Could I be in early labor?
2006-01-26 19:08:28 UTC
I'm almost 35 weeks pregnant and since this last Monday (3 days ago) I have been feeling different.. according to my last ultrasound on Monday the baby turned downwards. Since Tuesday night I have been 'leaking' (It's not urin). My back hurts, my stomach is as hard as a rock, baby hasn't moved too often, my nipples are VERY sensitive - my breasts feel heavier and I feel like I am going to get milk at any time. I havn't had too many contractions, and they are really light. Is this all normal for almost 35 weeks or could I be going into labor?
Six answers:
2006-02-02 15:14:47 UTC
I've had 4 kids and actually the things you listed are normal for around 35 weeks. The number one things to watch for are blood (streaks of blood on the panties or when you wipe, or something like a light period) Watch and count your contractions, if they stay steady and don't go away when you walk around - and are longer, closer together and hurt is a sign of labor. Gush of water or a steady leakage could be a sign of water breakage, but it's actually normal to have more discharge and alot of wetness towards the end. When you go to your ob/gyn have him/her check your membranes to see if they have ruptured though. Good luck.
2006-01-26 19:33:21 UTC
This is what they call braxton hicks contractions your body is getting prepared for the real thing, you may want to call your Doctor or Midwife and let them know about the leaking fluid they will want to make sure it is not your water that is leaking and if it is they will want to keep an eye on you, you must be having a boy they like to cause the most trouble haha,well good luck and congrats on your bundle of joy :)
crystal & benjamin
2006-01-26 21:51:23 UTC
leaking is not a good sign, you need to go to the doctor asap

The mother's belly is the BEST place for your baby, so we don't want to have that baby early. You need to get to the doctor NOW!!!!!! just incase you might be about to go into real labor
2006-01-26 20:15:30 UTC
Call your doctor first thing in the morning it sound like you may be a mama pretty soon ... Good luck and congrads
2006-01-26 19:11:01 UTC
It sure sounds like it's possible. I'd advise you to call your docter. You don't want to wait until it's to late.

2006-01-26 19:42:01 UTC
girl call the doc right now

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