women. I think the recent arrest of the abortion provider in PA and DE is evidence of this. I would tell her to get ALL the facts before she chooses, so that her choice will be an informed decision.

9) A resounding "YES!" I feel I have covered this above. Women are told that it is a blob of tissue, that it has no shape or heartbeat. I read the other answers to your question. they have also been lied to. I hope they watch those videos. It is a lie. Check out the videos.

10) Many. Emotional, mental and physical. Pelvic inflammatory disease, infertility and sterility, nightmares, depression, addictive behaviors, suicidal ideology, etc. Actually all the symptoms you would find with post-traumatic stress syndrome.

11) Abortion should not be legal because of the harm it does to women and because it ends a life.

We need to protect women from being harmed as we do with any other invasive surgical procedure.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.