Dad wants to drug test me WTF? ?
2009-01-21 10:16:08 UTC
Ok my dad thinks I am getting high on pot. (I plead the 5 th on this one). He said that as a parent blah blah blah he has legal rights at I am 15 he can drug test me.It is not like I am a bad in school I get all "A"s. He says he can see redness in my eyes and really glossy. (he says from pot) Can he force me to drug test? He said their is some court order he can put in and drug test me? He tries to say their is some kind of center that drug test people. Is their such a thing ?But can he legally force me take a drug test. I am not saying I would have something in my System I am 100 % sure I don't just don't think it is fair to accuse someone and make them take a drug test .I mean I could see why he would drug test me if he found a joint in my room but he did not. I live in Michigan.
47 answers:
2009-01-21 10:22:17 UTC
YES, he can legally make you take a drug test. He is your father and you are a minor and he can do anything he wants aside from abusing you. If you haven't done drugs, I don't see why you care so much...

He can't physically force you, but he can threaten anything he wants. He can take away everything you own until you do what he say...

There are centers that drug test people, it costs a lot. He can buy a home drug test from Rite Aid for like $15.

lmao! Someone actually said you are old enough to make your own decisions, at 15 years old. hahaha. That is the best joke I've heard all day.
2016-05-23 13:07:28 UTC
Can he force me to drug test? Yes he can. You are a minor, and it is not illegal for him to drug test you. He said their is some court order he can put in and drug test me? Yes, but if he wants he can also buy a test from a pharmacy and perform one himself if he decides to do so. He tries to say their is some kind of center that drug test people. Is their such a thing ? Yes there is. Unfortunately for you, it really doesn't matter what you think is fair. Until you turn 18, your parents can do whatever they see fit even if that includes a drug test, so long as what they are doing is not physically harming you (which it isn't!) The fact that he is a police officer gives him even more power in a sense because he knows what he can and can not do, and he knows how to do it. If you ARE doing drugs and you test positive, then maybe it will be a good thing that he finds out because then you can start to get treatment. If you test negative, then good for you and don't be upset about him wanting to test you. If you aren't doing drugs then you have nothing to hide. Sounds to me like he is being a great parent by wanting to know what his child is in to. I'm sorry if you don't like this answer, but that's the way the world works until you turn 18, at which point you can move out and do whatever you want.
2009-01-21 10:28:51 UTC
You plead the 5th but your not guilty? I'm a mom of 4 and you sound like you're scared to me. But to answer your question YES he can force you to be drug tested. And as a parent, none of us want our children to make the mistakes we've made. Hindsight is always 20/20. My advice is put the bong down or your A's will soon be F's. There's a heck of a lot more to life than a buzz. And if you're not doing anything then your defensiveness is making your dad think you are. So get it together and try to communicate with your dad and find out why he's concerned. Maybe the people you're hanging with?
2009-01-21 10:22:20 UTC
Because of your age he probably has every right but I cant see why he would accuse you of such things if your a good student and he has no proof. All id say is fine agree to get the test done and prove him wrong. The longer you resist the more he is going to think your guilty.

Maybe he can respect you more and actual believe you after he has done the test but i find it highly untrusting of him and would be extremely annoying if my own parents didnt believe me on such a matter especially when he doesnt even have proof. and the redness in your eyes could be caused by tiredness or possible an infection.
Stephen L
2009-01-21 10:23:47 UTC
You shouldn't do anything that you will have to hide later, I have learned and understand this now finally in my life. That way when you come to a problem like this then you can live easily and free knowing that you are fine and have nothing to worry about. And btw, if you are worried about failing a drug test at age 15, then you need to seriously take a step back and ask yourself what you are doing with your life. You're only 15, life gets way harder than that, and you are already making poor choices. Furthermore you should be lucky that you have parent who cares and is willing to look after you and help you make the right decisions.

Good luck because you are going to need it, it seems. Peace.
Yoohoo girl
2009-01-21 10:22:49 UTC
First of all - he is your legal guardian until you are 18. He can do anything with you. Sad but true. He must have a reason to want to test you. If you are upset about his trust issue, then did you do anything to lose his trust? Not fair to accuse you? Only not fair if you are 100% clean. Heck - I'd have you tested if I were your mom.

Yes - he can have you tested. If you resist, he legally can have you forced into testing even without good cause because he is your legal guardian until you are 18.

If you are clean, no worries about the test. You won't fail and then you can show him. If you aren't clean, you get what you deserve. Pot will only screw your life up.
River Euphrates
2009-01-21 10:32:25 UTC
Lets just say that because you are 15 and pregnant, you can't really be trusted to take responsibility for yourself - which is why your parents have legal custody of you.

Anytime you think that you can go support yourself and your child on your straight A's - then you can tell your dad to go take a drug test himself.

Until then, yes - he can tell you to go take a drug test. And you better hope it comes up clean. I don't even care about you smoking pot, but if you are pregnant, it's no longer about you.

You are about to get a serious reality check.
2009-01-21 10:23:30 UTC
If you have nothing to hide, then there is no problem and you shouldn't care if he wants you to do one. The fact that your so pi**ed about it tells me you are smoking pot, and when dad finally confirms it your a** is grass!! Your fifteen, no you shouldn't be doing any drugs!! And yes, you are a minor, he can force you to do it! And, the drug tests, can also detect the products used to clean the system to get rid of the toxins. So, why don't you quit? And getting mad's not going to help, dad's about to find out! The big girl thing to do is to just come clean!!!
Mrs. Amazing
2009-01-21 10:30:11 UTC
You should put yourself in your dads shoes. what if you were a parent and concerned about your own child. Your could be doing this for only two reasons........he is just totally crazy or he just had a strong suspicion about you and drugs. If you are innocent then I just don't understand your fight against it. I don't know if parents can legally drug test you, but they can certainly ruin your life by never letting you have freedom or not letting you get a drivers license. I think you should comply, because they are your parents. If you can follow the rules, be respectful and act mature then you will probably have more freedom.
2009-01-21 10:21:35 UTC
Your dad has a right to drug test you because he is your damn father. He owns you. Not only legally, but morally deserves to own you because obviously you are an irresponsible child that needs someone with a brain to at least show you how to pretend that you have one. Besides, there is nothing wrong with having to take a drug test, all you do is piss in a cup and only if you were doing drugs do you get a negative, in which case you deserved to get tested. Stop being a whiny bіtch.
2009-01-21 10:25:31 UTC
It sucks,but at fifteen,I believe they have those rights. I don't understand,even if you are smoking it (it's been proven the most nonharmful drug out there,btw) what reasons does he have to do that to you? You are keeping your grades up,and stuff seems good for you. It could be worse,even if you are doing it,you could be letting your grades slip,not caring about anything,etc. It stinks he's like that about it,all I can say is keep your system clean and take one,prove him wrong. I don't see a problem with smoking pot,it beats what half the other kids out there are doing,getting high on their parent's pain pills and stuff.
Jacob A
2009-01-21 10:26:14 UTC
dude. yes. until you are 18, your parent or legal guardian can make you do just about anything they want as long as it is in the confounds of the law. if you don't he canhave you charged with insubordination (meaning you aren't doing what he wnts) and possibly locked up. If you dont smoke, take the drug test and when it comes up clean say "i told you so" and add "I hate you at the end" if you do smoke, take the pink niacin or golden seal root, you can get them at walmart, after 1-2 days of takeing the pills 3 times a day and drinking water till your sick all day, you will still pass it and you can say that ****. once you pass it he will leave you alone until you give him a reason not to. legally drugs are bad ( I have to say this to avoid charges myself)
2009-01-21 10:22:15 UTC
Well, there is apparently some reason he feels the need to. And judging by the way you asked the question you sound pretty rebellious.

Yes, he can legally have you tested if you are a minor.

If you don't do drugs than you have nothing to worry about.
Miss D
2009-01-21 10:23:14 UTC
Your father has the right to have you tested if he suspects that you are using anything, so cool your jets and clean up, it will take a week or two to get it out of your system (drink LOTS of water every day) and take the stupid test it will make him happy and shut him up you may also want to look up the accuracy numbers on the testing equipment as well because the saliva machines are extremely inaccurate.
2009-01-21 10:22:47 UTC
He can make you take the test, but if your 100% sure nothing will show up, you shouldn't be worried. Try not to look to worried. If he see's that you are really worried about it, then he will know that you have a reason to be worried. My dad did the same thing. So what I did is I just acted not worried and pretty confident that he wouldn't find anything. (I was lying lmao) And he saw that I was so sure he wouldn't find anything he just "forgot" about the test.

Don't worry about it if you are sure nothing is in your system.
2009-01-21 10:22:07 UTC
You are in the states so I would check with your state on those laws. Here in Canada, you can get a drug screen test done on your child. If you have nothing to hide, why would you be bothered by it? Why did you post this in the "Pregnancy" section? Maybe your Dad has good reason to want to test you. Peace:)
You asked, I answered
2009-01-21 10:21:06 UTC
As a minor, he can absolutely make you take a drug test, it is completely legal! And he is being a responsible parent by doing so, if he thinks you're using...I'm assuming that since you plead the 5th, that you are. He does not need a court order.
2009-01-21 10:21:27 UTC
you're still under age so i'm sure he could make you do a test. I've heard of people buying home drug tests somewhere, and making their kids do them. If you 100% sure you dont have anything in your system why are you making so much of fuss over it, just get it done and over with and give your father peace of mind.
Just Me
2009-01-21 10:20:12 UTC
He's the parent and can ask for a drug test. Until you are 18 years old, your parents are the ones "in charge" for lack of a better word. It does stink and I was there with my own parents when I was your age. In a way, be happy he gives a darn, too many parents don't.
2009-01-21 10:34:00 UTC
You are a minor he is your guardian I would say yes he has that right...But they don't just test by urine anymore they also can test your hair which can give them not only if you use it but a time frame of when it is used...
2009-01-21 10:21:05 UTC
You're under 18 so you're legally under his charge and he can make you get drug tested.

My dad used to threaten the same thing and I used to tell him to go right ahead because I knew I wasn't doing anything. He eventually dropped it. When you get irritated and tell them no, it just makes them (parents) think you're doing whatever it is they're accusing you of.
2009-01-21 10:20:59 UTC
legally speaking, *No*....HE can not force you to take a drug test - however, he CAN request that a JUDGE order you to do so - therefore, the answer is then actually *Yes* - through the proper legal channels...

edit: the above is correct - after all, if all it took was a parent to demand that their kid get drug tested and they refused, every night on the news, you'd see *tons* of teens being forcibly escorted by police and medical personnel to be tested -

yet, you don't - why? - because it takes a court order to *force* a teen (or anyone else, for that matter) to take a drug test - and if that order is in place, and the teen refuses, THEN they will be forcibly escorted by police and medical personnel in order to be tested - and quite possibly also be taken in for psychiatric evaluation at the same time.
2009-01-21 10:20:52 UTC
Don't put up a fight. If you know you didn't do drugs then take the drug test to prove your right.

Then your dad will feel like a complete douche packer in the end.
2009-01-21 10:21:46 UTC
then whats the problem? ur acting as is you do drugs...just take the test, prove him wrong and in the long run, you can always bring this up if he was wrong, he wont accuse you as much or w/e
2009-01-21 10:19:54 UTC
You are still a minor, and if he has reseasonable suspicions that you are doing something illegal, yes he can give you a drug test. You can be ordered by a court to do one as well, no matter your age.
2009-01-21 10:21:08 UTC
YES he can. You are a minor child and his responsibility.

It does not matter what grades you get. Smoking dope is illegal.

It's obvious you get high, so why are you so offended that its obvious and he busted you? Don't do the crime if you can't do the crime. Go pee in the cup and take your beatings.
2009-01-21 10:21:08 UTC
If you have nothing hide, what are you worried about? He's your parent. The law is on his side, not yours. Wait till your 18. Then you get take them to get real jobs. Sucks growing up don't it?
Emma P
2009-01-21 10:19:32 UTC
Why are you so upset about it if you aren't guilty? And yes, as your parent, he has every legal right to drug test you. You aren't 18 yet! Rofl, and I have no idea why this is in the "Pregnancy" section.
Sunshine Hell
2009-01-21 10:20:50 UTC
yeah he can go to the drug store and get a test to test for pot. i think you do smoke pot otherwise you wouldnt care about him testing you.
2009-01-21 10:22:36 UTC







2009-01-21 10:20:16 UTC
He is your legal guardian, he can have you drug tested.
2009-01-21 10:21:16 UTC
Your father sounds like a paranoid schizophrenic with nothing better to do than harrass his daughter. He needs to get a life and you need to stick to your guns. However, pot isn't good for you!
2009-01-21 10:25:32 UTC
he should test you. you are 15 trust me its for your own good.
2009-01-21 10:20:55 UTC
your 15 yes he can do whatever he wants, so prove him wrong and take the test willingly
Jennifer M
2009-01-21 10:24:21 UTC
if you know you dont do drugs dont push the issue
Matthew's Momma
2009-01-21 10:22:04 UTC
Yeah, you are a minor, and he has control over you.
2009-01-21 10:20:09 UTC
why not just get it done and over with? if you are NOT doing it then just do it.. and if you are well just deal with the consequences.
Steven J
2009-01-21 10:21:07 UTC
you plead the 5 th????????????lol. your a pot head just admit it
Prophet 1102
2009-01-21 10:19:05 UTC
Trust, but verify.
2009-01-21 10:21:24 UTC
Why don't you just take it? If you did not do anything take it and rub it in his face about how "You don't even trust me dad, thanks" and sulk off into your room and ignore him for days.

It always works.
2009-01-21 10:19:41 UTC
what r u hiding do it to prove him wrong if u r so confident...and yes he can
2009-01-21 10:21:03 UTC
There are drug testing centres, and you're old enough to make your own decisions. your dad is too paranoid. tell him to bugger off. redness in your eyes isnt always a drug thing... you can get it when your tired.. when your eyes are sore... hey its even natural to have it there all the time.
Will S
2009-01-21 10:19:21 UTC
Don't do drugs, you will be happier in the long run. Father knows best...
2009-01-21 10:22:00 UTC
run away 2 amsterdam , loads of weed there!!!!!
2009-01-21 10:20:35 UTC
Not 18 years but 16 dumbass. Nah, I would get angry too if my dad had done this.
2009-01-21 10:19:17 UTC
I don't think he can force you, but it doesn't look good if you refuse.
2009-01-21 10:19:54 UTC
wow your dad is a douchebag

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