does it hurt giving birth ?
2006-07-31 12:12:18 UTC
will it hurt giving birth ive heard it does and that ur viagina stretches dead wide and the pain is horribe

( no silly answers)
68 answers:
Cat Loves Her Sabres
2006-07-31 12:18:45 UTC
Think pain so bad you can't even remember it because your mind can't comprehend it. That's what God gave us for screwing up; pain in childbirth. Somehow I think making it hard to farm as man's punishment just didn't level up, but God must have known what he was doing. A man faced with that kind of pain would have avoided it at all costs, and people would have died out.
2016-10-02 04:22:25 UTC
Does Giving Birth Hurt
2006-07-31 12:26:54 UTC
yes yes yes yes yes!!!!!!!!!!!! I remember my other telling me how painful it was going to be (unfortunately, I thought she was trying to scare me because I was 16) and I told her that was impossible (that much pain) because women all over the world have babies all the time and if it were that bad, women would stop havnig children all together or at least after the first one. Who in their right mind would want a repeat? I was wrong and she knew that as she laughed at me. I was 17 when my daughter was born (wayyyy too young) and I kid you not, I screamed the ENTIRE 11 hours I was in labor. I was horse when she finally got here. I remember the nurse telling me to shut the F*** up because people were trying to sleep (I went into labor close to midnught) and she was a wench and it made me scream even harder. 4 1/2 years later, I did it all over again, with my son, and that time I vowed not to act like the complete idiot I did during the birth (and labor) of my daughter. I had a lot more control and even though it hurt like hell, I only allowed myself to scream once, REALLY loud and long, and then I was done. It was my way of redeeming myself. LOL The thing I remember most (because it's true, you do forget the pain) is the excrutiating pain that felt like my hips were being pulled (HARD) in two different directions, like a wish bone. That and the back pain, but the hips hurt worse than anything. I am strongly against any of the pain medication though. You won't die and it's not worth it.
2006-07-31 12:18:36 UTC
I have had two children, the first one with an epidural, no pain afterward getting it, and no pain during childbirth, but it did make pushing a bit tricky cause you can' t feel if you are pushing wiht the right muscles. and you can't walk for a while afterward cause your legs are numb and weak. this baby was only 6 pounds

the second I had an epidural and it wore off completely two hours before the birth and it went so much better, not too long of pushing and i could get up right away afterwards. this baby was over 9 pounds

as far as the stretching, and hurting that way, yes it does hurt, but the contractions leading up to that point are far far worse.
2006-07-31 13:29:57 UTC
It does hurt but if you go to ante natal classes you will be taught some breathing exercises & they will help you find a comfortable position to give birth in. If you practice these at home its not so bad coz you will feel in control. I have had 1 natural birth & 1 caeseraen & if i had to choose i would prefer a natural 1.. Its well worth it in the end.. As soon as the baby is born all pain goes out yhe window.
2006-07-31 14:01:10 UTC
depends what medication you are given. to be honest i didn't have an epidural. it hurt a fair amount but i was able to sleep in between contractions on just gas and air and pethadine. by the time the baby's head it crowning which is the hardest part it's pretty much over. pushing my baby out took about 20 mins some women take less time. yes your vagina does have to strech to 10 cm's to be fully dilated but it takes it's time to get there so that part isn't painful. i tore both skin and muscles, but once i was stitched up i was out walking the next day as i went home 14 hours after the birth. it's uncomfortable down there but not painful after birth. the worst part for me was waiting to be told i was in established labour i went through over 30 hours of contractions before they'd give me anything stronger than paracetamol! but for a lot of people this can be quicker. my best advice is to relax.
2006-07-31 12:45:37 UTC
Well, I'll tell you how it is, what hurt and what not.

I've had a baby 11 weeks ago, a baby boy. From the first twinge to the end, it took 25 hours, all in all I had not slept for 43 hours. I cannot believe I actually managed to push the baby out considering that I had not ate for hours and hours so had no energy. Had a curry at midnight, and that was my last meal before having the baby, contractions started at 2.30am and I delivered at 3.33am the following morning. When the contractions are at the highest level, your back hurts and you don't know what to do with yourself. I was in the pool for about 4 hours or so, rubbing my back, I was coping. They offered me gas and air, but I straight away felt sick, so I told them I didn't want it. At 9pm I had a shot of pethidine, which doesn't quite take the pain away, just makes you relax a bit which helped a lot considering I had not slept for a long time. That was the only pain relief I had, and I did not want anybody jabbing my spine, no matter how painful labour was. The best thing was when you get the urge to push, and you push with all you have, but for me it was the pain in the *** that hurt the most - quite literally. For the first time ever in my life I got piles through pushing the baby out. That was the bit that hurt an awful lot!. When the baby's head descends, and slowly starts coming out, that part does not actually hurt that much. It stings, but its not that bad. The moment the baby pops out, ALL THE PAIN JUST GOES AWAY! I had a secondary tear so had to be done up, but that wasn't bad.

I am a wimp when it comes to pain, period pains used to leave me in tears, but I managed to have a natural birth. In fact my pregnancy was harder to deal with as I suffered morning, day and night with sickness until week 21! No joke. The baby is worth every bit of pain, and it is so true what they say, but at the time I didn't believe it. You do forget the pain! Never thought I'd say that, but you really do... you have to go through it to see for yourself, it cannot really be described.
2006-07-31 12:25:57 UTC
The contractions hurt. I recommend an epideral-it stops the pain of contractions. When you're ready to push the baby out, the epideral is wearing off by this point, but sometimes it won't. If this is your first baby, more than likely the doctor will make a small cut "down there" so that when the baby comes out, he or she won't rip you open. and the cut that the doctor makes does not hurt at all. Sometimes he will inject you with anastesia first. Don't worry! All births are different. But there is pain medication available for you. Talk to your gynocologist about your concerns.
2006-07-31 12:23:44 UTC
It can be painful but if you are educated about birth, prepared with different ways to cope and well supported by your caregiver and partner then it is much easier!

I've had 3 unmedicated births. All were amazing. All had MOMENTS where the pain was bad, but it was NEVER something that I couldn't work through and deal with. The moments that I felt were painful were short-lived compared to the entire labor. With my first, crowning was the only hard part and that doesn't take too long. With my second, transition in the car wasn't so fun and then I could feel myself bruising while I pushed out her shoulders. My MW had me change positions and it was better and she came out easier. Being mobile is very helpful! With my third, there were only a few seconds that were hard during pushing.....I think it was crowning.....just one big moan/yell from me and I'd pushed through the pain and that was over.
2006-07-31 12:17:23 UTC
It hurts more than anything else you can imagine but it is well worth it and nature is a very clever thing... you do forget just how awful the pain is. I said I would go through it again 3 hours after having my first child.

That's the thing, it's pain but you know something is going to happen at the end of it.

I have heard you can have an epidural and not feel anything though.
2006-07-31 12:47:00 UTC
yes it hurts loads , i had three days of labour before they decided to give me a c section , it was a night mare saying that some mothers find it easy and not much pain , but were not all super woman are we ? it isn't pleasant but the out come is and at the time you don't care as your so close to seeing your baby that you've waited 9 months to see .

for some reason god made it a forgettable pain so after a day or so it doesn't feel as if it was as bad as you thought at the time !

unfortunately i remember how the pain made me feel and i wont have anymore children because of this .. its sad ain't it ?

what happened to me happens to 1 in every 3000 so i was told .

good luck ..
2006-07-31 14:40:43 UTC
You poor thing! These answers must be giving you nightmares!!!

Yes, childbirth does hurt, the contractions can be painful but are managable with gas and air or pethidine if you want drugs. The last stage, when the head crowns does feel like a burning sensation, but once the head is out the relief is amazing and your left with a beautiful bundle of joy and soon forget the pain.

I'm having my third in 7 weeks and have been told she's gonna be 10lb 11oz!!! Oh my god! That'll really hurt! But it's worth every minute of pain for lifetime of pleasure being a mum brings.

Good luck, don't worry!
Kerry S
2006-07-31 12:32:12 UTC
I just had a baby in March so it is still relatively fresh in my mind. When my doctor broke my water and started to give me Pitocin to induce labor the contractions were bearable. I got an epidural and I only felt a tightness across the top of my tummy. When it was time for me to push the contractions were really strong and felt like bad cramps. As my daughter made her way into the world it felt like my bottom was on fire and then it was over and she was here. If you expect the pain and know that's the only way the baby comes you will do just fine!
2006-07-31 12:29:11 UTC
It would be interesting to know if you are a mum to be or just a curious bystander. Expectant mums know there is an inevitability to the birth + you look beyond the mechanics of that to your exciting new arrival. It seems most lamaze/antenatal classes seem to focus on pain relief for the labour process. In being conditioned to look out for and anticipate to manage pain, we are effectively expecting it. I went with the flow and was amazingly surprised by my body's capabilities needing minimal pain relief for just for the end of the birth. I hope this helps you
2006-08-01 01:21:39 UTC
i didn't have any drugs with either of my children i was in labour for 24 hours with my first and i had a water birth it helped alot, with my and my second 12 hours and went on a birthing ball and that helpedthe contractions are bearable i'm not gonna lie it does hurt when your pushing but you soon forget about it when you've got your baby
2006-07-31 12:19:20 UTC
it doesn't hurt so much that as it does the contractions. that's what hurts like a MOTHER ******!!!! i recommend an epidural. that's the miracle pain killer. the dr will most likely do an epeasiotomy (cut you from your vagina to your butt) then stitch you up when you're done with the birth process. i was medicated for both of mine, so all i know is that the contractions hurt until you get the meds. if you go "natural" without medication, then i'm sure it hurts, but a woman's body is designed to have babies. the vagina is like elastic, it stretches and then goes back to its normal size.
§uper ®ose
2006-07-31 12:18:55 UTC
I haven't personally given birth but was there when a good friend did. If you are concerned about the pain then get an epidural. My friend's baby came too fast so they weren't able to get her one...she had the baby naturally. For her she said it felt like she was taking a very big $h!t & that the painful part was pushing the baby's head out...after that she said the pressure was relieved & it felt better.
2006-07-31 12:18:21 UTC
Yes it does hurt. However the pain is something that won't be as big an issue as you might think because there are hormones that kick in so the pain doesn't bother you that much, you are just happy about having a baby. If it does bother you get an epidural!
emma b
2006-08-01 01:13:17 UTC
Having my son hurt, but its a pain you get used to and eventually just deal with. I managed to have him with just gas and air which did nothing to releive the pain but just makes you a little more unaware...helps you to forget after kind of thing.

My son came within just 3 1/2 hours of labour 20min of that pushing and a healthy 8lb 5oz, i know i was lucky him being my first.

Its going to hurt, but think of it this way, if it was so horredously bad and unbearable, why do people go on to have so many more?
2015-08-10 11:17:09 UTC
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does it hurt giving birth ?

will it hurt giving birth ive heard it does and that ur viagina stretches dead wide and the pain is horribe

( no silly answers)
2006-07-31 12:16:59 UTC
You're kidding, right? It is the worst pain that you'll ever feel. As you live through it you'll wonder if you're actually going to survive to see your child. The muscle is ripping as the baby comes out. The only thing more painful is miscarrying at 4 or 5 months pregnant. That's not silly - that's the honest truth.
2006-07-31 13:05:53 UTC
YES!! But I had an epidural in the end and takes all the pain away apart from when I tore (vagina only stretches SO wide!!). Then just as bad was the week of pain following the birth whilst my stitches were healing. Hurt to walk and pee!!
2006-07-31 12:26:14 UTC
Giving birth always involves some pain or discomfort, but it is not the same from person to person, or from pregnancy to pregnancy. For some, giving birth is uncomfortable, for others incredibly painful! I have experienced both, and my last child was my most painful labor.
2006-07-31 18:35:38 UTC
It does hurt honey.I heard you faint after giving birth to a child, and you sweat a lot.
2006-07-31 12:36:54 UTC
Both of my labor went smooth. With my first son I was induced. My nurse knew I hadn't had a epidural so she came in my room a asked "You don't feel anything you are having great contractions?" I told her no and that labor took about 13 hours. I was told I was the best mom in labor they had ever had.

And with my second son I was feeling my belly getting tight every 8-9min but no pain.I was waiting up for my hubby to get home from work. I sat up for a hour talking to him. Then I went to bed about 9p and I woke up around 8a. My contraction were about 7 min apart so I headed to the hospital. By the time I got there my contraction were coming every minute and I was already 5 cm . I went for 5 to 8 to 10 .By the time I got my epidural my son was ready. The anesthesiologist came in to ask me how my pain was and I said "Great the baby is right there" pointing to my son in my mom's arms. He is now 16 months and we are trying for baby number 3.
2016-03-13 17:06:01 UTC
Yes, but if you are too posh to push or too afraid, you can opt for a C-section or have an epidural. The reason why so many woman forget the pain of natural childbirth is because of the great reward you get in return, a little bundle of joy. It is worth the pain.
2006-07-31 20:02:23 UTC
Sweetie dont worry you cant do anything about it so whats the point fretting? of course it hurts, you already know this but women keep doing it so it must be so worth it, drugs, drugs, drugs are the way to go and it will be fine i promise. When you hold that baby in your arms it will have been so worth it and you will forget the worst bits xx
2006-07-31 12:29:57 UTC
It is such a horrific pain that our mind really doesn't comprehend what's happening... muscles are stretching, skin is ripping, pelvic bones are actually spreading apart and this human being is trying to escape from your body. All in all it's amazing. Soon after birth you have forgotten the real pain because if it was embedded in your brain no one would have more than 1 child!

Today there sre options for pain, but I suggest trying to go natural so you can experience what God has given you. Try birthing classes to teach you breathing techniques and pain management. Good luck!
2006-07-31 12:20:38 UTC
Well of course. Take a big thing and stretch your vagina out, and don't stop until it's about 1 1/2-2 ft wide. That's how it would feel.
2006-07-31 12:19:31 UTC
yes the contractions hurt as your body tries to push the baby out, they last a few moments then you are pain free till the next one. the stretching doesn't hurt just the contractions. but they will give you something to numb the pain don't worry.
2006-07-31 12:17:38 UTC
I had ZERO pain delivering both my children. I had 2 c-sections & boy that's the way to go!! Vaginal birth hurts like hell (so I've been told)Thankfully I wouldn't know. Good luck. Pain or not it's worth it in the end & you forget all about the pain.
2015-01-28 22:35:16 UTC
Hemorrhoids are swollen and inflamed veins in the anal canal. They can be itchy, bleeding and/or painful protrusions just under the skin. To get rid of hemorrhoids you can use this natural method that already have thousands of positive reviews

There are two types internal and external. Internal are inside the anal canal in the lower rectum and external are at the anus. They result from increased pressure in the veins often due to straining during bowel movements and during pregnancy. Scratching in an attempt to relieve the itching symptoms further weakens the area and compounds the problem.
2006-08-01 01:16:35 UTC
obviously-a babies coming through it.its the most awful excruiating pain in the world and you can never be prepared for how awful it is but just remember the most wonderful thing in the world comes out of it, a precious child!!!Good luck-if you are due to give birth soon id read up on it a bit, you sound kinda clueless
Sharon J
2006-07-31 13:32:58 UTC
Yes it does hurt, ive had 3 and ready to have my 4th soon. If your preparing to give birth take the gas and air and just do what your body wants take no notice of anyone telling you otherwise.
2006-07-31 14:19:38 UTC
It is the worst pain in the world at the time but, what you get in return seems to make it disappear. I only had gas and air and I am the wimpiest person in the world (passed out when i had my belly button pierced!) You cannot explain the pain to somebody and to be honest, it wasnt as bad as i had thought it would be, you just get this strength and you jus do it!

If it was that bad, I wouldnt be planning my next!
2006-07-31 15:33:13 UTC
Do bears do number twos in places with lots of trees?

Yes it will hurt more then anything you can imagine. And last hours...

Hence the importance of sex ed, using condoms, getting on the depro injection 9like a 3 month pill) asking what you want to know and that any possible way a sperm cell can get in unprotected inc on fingers, splashes, dripped down, willy pulled out early (it leaks sperm as soon as hard), first time , any time etc etc etc...

Can get you pregnant and then ouchy birth.

Also why its best to abort if too young as hurt more and does more damage as you too small down there.

Ask whatever you want to know... BEFORE you do anything...

If you ever think something went wrong in something sexaul you did... ALWAYS get a morning after pill ASAP. Bunk off school, run, scream shout get the pill fast or ooooooooooooouch.

Hence called morning after... if you wait and ask questions here it may be too late.

When you are much older thats the time to have babies ie late twenties when you are better equiped down there to handle it. And tougher
Miss E
2006-07-31 12:18:12 UTC
the worst part i think for a pregnancy is when you're having contractions, yeah it does hurt but in the end its worth it. when i was pregnant i watched baby stories all the time and lifetime movies so i was expecting that giving birth was going to be a lot worst, in the end i didn't think it was that bad and i had no epidural
2006-07-31 12:27:36 UTC

Yes labour does really hurt. If your worried about it then make a plan on how you want your labour to go or even go to the doctor/hospital and tell them how scared you are. It will hurt so be prepared.
2006-07-31 12:17:32 UTC
Giving birth it the single most painful thing the human body can go through. The 2nd is passing a kidney stone... males get it good dont they!.
2006-07-31 12:28:32 UTC
Well I was so scared my whole pregnancy about this. They decided to induce me, and to tell you the truth I was comportable, I was in labor for 18 hrs, and epidural hurt the most. I ended up having a c-section, and the recovery was real bad.
2017-02-18 01:05:08 UTC
2006-07-31 12:40:51 UTC
Don't forget that you're designed to do this. You're designed to 'stretch dead wide'. Your anatomy will change as pregnancy goes on to accommodate something the size of a baby. Every person on this planet was given birth to by a woman that generally coped with it. My wife's had three children. Each labour was very short, the babies shot out at great speed and she was back home the same afternoon walking around. You've just got to be really positive and determined to get it over with as quickly as possible. The reason my wife has easy births is because she's very strong minded...the baby's not staying in!!!!! I'm not trying to take anything away from women that have difficult births, but it's only the horror stories you seem to hear about. If you're worried about pain, go and see your doctor and educate yourself. I'm not saying my wife wasn't in pain but she did find it bareable and didn't scream the hospital down. Talk to people who really know about these things rather than individual experiences that are probably not relevent to you. This is the worst place to ask a question like that.
2006-07-31 12:23:28 UTC
Of course! Get yourself educated and it will a lot less scary and that in itself will help you tremendously! Go to your doctor with concerns! Most hospitals have classes on birthing and parenting and I suggest you take both.
Lindsay M
2006-07-31 12:16:08 UTC
Not if you're drugged like I was. I had an epidural and a few hours later, there was my baby w/ only 8 minutes of pushing. Drugs, always drugs.
2015-12-05 18:48:31 UTC
Not at all I had my Dady girl 8months ago she's my life why think about the pain think about how many memories she would bring if you are going though this you are okay just rememder love your baby
2006-08-01 01:05:54 UTC
when i was in labour i found the pain very uncomfortable but i didn't find it sore when i was pushing. I was in labour for 29 hours without anything that takes the pain away
2006-08-01 02:12:04 UTC
of coures its going to hurt but the midwife can give you something for the pain. but it is different for everyone not everyone has the same pains in birth you might be lucky it might not be that painful for you.
2006-07-31 12:15:47 UTC it doesnt hurt if you have an dont feel anything

and yes your vagina dialates and thinns out to give birth to make room for babys head and shoulders... so it does stretch!
who be boo?
2006-07-31 12:17:59 UTC
yes it hurts, no don't get pregnant until u r ready to deal with the pain, if you r already pregnant, practice meditating to control the pain.
2006-07-31 12:16:46 UTC
Even with an epidural, it hurts.

If the baby's head is too big, you can get an episotomy, where they have to cut part of the vaginal opening.
2006-07-31 12:17:41 UTC
well yes it hurts alot it feels like someone is cutting our vigina and burning but is just for a ittle while dont worry is worst it...if you really want a child....
2006-07-31 12:17:43 UTC
Yes it does
Terri L
2006-07-31 16:38:58 UTC
some do experience pain for me having a C-SECTION HURT LIKE HELL WHEN THE DOCTOR HAD TO BREAK MY WATER
2006-07-31 12:15:17 UTC
Yeah. It hurts. A lot.
2006-07-31 12:17:45 UTC
Yep but, you can get an injection (dunno what it's called) which makes the pain go. My mum had this when she was giving birth to me and all she felt was her leg hurting. lol
2006-07-31 12:15:44 UTC
I heard it hurts, but the epidural is wonderful!!!
2006-07-31 12:27:39 UTC
if you ask other people they will tell you yes. don't listen to them you have to prove it for yourself because everybodies feelings are different.
sunshine girl
2006-07-31 15:15:07 UTC
well yes it does, it brings your body to new heights of pain, btu stay focused and do it naturally.
2006-07-31 12:16:39 UTC
it hurts, but you forget the pain.
2006-07-31 12:14:58 UTC
yep. you get it about right. if you are scared, get an epidural, it helps a lot.
2006-07-31 12:21:52 UTC
You must not be an adult because this is a question most people already know the answer to.

I suggest you go and watch Discovery Health or the Learning Channel they have births on there and you come back and tell us does having a baby hurt.

Swallow a watermelon and try to poop it out and tell me if that hurts.
2006-07-31 12:19:01 UTC
sure does hurt, but when you see the baby its all worth it!!!
2006-07-31 12:16:51 UTC
Ever taken a c rap that split ya hole?...........think of that ten times as wide and coming out the other hole!........Kids are great though.
2006-07-31 12:16:08 UTC
Dos,nt hurt me, I,m male
♥ jojo ♥
2006-07-31 12:16:07 UTC
2006-07-31 12:16:19 UTC

like hell
2006-07-31 12:15:12 UTC
well duh!
2006-07-31 12:14:24 UTC
Well... DUH, course it hurts.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.